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8 Rev. Bras. Arb. 1 (2010-2011)

handle is hein.kluwer/rvbrasarb0008 and id is 1 raw text is: 

ISSN 1806-809X

Revista Brasileira de


                         AND VIII - N 28 - OUT-Nov-DEz 2010

                                Elton Jose Donato
                                Joao Bosco Lee

                               Adriana Noemi Pucci

                                Clavio Valenga Filho

                                ASSISTENTES OF REDA AO
                                Ana Paula Montans
                                Sabrina Ribas Bolfer

                                CONSELHO EDITORIAL
          Nacional: Adriana Braghetta, Carlos Alberto Carmona, Carmem Tiburcio,
          Eduardo Dami5o Gongalves, Eduardo Grebler, Jose Emilio Nunes Pinto,
             Jose Maria Rossani Garcez, Luiz Olavo Baptista, Nadia de Araujo,
                   Pedro Batista Martins, Selma Lemes, Welber Barral

           Estrangeiro: Alejandro Garro, Charles Jarrosson, Eduardo Silva Romero,
           Fabrizio Marella, Fernando Mantilla-Serrano, Horacio Grigera Na6n,
                          Jdrgen Samtleben, Thomas Clay

                              COLABORADORES DESTA EDI  O
           Adriana Noemi Pucci, Alexandre Freitas Camara, Ana Paula Montans,
           Carlos Eduardo de Vasconcelos, Fabiane Vergosa, Fl6via Bittar Neves,
      Jose Miguel J6dice, Leonardo M~der Furtado dos Santos, Luciano Benetti Timm,
          Luiz Gustavo Meira Moser, Marcelo Dias Gongalves Vilela, Marco Gradi,
          Mauricio Gomm-Santos, Mauro Cunha Azevedo Neto, Paula Costa e Silva,
                      Quinn Smith, Tatiana de Oliveira Gongalves

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