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1999 New Hampshire Attorney General Reports and Opinions 1 (1999)

handle is hein.sag/sagnh0003 and id is 1 raw text is: March 9, 1999

Robert W. Varney, Commissioner
Department of Environmental Services
6 Hazen Drive
Concord, New Hampshire 03301
Dear Commissioner Varney:
By letter dated November 6, 1998, the Office of Health Management of the Department of Health and Human
Services requested, through the Department of Environmental Services, an opinion concerning the proper
interpretation of RSA 485:14, which prohibits the introduction of fluoride into domestic water supply sources
without voter approval. A short review of the relevant statutes and responses to specific questions follow.
RSA 485:14 states:
No fluorine shall be introduced into the water of any lake, pond, reservoir or stream tributary from which the
domestic water supply is taken unless and until the municipality using said waters has held a public hearing
as to the introduction of fluorine into the public water supplies in said municipality, and the voters of such
municipality have approved such action pursuant to RSA 44:16 or 52:23. RSA 485:14.
RSA 44:16 provides a detailed procedure for residents of a city to consider the desirability of public water
supply fluoridation:
Letter to Mr. Robert W. Varney
March 9TH, 1999
Upon the written application of 10 percent of the voters in any city, presented to the city clerk prior to the
municipal election, the city clerk shall insert on the ballot to be used at said elections the following questions:
Shall permission be granted to introduce fluorides into the public water system? Beside this question shall
be printed the word yes and the word no with the proper boxes for the voter to indicate his choice. If a
majority of the voters at said election do not approve the use of fluorides in the public water system for said
city, no fluorides shall be introduced into the public water supply system.
If fluorides have, prior to said vote, been so introduced, such use shall be discontinued until such time as the
voters of the city shall, by majority vote, approve the use of such fluorides. After such popular referendum,
the city clerk shall not insert the aforementioned question relative to the use of fluorides in public water
system on the ballot to be used at the municipal election for a minimum of three years from the date of the
last popular referendum, and only upon written application at that time of not less than 10 percent of the
registered voters of said city.
RSA 44:16.
In similar language, RSA 52:23 establishes a procedure for voters in any village water district to consider the
fluoridation issue. RSA 31:17-a provides a comparable procedure for voters residing in a town.
In addition to the public hearing and voter referendum requirement described above, the engineering and
public health merits of a fluoridation proposal must be demonstrated to the Department of Environmental
Services (DES). RSA 485:8 and Env-Ws 375.03 require a supplier of water to submit detailed technical
information concerning a fluoridation proposal for review by DES. A supplier of water is defined by law to
mean a person who controls, owns or generally manages a public water system. RSA 485:1, XVI.
Letter to Mr. Robert W. Varney
March 9TH, 1999
There is no legal requirement that the DES's review of a fluoridation proposal either precede or come after

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