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10 Eur. Bus. L. Rev. 1 (1999)

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Volume 10         January/February              1999


German International Insolvency Law and its Relation to
the EC Convention on Insolvency Proceedings                          2
Professor A Fessner, Humboldt Universiy
Towards a Common European Procedural Law (Part 2)                    8
Professor E Werlauff, Aalborg Universiy
Liability of the French State for Negligent Supervision of Banks     13
D Fairgrieve, Brasenose College, Oxford and KBelloir, Rouse & Co International
The Commission's Communications on the General Good - Magna
Carta or Law-Making?                                                24
N Tornberg, Kommeskollegium (National Board of Trade), Stockholm
Foreign Direct Investment Liberalisation: Institutional 'Anarchy' and
the Stability of the International Banking System                   47
LE Panourgias, Harvard University
Cases, Comment and Reviews
Chopping off Hydra's Heads: EU Efforts for a Simpler Business
Environment                                                         62
JFWRDannenbring, German Confederation of Skilled Crafts & Trades, Bonn
Control and Transparency in Business (KonTraG): Corporate
Governance Reform in Germany                                        70
Dr U  ibert, Ministry of Justice, Bonn
Book Review: Banking and Financial Services Regulation
(2 ed, Butterworths, 1998)                                          76
DrMAndenas, Centre of European Law, King's College London
and Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

Copyright © 2007 by Kluwer Law International. All rights reserved.
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