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77 Zbornik Znanstvenih Razprav [i] (2017)

handle is hein.journals/zbnazprv77 and id is 1 raw text is: 

Table of Contents

  7    Alenka Selih
        Dosmrtni zapor in njegova odprava
        Life Imprisonment and its Abolition

 25     Sabina Zgaga
        Pregon mednarodnih hudodelstev in naelo zakonitosti
        Criminal Prosecution of International Crimes and Principle ofLegality

 53     Miha Sepec, Damjan Koroec
        Dileme kaznivega dejanja neupravkene izdaje poklicne skrivnosti
        Disclosure of Professional Secrecy - A Criminal Law Analysis and Dilemmas

 77     Damjan Koroec, Katja Skrubej
        Posebna inkriminacija detomora: od kod in kam?
        Special Incrimination of Infanticide: Wherefrom and Where to?

119     Sinopsisi

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