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11 Young Law. 1 (1955)

handle is hein.journals/ynglwr11 and id is 1 raw text is: 74 YOUNG LAWYER
Published for Young Lawyers by the

Junior Bar Conference

American Bar Association

VOL. XI                                                         FEBRUARY, 1955                                                              NO. 1
ABA Slates Pacific Southwest
Meeting at Phoenix, April 13-16
About 2,000 lawyers of six western states will be drawn to Phoenix, April
13 to 16, by the Pacific Soutnwest Regional Meeting of the American Bar Associa-
Ei n I. lost to the meetiing will le the State Bar (f Arizona.
Walter E. Craig of Poenix, general chairman for the meeting, said that
invitations will go to attorneys throughout Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevarda,
New Mexico, and Utah. Membership in the Aimerican Bar Association is not
a prerequisite to atted, lie said.

JBC Midyear Meeting
Customarily, the ABA Bd. of Gov-
esnors, its Sections' Councils (including
the JBC), its llouse of Delegates, and
Conferences   of  Bar   Presidents  and
Secretaries meet in Chicago's Edgewater
Beach Hotel at Washington's Birthday
time. 1955 is no exception.
The JBC's schedule calls for Council
Meetings Sun. Feb. 20 from 9:30 a.m.
to 12:45 p.m. with reports by Person.
nel, Information   Directors and   their
eoninittees, 2:15 to 5:45, reports by
Professional, Services   Directors and
committees plus some Circuit problems.
Next, topping off the slay, a cocktail
party at the Hotel. Other impromptu
social events can also he expected.
Deliberations resume at 9:00 Mon.
Feb. 21, continue till 1:00. Topics in-
elude discussions of regional and an-
nul mectings-, adhitiaral oiniittoe and
officers reports.
Among the many well-known ABA
menibers who are scheduled to drop in
on the JBC deliberations are Robert T.
Barton (Bd. of Guy. advisor to Con.
ference) and Whitney It. Harris (ABA
Exee. Dir.). Both will speak briefly.
The JBC Directors meet in their third
quarterly session on Feb. 19.
Make Annual Meeting Reser-
vations Early for Philadelphia
The Junior liar Activities will be lield
Friilay hrough Monday, August 19-22,
195$, while the other activities af the Anual
Meelirg are setldvi1 for August 22-26.
Junior liar iieadtiiarcrs will tie at tle
SYI.VANIA IlOTEi,, Lo:enst Street off lroad.
Daily  - u : Single $7.0i $7.50; two persons,
twin tieidn $11.50-$13.00; parlor, iedroom and
hait, $20.00; sit say he  liujct io change.
Juni r  liar       ielr   find  ilii  soim
noie pleasaint at this hotel.
Vheni reqtesting reservation., -snd Regis-
tratini Fee of $10.00. and specific rvilest,
incluing: lintel (II, 2ii and 3rd choice);
number anti type of room or rooms required;
nanies sod addresses of all persons who will
orapy tiesi; definit, ar)riva dale; apprnxi
ae hue at arrival; iiiprobable deiarture date.
For further information, see p. 11, Jan. '55,
ABA Journal. Reternatinceiueslsns fee
should be aent to the AiA's Resvrsatin Dlew..
1155 E. 60th St., Chicago 37, it.
You Are Invited!
To the Pacific Southwest Re.
giounal Meeting     in  Phoenix,
Arizona, April 13-16.
Young iawyers in Ariz., Calif.,
Colo., Nev., N. 31. & Utah have
a particular invitation to meet
with other lawyers, enjoy the
JBC Public Info Program and
the Arizona resort attractions.
-Stanley B. Balbach
National Chairman

AlA   Presidet Loyc   Wright. Lie.
Angeles, Calif., and   cxeral nationally
priinent speakers will leaIlinic the
general assetbls   prograin set for the
morning of April 14 id Iotel Westwarid
oli, eonivion heduliilcrs.
Planned ito keei lwyei, jidgen, te'lihloi,
and1 ]cr asociatioii offivvrs iihitast ii nea
el t - een llll. Ilt  ~a     lltll ...s   o  i-
Isles aiiil n'linirs liai l. nvhaduiled for
Ii-  Init'i-ting:  til-utiOnl;  lnininu-  Junllior  13a
tCiiiilis'e   ii~r acfiiilies; einin law and
jtlvo ii lhiieiiy; r-t tvotey proliate
and lll   t o i Ind pensionu aid polii- liaring
iv ii ill; iildieiail iaiiatiio:
irs   ii:.; lu lfficie ia a     uiniiiiiipal
lho  and flotig, e  rationi hnking, and
hlinnn  law;  told  cinti-nrlt  la.
'The annial iain-iiiion of thl Sute hal, if
Arizona Will iifail y ia-lp ed,  ..e hrioal
Schedule of Events
The Paific soolihwet ieting will oi1nii
ini a eolipliniary reception ol Ilie eveing
of April 1. Following tie general asseslly
oi il tieorning of April 14. the convenlion
illes nnd seitinarsn will riii until noon
,ct Apiril i4, find day of tile convention. 'I ie
ienvenslins snal baquet will le heu] li
ie  iight  t  April 15.
1Pieiipal anong tours to tie eoniueei will
be a trip iilanned by tie mining secii  to
ape-lulit inmes of Kennevta Minin'g Corp.r-.
linn at Ray, Ariz.
l}th Iiaifii sosthwest ieeig is sac of
fior planned for 1955 s that lawyers in
sarious s         o.fis ot the country iiay cos-
vlitwly join il the activities of the national
'he Alls tgianal Metinigs tninie
feels   iiat io this way file AlBA provides a
niedium thrlt h  hieh, lalwyers oay develo P
ilofl nioin I seltinient and  inluenee  the
growth and deneleoiiint of law to toot Ith'
needs of the public.
E. S1yhe Gaiihrell of Atlanta, Clairan
,if iti,- AllA's Regional Meetings Contiltee,
aid Mr. Cliig are I .ing assistied in formulating
eeting plinis by: Chrlet A. BeavIdsley, T. I.
iyrine, J. Farly Craig, Guy Crinip, Jaies l.
tallt, ad,, Cliarl. IT. Woods as Ilnoasy
C'lailrnlI  Fadsixiitie tOiiel   tn- ntenlters
Arthur Mt. flavis, C. A. Cerson, 1l1, Josepih
%. Crowe, James Mt. Murnphy, Joseph   I,
ltalston, n Ivan Robinette.
Consisitt, Chairisen are: Artisr Ni. Dasi.
Advisory Costiiee: Joseph S. Jckes, Jr.
ald lames R. iel)aigalt, iteceptioan  JIc
IL. laney, ltegistration & lIntel Acotmloda-
tions; Joslph A. Crowe, Finance; Walter
Roclie, Dic.tinguilhed Gats; Clarence J.
Duncan, I rekflasi, Luneols, Ba3tioet :
Itow lieu  Roush, Entertainment; and tr.
XV. Ieaneois XWilsan. Ladies  Fltainnontl.
JBC Plans
The JBC Committee is headed hy Calvin
11. Udall of Phoenix as Chairman and iI-
cludes Robert I-I. Alen, James 1'. Bartlett.
Willin  E. Kimhle, Rudolpi Mariseal, Alfred
C. Marquez. Jack L. Ogg, Raymond l'eterson.
John Westover. and W. Younger Weod.
The Coaleerr will .onso a public in-
formation iaorkstlp for lawyers on TIrs.,
afternoon, April I. This program is leing
aernged b, JBC Publie tnformnticn Cani
toittee Chairman Jack C. Deacon of Jones-
bhro, Ark., assisted by Charles Keith Shay
af Chicago, Vice Chairman. Following the
Thursday evening Regional Meeting dinier.
tbe JBC will hol a dasre for al the lawyers
and their ouests it attendance at the Mteet-
for Phoenix   tegional Meeting with
Jack 1. Laney                (Fee 35.00)
610 Lohra Tower            Phoenix, Ariz.

ALL ABOARD AT NEW ORLEANS. J5Cs. ..d iheir wives ss    li psed as l  harbor trip. when the
Csos.c'i Bonrd of Directors pin ,ts Fifth ad tiglhh Ci-isi t i  h t  iy in Dsecmbsr.
(Story. p. 4) Piiafr.d  a-  -  Mergenan P. Ant, Mr,. Robs.s 0, Stnrcy, Jr., M- Mran P.
Aise, M-s. Stanly B. Blbcnth, Mrs. Edward J DeVers,i Jr., M-r Jest C. Deason, Rnhet U. Storey,
Jr., nd Edward J. DVerg., Jr. Stdi   on.sleps s S-anlsy B. Blheh nd John G. Wino.a

March for Membership:
JBC Launches Second
Annual Drive for ABA
Stanley It. hilbch. Coni.ference Chair-
lt  has iianllolnield that Mareh sill
again lie Meiibership Moth for ilthe
.BC, acting as sales agentts for the ABA.
Conierning  ABA   in-ershil, Stan
,a) a:
We inl fle J1BC believe that ca,li young
lawcr, from  ilrely selfish notives,
tshouhl lie inspired to join the ABA for
the following reasons: The iriaingular
mark of Marittiluale is a hel Oi for-
warded lusiness, lice ABA Journal gives
naional information in regard to lawyer
affairs. including summaries of federal
court decisitns. The seetlins of the
Assn. offer additional  en ae fir pro-
fessional iiprovemient, and the social
ittacts are pleasant iall oin occasion
It  is  lIt  iiccesnat y,  absentilii  iite-
grated lar, for a lat>yer it lie it ieiber
,if his local bar association. the lsale liar
association or th ABA. aind udoulticd-
ly there are many lawyers who do itot
In This Issue
* Lawyers & Social Security, p. 2
* Legal Specialists, p. 2
* Unauthorized Practice, p. 3
* Information Service, p. 3
* Junior Bar Around the Country, p. 4
* Cincinnati Meeting Plans, p. 2
belong to any bar association. aini it is
etry possible that those lawyer feel that
their business does not warrant this
membership. These men we cannot help.
We lal sioew them the advantlages. We
cal inIfori tliem coneerni ng their obli-
gatlion to their profession. but ,there are
some las>ers vhioimU te cannot Itursuiade.
Lawcrs as a griop are ict selfish.
Ther' are fete lawyers who are satisfied
Ili ride free.  Many lasiyers til-
ihihtedly refrain from joining the ABA
sitiply because liey are not aware of
tle Assn.'s devotion to setisie. The
ABA is the only organization i hich can
speak io the national level for lawyers.
Out Assn. maintained an aetive interest
in the proposed socializing of the medi.
cal profession. It maintained an active
interest iii the Jenkins-Keogli bills,
which would allow the saving of money
for retirement and the postpining of
taxation on that money until it was
actually used. It maintained an active
(Coniinued on p. 4. Col. 3)

JB Committee, Tax Section
Gives Tax Hints to JBC
is  (I:oit(;i: I).  .\]I-tn 'llt. (.'/iliaoicin
'lie lav, te..r , a   I1 ally  .lher  indi-
s idll cigaiged in it ir'fessimi. tirade or
business. is enihld Io dtdut fir fed-
tcral ;---~ll  ta, pl ... pse~s lhie '~ll'  o
nonlertililing 'liets -r ils .i.lit--n exini-
inig or pto,t five.
lhi   lhi t.  ltl~ii'itii  i'ri  li ii   iii~ i'll ilh
Ili  , di nii  th i lilies  p ill i l lll 1-N.- ilr -,h
brlili uilto in huth ~i muu'i is
Ih fe ihlg   llll iii  it  r.i-i' ill  to r duci
iii  v lh n ai  I t   s ii lill. , n il'   ha   re iel l i
indiali Iha i i i-tigagi -  il a nore a-iduon
-1.~ll o.   E:.  ex-'1i t  ale-otllt.  Tighler .  ...-
ftu.' e iul if  snii  ii  ll i   lthe  t.
lli,  i isi ll I 'e .....  l-   iii  ti ii ,  wl-u  I.n
iiliht go it iris I a) aIowa d pluggiig lh
ii phol  in hlh  law it haing I   sug-lvd
a  sl  t  1 i - l nll  in  an l   ily  ll  t'er  Is h.i.-
s   A ialiron  ,dhirs ill   t  lu. ,  lieu n r-
throulgh  the   l t if ii illi
2Ind1.r .i'lngh lil. se liy lalliayh,
fio    n d l'e li i i l l nlit le lt  lie  tpvii
b        fI i  orliiar n anlllo  sn', i  in   a ii,
illi ....l..  I  .  lpedile  bl-int,S  'inl  b,  rll s nl-
iddy eatcnah,d ,, ai-olnli'h ll. -e 41  1 end.
:-,'   i ii lieu  tiioil  Omi  le  illitt a i o   li,-
t~~l  li'vlovI'e  ilIi illlniionc, at-n
the [n.'t'iUliii'r-i lei 'any. iiuiitueiiaii foremu
aul tisno, asoiir
rinI 'oe a l'U Ii-i[I llllll has e teler lhi
itrla~n grelerl elrdci,, tqldiaa ilicti stan,'ll
hea1 lace in lc, i    cciiinif head siiriii
iI li'aiee aIliil lhl iii iis a letl In 'll Iei.I
.Aiiaotllt ,a< tic Trese is hot~i aconut.ii
itsh    au ldnlacle               if
Ito ,el ary, i.n  fs,rina .b nte  ad i
Is lif falo  riIe a- i  l,h  AIn atrile-
v-,  p  ll ted  to  de oh  I ' l   lob  duel , l . 1....lll
vhia in pill     -o  i iteai    ae Sind
%Itlas Itan 1r-si-d  ullisesal illl  it-qahs-
frol  le  e   is.dride. l  dia.
E-ln  -htl~  ~,lalin  utll,lainnln  xii
mea~lt  of  go'tT nI/'l  ofluicial , i to l~l)'   i
iord illul.t I' d  il o-dll  -~  --1 ozo1111,1   to  p-lloll
polity.  Ilnov ,'  -,- h  -1pel- e  lla.  hIe
ahIlf ... ..   l l lhe inhhi  .olol i -~U  we-e  ill
a suhl-anllal inhionil, t it pariicular social
cenily inl th  Ri'iiard A%. Sulitr devislon.
21 TI.C. 170. Th [e.lt. Scuter tilhe taxplayeri
h-d att,,dted Chluhl, if Cnnn......re lunchon
in lh  1, ill ti i1  prove  that  lie spcn
ally ni-erl inr his ]oUllh oll such occasions than
In  ild l * spenlt hall he  riot attended  the
lil''ln .  l'et-or+ no  leu to   was  aI-
lowed]. l', i lnh., if any, justification for
ti~s posliinu thrit a nman wh]o  -~sonlarily
,.I, . light ]h  huli    hec the hent
nf . rc ....r.deduction the.n  a la  'h
Isa fa,, is hlrger, if both oif theml spend
file tsann. a nlllt it) lakin~g a clientt to Juneh.
JApparently, theTras, r is inot enforcing this
dllhiOts disllicn'tio.
1. su .......Y, it should be noted that there.
is -tn general rnlo of thumb as to a flat per-
centage of gross income which the Service
will pass a, huines-s espenises without ques-
tin.. Each c... is decided individually.

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