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3 State of New York. In Convention. Record 1011 (1894)

handle is hein.newyork/nyincvrec0003 and id is 1 raw text is: 




                          No. 60.


   Friday afternoon, August 17, 1894.
   The ICointltttllo,nal, iConvenltdon of
 'the State of New  York met In the
 Assenbly Chamber, in the Caplitol,
 at Alibany, N. Y., August 17th, 1894,
 at 'three oclock, P. M.
   Presfident Cho-ate called the Oon-
 vention to order.
   M'r. Cookinham took the chair in
 committee of the whole, on the mat-
 ter pending at the itime recess was
 The Chai.rman-The Convention is
 in comrnmittee of the Whole upon con-
 sideration of the amendment offered
 by Mr. Green, of New York, to the
 amendment of Mr. Mereness. What
 is the pleasure of the Convention?
 Mr. Hill--Mr. Clhla irman, may we
 have the amendment read?
 The secretary read ithe amendiment
 as follows: Insert after the word
 'State' in line four, the words 'nor
 the board of estimate and apportion-
 ment of 'the city of New York.' 
 ,Mr. Vedder-Mr. Chai-rman, I do
 not know  exac(tly where I left off
 when I was left in mid-air by the
 gavel of the President, whether I was
 go-ing up or coming down.
 Mi. Cookinham--lThe Chair is un-
 able to inform. the gentleman.
 Mr. Vedder-I have only this to say
 in addition Ito what 1I have already
 said, that another reason wihich I,
 perhaps, did not advlance why I sug-
 gest this amendment, is, that it would
 save the people a greait deal of annoy-
 ance.. There  being  no   provision
 against it, no complaint could be
 made to-day -against an officer who
 was in, office, seeking, as he might, to
 have (his salary  increased. There
 could be nothing possibly said against
an officer whose salary was increased
during his term of office, butt it would

save the Legislature a great deal of
annoyance If this provision could be
passed. It would also save the local
legislature, the  county  boards  of
supervisors, a great deal of annoy-
ance, 'in regard to 'the counity officers
seeking to have their salaries raised
during their term. I remember a few
years -ago, When I was in the Senate,
that some ,ounty judge had (his sal-
lary Increased  during the iterm for
which he was elected, )and ithat was
followed immediately by ten or fif-
teen bills from other co'unties to have
'the salaries of their county judges
increased, 'and for no reason except
that ,they ,said the other county judge,
Who did not do any more work and
was 'not any greater 'man Ithan they,
'had had his salary Increased, and,
therefore, theirs should be increased.
I rememlber 'also, in the counity which
'Mr. McKinstry so gpardly represents
uipon 'this floor (Aiplause), the surro-
gate wanted his salary increased, and
he no sooner was comfoetably seated
in the office than he began a cam-
lpaign upon it-he Legislature of the
State to 'have his salary increased,
and for months pethtions were flo'wing
in an unending stream upon Ithe Leg-
islature asking that )his salary be in-
creased, and another stream  a little
larger of remonstrances were flowing
into the legisl iative halls, and a f ail-
ure waus had-
  Mr. Dickey-4Mr. Chairman, I would
like to ask the gentleman a question,
whether any members of the Senate
or Assembly resdgined because of these

  'Mr. Vedider-No, hut they felt as
if, -if they had resigned, that ithen they
would be at rest ,anmd the wicked would
cease from -troubling. They felt that
way. But the desire Ito hold office was
so strong that they did 'not resign.

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