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An Act to raise a revenue for the support of Government for the year 1820. 1819 89 (1819)

handle is hein.slavery/ssactsal0012 and id is 1 raw text is: or of the peace, for the commission of any offenace against
the penal laws ofthis state, of a higher grade than pvtit lar.
Ceny, if the justice afler examiliin should think, there
are just or probable grouids of miuspicion of the guilt or
Cril iIit)' of tll oflinder, he shal imimlediately collimit
such slave to jail, andi he is hereby eipowered and directed
to issue a suin:nIais to tile sherifforthe county, to summnons
the ju.t ices of the cltllidy court, and ajtiiry of twelve good
and law ftl men of the ieinage, to meet at, the court hou e
of said couity, neither of whom shall be iatce of said s!ave
or ieltted to the iaster' or prosecutor ol such slave, inl any
(egree, which would be a cause of challenge to a jurynalt
ini a trial of a free person  and such court ani juiry shall
proceed in the trial of such slave without presentimelt or in-
dictmenlt, mul no shave shall be condeineivd, unless he be
found guilty by a juiry, after allo\% ing him or' helrcounilsel in
his or ier dcl'ece whose fee aull tiing to Itenl dollars tiliall
be I1aid by the oiiwr of the slave : Providcd always, ThatPrevian,
wVheIn juldgment deati shall be passed upon such offender,
there shall be hiirty days (,at least' betwe en thetime ofpas-
sing judgment and the day of exi cntlyn, except in cases of
con)spirtacy, inisuirocetion or reblllion.
Sec. I, .Ind be itfurther enacted, That all ads and parts
of acts, not ren'gnranit to the pr ovisions oft his act, shall be,
anul the same are li'erchy co inued ill full force.
(Signieo)           JAMES DELLET,
Speaker oflhe House of Iepresentatives.
p1resident of the Senate.
Appro~vd-lDoc. 17', 1819.
(Sigied)              WNM. W. BIBB.
Aln aet to rise a      veuve forl 1h supIprt
o~v     erieto          the year 18%tV.
Section 1. Fe it etiacted by the Scnate and Iouse nf lRep-
resentatives of the State of Alabama, in (eneral ssembil Cia'-sication of
Col'vened, That all lallk in Iis State  suhbJect 141 taxationi, Ilds.
shall belotig to oue clasS tir first quality of which shall be
r'ed at six (Itolars licr acre, the seentid quality at foour dll-
lar's per acre, and(I the t hird quality at two dollars p11e1r acre:
tnd the owner or person subject t) 1ay taxes for the same,
shall, when he or she shall gile iin a list ct' his or her lands,
state on oath, to which (quality his or ler Ia'ds helog.
See 2. And be it further enacted, That hlie  anl of twel- T ax on l11n16 at
ty-five  cents flr  every  hun1h1dred  dollars valel, be  paid  on11 IC Ate  of  >
all lands witlin this State whihi have beet, cleared out ao c;o dtol7rY

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