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An Act to authorize Daniel Reid to emancipate certain slaves therein named. 1820 104 (1820)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0016 and id is 1 raw text is: 820.


An act appointing aditonal preeincts Tr holding
elections in the County ofbibh.
Sec. .-Be it enacted by the Sente and House of Representatives of the
State of Alabama inGeiheralAssmbly convenad, That in addition to theylaces
nwiv appointed by law for holding electionsin the county of Bibb an election
shall be held at the house of Henry W. Stevens, and one at the house of
John Allen in sAid.Zounty. This act shall commence mnd be in force -film
and after the passage thereof. [Approved Dcc. co. 1H20.]
AII Act to athorize       Daniel Reid to       emanicipate
certain slaves thereih named.
Sectioi 1. Be it enactedby the Senate. and Hotise of i'epresentatiiva, qf
he State ofAiabana in General Assembly convemrd, That Daniel Reid,
ta man ofcolor, of Washington county, be) and he is bereby author-
ized and empowvered to oiancipate his twochildren Judah and Eliza,
so soon as the said Daniel Reid shalt iave executed totheChief Justice
ofthe c:ounty court of Washington and his successors in office, a bond
with sufficient security to he approved ofby the county court condition-
ed that the said slaves J'ulah nndEliza or either ofthem,shall ne*'er be,
cone chargable to the state of Alabama, or any county or town withi.
the same.         j./Ipproved December IIth, 1820.]
Mn act vo alter anld extad the boundaries of the
county of Haldwin, and for other purpdaUs.
)iundary. Section 1. Be it etacted by the Sena!t and Jouse rfIepresentative' of the Statel
of Aha nia, in Generolissembly coiaened, That the boundaries of the county
of Baldwin be, and they are hereby altered and extemled, and shall intfuture
he comprized within the following limits, to wit : beginning at that point on
the Alabama river, where it umites with flittle-river, thence up little-river to
the point where said riveris intersected by the range line between ranges five
and six, east of the basis meridian line of the land district east of Pearl river
thence nrth along said line to the northwest corner of township three, in
range six ; thence cost along the township line, between townships three
dad four, it. range seven; thence south along thq range line between the
ranges seven and eight, to the thirty first degiee of north latitude ; thence
in a direct line to the head of Perdido river ; thence down said river to the
mouth thereof; thence along the coast of the Gulph of Mexico to the chan-
nel or pass between Mobile point and Dauphin isinnd ; thence through said
pess and the middle ofMobile bay to the center of i direct line, to be drawn
I atween the towns of Mobile and 1lakeiley ;. thence in a direct line to the
head of middle rivert4o called at itsjunction with Tensa river ; thence up
the Tensa river to) its junction with the Mobilb river; thence up Mobile ri
ver to the junction of the Tomheckbe and Alabama rivers ; thence up T'dp.
Feckbe river t6 the mouth otf the out off so called ; 'thence through the cut
offto the Alabama river; thence ip the Alabama to the mouth of little river
the place of beginding.
!tion to. Sec. . And be itfurther ewuated, That all th-it part of Baldwin county ly-
,bit  o ing south of the liec of.Washington copnty and west of the Toombeckbe and
Mobile rivers, be, and the same is hereby added to, and shil infuture'com-
prize-a part of the county of Mobile.
Sec. 3. And be itfurther enacted, Thaft all. that tract of cr untry, which
onroe. has hitherto been a part ''of E3nkwiss catasty, -and which lies in the Fork
commonly socalled, betiveen the rivers Atahavmand Tombeckbe, atnd north
of the Out oR, le, and the sameis hereby adderi so, amsl shall in future com-
prize a part of the oitaty of Monroe.
c. 4. JAnd be it forir enacted. That the seatof inatice or court house
s       bt oju. Fo the said county of Baldwin as established byI lhe tist section ofthisact
*    be, and the same as hereby fixed in the town of Blakeley.

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