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An Act the more effectually to prevent trading with Slaves, and for other purposes. 1825 8 (1825)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0075 and id is 1 raw text is: 1825.                                     8
AN ACT to amend the act entitled an act regulatine judicial pKoceed.
ings, and for other purposes.
SCTION 1. 1e i ienaicted by th, Senath and House of Reprc-
sentatives of the State of 41abaina in General Assembly convened,
That so m31ch of the act entitled anl act regulating jud icial proceed-
ing-s inl Vvrmin cases, and for other purposes, passed December
Itepealed,  eighteenth, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, as provides that
no executor or administrator shall be liable oit of thleil individaold
estate lor not plendingL, mispleading, or false plenoling in, or tio any
action whatevvir, which may be brought against theill as Stich, be,
and le saine is hereby repea!ed.
. Sec. 2. And be itfjurther enacted, That no security thr at exe-
culor or adinioiytrator shall be chargable beyond the  ofelis  fi he
testator, or intistrile, on account of any omission, or mistake, in
pleading of the executor or- ainiiiiistrator.
Sec. 3. And be it further enated, That the appointnunt of a
debtor executor, shall in no cas'- be dren d an extinguishinwnt of
the debt, unless it he so directed'ini ti will.
Sec. 4. And be it fartiwr enacted, h'liat if any person shall die
after the first dav of J1anry, tie servants anid sinvs of Which lie
reaii st    W 9as possessId, whhilicr held fir life or other iiterest, and which
premiises.  Were employed in makinig i trop, shall be contined on lhe piin-
tution in lie occupationi of the deredent, at the time of his diath,
until the last day of December following, and thwn dilivi'd to
those who shall have a right to demand til same ; ao thei t rops
shall be asselts inl the hands of the executors and amniritirs,
sulbject to debts, legacies, and distributiini ; tie levius aind tax's,
their tools, the expense of feeling the lnd thii thilies to that
time, aaid delivering them well clot  be, oing first deducted.
(Approved, .Ianuary 12, 1826.)
AN ACT the nore cfecctually to prevent trading with Slaves, and for
other purposes.
Wherras great injury and iiconveience is experie ned b.% the
Cidizes ofanwiY cities, towis aid ieighborhoods, inl the state of Al-
abnain, in c0isiierwnce of the illicit taide and  inflic whicl is en-
couragred and carideu on, by miiy evil disposed persons, with the
slave population; for sienwidy whvietif-
SECrioN 1. Be it enacted by the S'enate' (Ind House of BRpre-
sentatives of the State of -ilabrna in General Assembly convened,
Personspro. That no perrson, whosoivei, Shall buy, sel or reciive of, to or fro ml,
hibited froin any slave oi slaves, any commodity of any kind or description what-
trading with
ngaves  wihhi- soever, without the leave oir consnt of tie master, owner or overseer
olilt  perois- (f soch slave or slaves in wt iting, vxpressing the articles pea nitted
slun,       to be bought, sold or barrtei ad; or inless the miaster, ownie of over-
sepr of ray such shave or slaves, shld Iersonally nutliorize the slime;
anilt if any person oi persons shall IY fromi, or sell to, air deal, trade
or barter with, any slave or slaves, without such collselt aid permis-
sion previously hadal.given or oitained, li, she or they, sii &-illlind,
shall be subject to iodictimeiit; all uponolli il tioini, sihall be lik$ I not
Penalty.   less than tell dollars, nor more than on undred dollars, ri   inpri-
soied in tlt, coilon jail of hila conly, 3ot less'lian fi. ILdI's, nor
more than six months; it tir discretion if die jiay, b) who iali- in-
dictmenit is ti ii! .'ho lniiy iinfliet ove ~r btof il lii:ifresaid piennhlies.
SEc. 2. Jnd he if 'frther enadctel, That I li, iel shill not tih' ill
force until the first day of March next. (Approved, Jan. 2, 1826.)

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