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9 Eur. Rev. Private L. 1 (2001)

handle is hein.kluwer/erpl0009 and id is 1 raw text is: European Review of Private Law
Volume 9 No. 1, 2001
Gerrit BETLEM and Ewoud HONDius/ European Private Law after
the Treaty of Amsterdam                                            3-20
Klaus Peter BERGER/ The principles of European Contract Law and
the concept of the Creeping Codification of law                 21-34
Jiirgen BASEDOW/ Codification of Private Law in the European Union:
the making of a hybrid                                            35-49
Alberto MONTV Environmental risk: a comparative law and economics
approach to liability and insurance                               51-79
Case Notes/Annotations/Entscheidungsanmerkungen
Swiss Bundesgericht, 26 September 1997, a strong incentive to the
litigants to act promptly.
Note by Patrick WAUTELET                                         81-92
Osterreichische Oberster Gerichthof, Urteil vom 2.7.1998 - Zur
Haftung ffir die Beschdidigung eines gef'lligkeitshalber
gelenkten fremden PKWs.
Notes by Andreas FOTSCHL and Heleni THEODOROU                   93-114
High Court 28.11.1990, Immunity for suit? - Mareva Injunctions,
Constructive Trusts and the salutary tale of Mizrahi Bank.
Note by Oonagh BREEN                                           115-131
BGH, Urteil vom 7. Juli 1998 - Zu den rechtlichen Auswirkungen
eines Kalkulationsirrtums.
Notes by Paulo MOTA PINTO, Ferdinand KERSCHNER,
Rolf DOTEVALL, Heleni THEODOROU                                133-148
Ant6nio PINTO MONTEIRO/ clause p~nale/penalty clause/Vertragsstrafe  149-153
Contributors                                                    155-156
Copyright © 2007 by Kluwer Law International. All rights reserved.
No claim asserted to original government works.

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