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14 Eur. Foreign Aff. Rev. [i] (2009)

handle is hein.kluwer/eurofa0014 and id is 1 raw text is: EUROPEAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS REVIEW

Volume 14                         Spring 2009                           Issue 1
Editorial Comment: EU-US Relations at the Outset of the Obama Presidency:      I
The Potential for Leadership and a New Deal
Jdrg Monar
EU-EC External Competences after the Small Arms Judgment                      7
Bart Van Vooren
The Lisbon Treaty and the Foreign, Security and Defence Policy:              25
Reforms, Implementation and the Consequences of (non-)Ratification
Richard Whitman and Ana Juncos
EU Border Assistance Mission: Beyond Border Monitoring?                      47
Xymena Kurowska and Benjamin Tallis
Judicial Review by the European Court of Justice of                          65
UN 'Smart Sanctions' Against Terror in the Kadi Dispute
Guy Harpaz
Path Dependency in EU Enlargement: Macedonia's Candidate Status from a       89
Historical Institutionalist Perspective
Jessica Giandomenico
The European Union: A Normative or Normal Power?                             113
Steve Wood
The Cyprus Problem in the European Parliament:                               129
A Case of Successful or Superficial Europeanization?
Stelios Stavridis and Charalambos Tsardanidis
The European Union and Developing Countries                                 157
Yves Bourdot, Joakim Gullstrand and Karin Olofsdotter (eds)
EU Security Governance                                                      158
Emil Kirchner and James Sperling
Bestimmungsfaktoren und Handlungsfcihigkeit der Europaischen Sicherheits - und  160
Verteidigungspolitik [Determining Factors and Action Capacity of the European
Security and Defence Policy]
Sibylle Lang
La difesa europea [European Defence]                                        161
Antonio Missiroli and Alessandro Pansa
Copyright 2007 by Kluwer Law International. All rights reserved
No claim asserted to original government works.

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