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1 Owen Lovejoy, The Fanaticism of the Democratic Party 1 (1859)

handle is hein.slavery/fntcdm0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 

      The Fanaticism of the Democratic Party.





    Delivered in -the U. S. House of Representatives, February 21, 1859.

  Within the last five lustrums, a strange fanat- and almost incredible transformation ; for, since
icism has made its appearance in this coun- the Ages drew up the reins and started on
try-a fanaticism at once monstrous and malign, their journey, I do not suppose they have wit-
Twenty-five years ago, by the universal senti- nessed such a stupendous Lie as the Democratic
ment of the country, Slavery was deemed a party now is. I speak of the organization, with-
moral, social, and political evil ;. a wrong to the out any reference to the individuals who corn-
slave, an injury to the owner, a blight on the pose the party.  From the sole of the foot even
soil, a detriment to all the best interests of the unto the head, there is no soundness in it; but
communities or States where it was found, and, wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores: they
in its reflex influence, a reproach and damage have not been closed, neither bound up, neither
to the whole country. By many, it may be, this mollified with ointment  - unmedicated and
evil was considered incurable, but still an evil. unbandaged, it drips with its fetid putrescence.
But within the period indicated, a different sen-  Look at the President's message, now under
timent has sprung up. This fanaticism deems discussion. It is instinct with simulation and
Slavery not an evil, but a blessing.        deceit. Professedly he deprecates the discus-
  Formerly by all, and still by all right-think- sion and agitation of the Slavery question, and
ing men, Slavery was regarded as a hag, ugly, yet the whole of the message is engrossed with
deformed, wrinkled, and covered with the daub it. Not a leading topic of that state paper that
and paint of harlotry ; but now we are told it is has not a direct or remote bearing on it. What
an angel of beauty, a virgin decked in bridal do we want of another slice from Mexico ? Is
attire, to be gazed on with complacency and our population pressing against our boundaries?
love ! Candidates who aspire to gubernatorial Let the vast regions within our present limits
honors are made to renounce opinions held a yet unoccupied, and which will not be occu-
quarter of a century ago, and give in their ad- pied for the next half century, answer that
hesion to this new dogma, to wit: that Slavery question. Why, then, does the Executive urge
is a blessing. It is not any longer the question the acquisition of more of the Mexican domain?
how a cancer can be cured-whether by knife It is that Slavery and Disunion, twin-born of
or caustic, or other remedial agencies-but to Darkness, may have a rail car in which to ride.
have a cancer is now proclaimed to be a sound This is openly avowed, in the other end of the
and normal condition of the human system, the Capitol. What is that part of the message re-
highest type of health, and, if on the face, an lating to Kansas, but the querulous last word of
ornament and beauty spot. Every one, to en- an old man, whose Pro-Shvery policy had been
joy perfect health, must have this form of dis- condemned by the country? What occasion is
ease gnawing at his vitals. The spirit of this there for the doleful tone of the message in re-
fanaticism has taken possession of the Demo- gard to the future decadence of thp Republic,
cratic partyy and worked therein a wonderful which has given rise in Europe to so many

Reproduced with permission from the University of Illinois at Chicago

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