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12 EC Tax Rev. 1 (2003)

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A window of opportunity for the making of Europe
Frans Vanistendael
Removal of income tax barriers to market integration
in the European Union: litigation by the
Community citizen instead of harmonization
by the Community legislature?
Servaas van Thiel
Is VAT (also) monopolized in Italy?
Rene N.G. van der Paardt and Christoph Wager
The link between tax coordination and
tax harmonization
Amparo Grau and Pedro M. Herrera
Is corporate income tax a withholding tax?
Giovanni Rolle
A multilateral tax convention for the
European Union?
Manuel Pires
Caroline Docclo
Richard Weidlich
Peter Elliot
Ivonne Simic
Gerard Schwab & Richard Weidlich
Janne Juusela
Carla Calcagnile

EC TAX 1WEW 2603j

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