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An Act to provide for the Organization and Disciplining of the Militia of the State of Alabama. 1819 17 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0013 and id is 1 raw text is: r.17 ]
Sec. 6. And be itfurther enacted. That this act shall beThisact In force
in force from and after the passage thereof.      '    gfrm  its pas-
Sec. 7. And be itjitrther eniacted, That all the acts of a. Acts of clerks
mly clerks electedi under the Chistitituion, and Who have  o rnteredon
noted as clerks of the Superior and County Courts shallbe thciru d ,if
good ill law and equity.                              fore athorised
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, Tliattlie Gov'ernor be,cndercd valid.
ati he hereby is nut horized, thetthwith to issue writs of e-
lectlions to some fit persons inl those counties where there Got'r to h
Wts Oftclectjli
is ?io Sivritr or Clerks in said comity or counties for the to new countias
pirpose of electing Sheriffs, Clerks, &c. And, that the
mnagistrates and constables in commissloi, who may havo Maglstrates and
fall i into any new county,'other than the county or coun.Constableani
tios for which they were appointed and cinnmissioied, in, ave 'nLC4I nO
cOinsequence of the (ivision of counties, sliall continue as ntw  counties,
Suchi. and hold dIl(I exercise the duties of their respective of- to be cuotinaelf
lices until others shall he elected al qualified according toas sect.
(Signed).            JAMES DELLET,
Spcakcr of the House of liepresentatives.
President aj the Senat
Approved-Dec 17, 1819.
(Signed)                1M. W. BIBB.
An1 act to pr orVie fo    heO        niaio       n
DiscA-ipi     ig to the Militis of the Stae
SECTIO.N 1. 1BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Nho liable tv
Representati-ves of the State ofillabama, in General .Issembly militia duty.
con-vened, Thatall firee white meii and indented servants, be-
tween the agk- of eighteen and forty five yearn, shall coin,
poe tie militial Of this State, Judges of the Supreme,
Chancery, Circuit, and County Courts, Secretary of State,
Treasurer, Comptroller, Attorney General, Solicitors to
the direret circuits, licensd Ninisters of the Gosliel of
eveiy deniination, public Foriymen,.Instices of the Peace.
Postmasters who have lie care of the mail of the United
States, and Postvid'rs shall be exempted from militia ditty, Eiceptlons,
exceptini capesof immui nenit danger. insurrection or invasion
Sec. 2. And be it furlher citled. That the militia of this
State shall compose 'our Di isions. i lie first of whihal rse Division.
cOMsist 0f thl1e countites Of Jarcksi, MAlisni, Lim,estoie and Second Division
Lauderdale lie second divii Ol .lkII he comiiposed' ofr the
counties of Colleno, Blloit, St Clair, Lawirenc, Franklinl,
Marion, Tisc aloosa. Shl-ilby and .1 effesoln  the tlIhird di- 3d Dvhiaou
Vitiiou shall ho compod of the counties.of Greene  Ma.

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