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9 Young Law. (ABA) 1 (2004-2005)

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Volume 9, Number 1

October 2004


Avoiding Maipraiice-TIPS 6R YOUNG LAWYERS
By Laurel F. Moore

ow more than ever, the legal
profession presents unique
challenges to the younger
lawyer-not only in keeping cur-
reni on .il.harniv develn-
ments in the law but. more fun-
damentally, in developing good
habits and procedures for avoid-
ing italpiratice
Thinking ahead end having
good systerns in place for client
intake and case management
help avoid many malpractice pit-
talls. Good habits developed
early in one's -areer will serve
any lawyer well, even as prac-
lice needs and responsibilities
change. A lew basic strategies
can help you steer clear ot real-
practice claim:
Business lutas Proedures
Identify and avoid many prob-
len clients by using the right
business inlake procedures-. Be
sure you or your law firm have a
method for checking conflicts,
and that all prospective clients
are screened ihoroughly. Also,
earisier whetter tne rew busi-
ness is the typo of work that is a
good match ior you and your firm
and a volume of work that you'll
be able 1o handle.
Appropriale Saling
ldool marxy casees are staffed
usinl a mix of indivMiduls w'lh
important roles to fill: a enior
attorney a lunior attoray, a para-
legal, and a legal assistant. Having

a sufficient number of people
workirg on the file ensures tat it
will gat tr e attention it neodn.
Devoling too little time to a netter
will hiurt ynirvork-prcdi.ict so
don't overextend yourself
Adequate Exp ertise
When you meet with a
prospective client about a new
matter, anticipate what substan-
tive issues are likely to arise dur-
ing the case. Don't practice in an
area outside your expertise with
Out alequate supervision.
Likewise, it you ask junior attor-
neys or paralegals to work on
your case, be sure your expecta-
tions are clear and thit you prop-
erty supervse their work.
11              71

Report frequently to your
clients about what is happening
in their case and what is on the
ho'izo. Be realistic in your
assessments and avoid making
overly optimistic predictions
about the case. As tine passes,
memories fade. Protect yourself
with a clear record ot your case
strategy and decisions by memo-
rializing you r advice to clients
and any agreements with cliler.

Stafl Supervision
Staff plays a crirtical role in prop-
er managemenl ol a case Make
your expectations clear, use a aya-
tern for calendaring events and
oritioal deadlines, and advise all
appropriate parties and your client
Know Year lrhnnlng-
In today's court system, slec-
tronic know-how is a must. Many
courts are using electronic filing,
and understanding electronic
date storage and pr-duction is
ontical to disoovery in many
cases. Know how to manage
ternnology or seek sufficient
teonnical support.
Ad fr Help
Don't underestimate the impor-
tance of mentors and senior mem-
bars of your firm. Find a person
you can ask even stupid' ques-
tions. When it comes I.o avoiding
ma!peactice, an ourin of pieveii-
tion is worth a pound of cure!
Laurel Moore is ar associate
In the Tempa office of Car1ion
Fields and chair of the YL Etics
arid Professkbra!ism Committe.
The Lawyer's Guide to Prevenfing
Legal Matpmuav&e. Second
Edition. 1999. PC #414-0034.
Seecting LegGI Maipracbee
,nsairance-2003 Edition. PC
#414-0036. ABA Division for
Legal Services.
To order either titl., call
the ABA Service Contor at
800/285-2221 or order online
at www.ababooks.or .

i e.ind  Ib rtr


Prsrt Sti
PAl 0
American Bar

By Iark K. Gubinsky
L nwl rrtr-l ,fiOri. are, 'o nhtin resruree to
help lawyers develop a practice. Bar assoia-
lion lawyer referral services, comrLnfty agency
reduced-fee programs, online lawyer di rectory list-
ings, and employer-proviced legal benefit plans are
among a variety of common referral programs.
Review thoroughly specific options ol any program.
including a lawyer's obligatiors, before making a
selection. Descriptions and pros and cons follow.
Bar Association Referral Services: In heavily
paip ald areas many county bar associations pro-
vide legal referral services; in more riral areas,
many state bar associations provide regional serv-
ices. Many jurisdictions require the referral program
contact information to be includ-d within intial
pleacings so the respondent may contact the ser-
ice fr ly OUOe corntacld, the service iefam,
the potential client to a bar association meiber,
usually for a nominal fee.
Typically, any bar member may enroll in the
service for an annual fee and cmmnitmernt Io pro
vide limited consultation free of charge or for a
minimal fee. Some services also require partici-
pant lawyers to pay a certain percentage of any
fees realized if the lawyer is retained.
Pros Referral services in heavily populaled
counties can be a fruitful sou rce Ol referals.
Lawyers typically are free to charg their custom-
ary rates. Lawyers gain valuable experience han-
dling initial client interviews.
Cons: Only a small percentage ot the referrals
evolve into clients. Many referrals simply want
to pay the nominal fee in exchanle tor a limitec
rie-iro~~ ~Co ,lullation. Also, the relerred client
often nc. waited until tho last minl prior to a
-         on nage .2

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