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An Act making appropriations for certain claims against the State, and for other purposes. 1823 97 (1823)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0041 and id is 1 raw text is: 97                             1823.
Sc2. iAnd he it firther enacted, That the sum of one Secretary
hundred dollars be allowed the secretary of the Senate for of senate.
ex oflicio services in arranging the papers of the Senate and
preparintg the Journal for the press.
Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, That the sum of one Clerk nfiI.
hundred dollars be allowed the clerk of the House of Rep. of Rep.
resentatives for ex oflicio services in arranging the public
papers and preparing the Journal for the press.
Sec. 4. dnd be it further enacted, That the sum of two of atar
hundred and fifty dollars he appropriated as compensation
to the secretary of state, for copying the Laws and Journals
of the present session of the General Assembly and pre-
paring them for the press.
Sec. 5. .dAd be -it jhrther enacted, That the sum of two Comptrol-
hundred dollars be allowed the comptroller of public ac- lor,
counts for clerk hire paid by him during the present session.
(Approved, Dec. 31, 1823.)
Mtaking appropriationu for certain claims against the State, and for other
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen.
tatives (f the State <f* .dlubana, in General .Assembly convened, Appropri.
That the sumo ofeiht. hundred dollars be, and the same is here- ntio, for
by appropriated to the payment of' the road commissioners up- RoadComl-
pointed under the act of the seventeenth of December, one missioners.
thosanud eight hundred and twenty-one, if so much should he
necessary, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not oth-
erwise appropriated: Provided, That the same shall be reim-
bursed out of the three per cent. fund, when so much thereof
shall be received.
Sec. 2. He it further enacted, That the sum of seven hundred For retur-
dollars be. and the sane is hereby appropriated for the pay- ing officers
ment of the returning oflicers, appointed under the act of the of election
last session, entitled - An act to divide the State into Districts for Rep's.
fior electing Representatives to Congress, if so much shoulb in Con-
be necessary, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not
otherwise a ppropriated.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the sum of one hundred For Jailer
and fifteen dollars and twenty cents be, and the same is hereby ofMorgan.
appropriated to the payment of William Campbell, jailer of Mor-
gun county, for provisions furnished to certain prisoners in the
jail of said county.
Sec. 4. Be it terther enacted, That the sum of thirty-two dol- For Jailer
Inrs and forty cents be, and the same is hereby appropriated to of Lauder-
Ihi payment of' Jonathan Rhodes, jailer of Lauderdale county, dale.
fe provisions thuruished-to certain prisoners in the jail of said
Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the sum of sixty-three dol- For Jailer
lars and twenty cetits be, and the same is hereby appropriated ofSt.ClaiT.
to the payment of John W. Gregory, jailer of St. Clair county,
tor proVisioUs furnished to certain prisoners in the jail of said

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