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27 Swiss Rev. Int'l Competition L. 1 (1986)

handle is hein.kluwer/wcl0027 and id is 1 raw text is: SWISS REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION LAW

JUNE 1986


Blocking Statutes and Sovereign Compulsion in American Antitrust Litigation
James R. ATWOOD ...........  ..................................... 5
EEC Regulations on Patent Licensing and R and D: Analysis, Developments and
Sandra PLOTTIER . .......... ................................. ...... 25
Nouvelles Frontikres and EEC Competition Law in the Air Transport Sector: A
Restatement of Classical Jurisdictional Rules
Jean-Frangois BELLIs ............... ................................ 51
Comments on the Judgment Delivered by the Court of Justice of the European
Communities on April 30th, 1986 Concerning the Application of the
Competition Rules of the Treaty of Rome to Air Transport
Antoine CHAVAN ........... ................................. ......57
Document: Court of Justice of the European Communities
Judgment of the Court- 30 April 1986 (Fixing of Air Tariffs - Applicability of
the Competition Rules in the EEC Treaty) ...... ...................  65
Correspondence ........... ......................................       79
Books Received. ...........  .....................................       85
Copyright ' 2007 by Kluwer Law International. All rights reserved.
No claim asserted to original government works.

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