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42 Common Market L. Rev. [i] (2005)

handle is hein.kluwer/cmlr0042 and id is 1 raw text is: COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW

CONTENTS Vol. 42 No. 1 February 2005
Editorial comments: European Contract Law: Quo Vadis?            1-7
J. Komdrek, Federal elements in the Community judicial
system: Building coherence in the Community legal order   9-34
N. Reich, The Courage doctrine: Encouraging or discouraging
compensation for antitrust injuries?                     35-66
F. Pennings, Co-ordination of social security on the basis of the
State-of-employment principle: Time for an alternative?  67-89
M. Krajewski, External trade law and the Constitution Treaty:
Towards a federal and more democratic common commercial
policy?                                                 91-127
T. Eilmansberger, How to distinguish good from bad competition
under Article 82 EC: In search of clearer and more coherent
standards for anti-competitive abuses                  129-177
Case law
A. Court of Justice
Case C-453/00, Kiihne & Heinz NV v. Produktschap voor Pluimvee
en Eieren, with annotation by R. Caranta               179-188
Case C-322/01, Deutscher Apothekerverband e V v. 0800 DocMorris
NV and Jacques Waterval, with annotation by R. Lang    189-204
Case C- 13 8/02, Brian Francis Collins v. Secretary of State for Work
and Pensions, with annotation by H. Oosterom-Staples   205-223
Case C-109/01, Secretary of State for the Home Department v.
H. Akrich, with annotation by E. Spaventa              225-239
Case C- 116/02, Erich Gasser GmbH v. MISA T Srl, with annotation by
R. Fentiman                                            241-259
Case C-41/00 P, Interporc Im- und Export GmbH v. Commission of the
European Communities; Case T-76/02, Mara Messina v.
Commission of the European Communities; Case T-47/01,
Co-Frutta Soc. Coop. RI v. Commission of the European
Communities, with annotation by M.E. de Leeuw          261-280
Book reviews                                                 281-301
Survey of literature                                         303-318
Publications received, 2004                                  319-323
Copyright ' 2007 by Kluwer Law International. All rights reserved.
No claims asserted to original government works.

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