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6 Young Law. (ABA) 1 (2001-2002)

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American Bar Association
Young Lawyers Division
750 N. Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60611-4497

U.S. Postage
American Bar

Volume 6, Number 1


.~ .~ .* .

-                                                    p9  -

By Gregory P. Brown
YHeaingii to court for the first timec miay
h e daunitiitn-pa) rticuilarly whent youi
donI 't knLow your~ wayaroud thle courthou101-se.
Helre are a few\ keyo offics andI peopIle to keep)
illnind before you emibark.
>2  '-$Z          Although the clerk
of court receives the pleadingus and motions
whnthley are filed, thle couirt files are usualy
kept inl a Separate civ il records office. Inl
advace~J1  ofourit hear-ig  finld thle civ il reCcords
office and ask onei of the records custodians
to explain the procedure for checking ot
court file, Autho11rization typical involveI~s
adding your niamei and bar number to a coml-
puterl databaMse. MnyJ' judge(Is inl larger jurisdic.
tions now\\ have~ unIliform11 motion1 calenda-s,
which allow, lawyevrs to Sign uip to atrguei
their more stratightforwa,.rd motions ait a fixed
tinie each weeck, usua~tly the first fewx hours oni
a tiua dayCI13- tt. Failu-re to fam11iliarize your1self
w\ithl tile pro((cSS mayj cost youlual timec
thle morn1ingl( of'
youir hecariig.
The lawyecr bring-
igthe motion is
LISuI'lly rcquIred             '
to decliver the-    .            .
jud.~-'sghatibers.       1       -'-
YOU haye tile
('()Lt  file, NyoL'v
she's not~ o)t h
hcrch  1c alll

you'ire ini the geneiral vii ityMost mol(tionI
hecarings are held in chiambers, wNhich is
either the judgeC's priv ate office or a confer-
enlc room11 adjiingil thle office-both.1 shoul1d
be near thle judg' Cs courlltroom)l.
z~tt)tOn of youir best
allies at thle courthouise is thle ju]dicial asistant
who keeps track of the judge's docket andc cal-
enidar. Ask what you need to do to sign1 inl.
YouLr na311e probabtly w\ill b~e pla ced_ on[ at list
thatM thle ju~dge w\ill uIse to cal tile hear-ings Set
for that hearing- time. A layr who alienates
aI judicia assistant can be suire thait thle juidge
will find ouit abou)tt it. If treated properly, ai
judicial assistant eventuaIlly il help) youI out
of a binld.
C~ ~'li Bfore you leave' thle
courthou-se, familiarize you-rself with the
clerk of court's office. The dlerk of court is,
the keeper of all mioney and Cour1t1 records.
EstabI~lihing J relation1ship With a depu)Lty Clerk
canl sa~ve thle dayl
whnN-1  someitingm
goeCS awvry, he or
shec can help yo(tt
f~                  inl filingo and
Gregoly Brouvn
is all esti

By Linda Hartley

S at lawyer, you don)I't have\
Ito be told that we:live inla
E litigiouIs soity uthv
yrou Stopped to think abot
what that me1anls to youl per-
SOnallyYe)-S,y I0tCouAld be
suedC. Asset protction plAn-
ingi is not limited to protect-
ing( againist malpractice claims,
hoee.It icludeCs tmkingl
thle most of' thle weatlthl you
attain. H ere are Some ideas for
dloing~ just that:
ei   You
m1ay have
timei anld
moneylc\ to
make sure
that. you are
poetdinl thle
evenrt of a imalpractice
claliml aga inlst yrou, Haveyo
thugtabot you other
in1surance1 needCs lately?
Revriewyr eit xistjl ing aut
in1suran1c pl)0jics an1d Conf-
Sider raising- youtr limits. Ulso
rev iew\ yrour homeon er's
pol)icy to enIsure that the pro-
tec(tionl has kept upl with thle
incrasig vlueOf yourit
home11 and that you_ are Cov-
eredl for weNather evenits that

Imy be common101 inl our)i
region (e.g., flood)(s, hutrri-
canecs). If yout ow-ni other
real estate, a geneliral liability
plilcy' may~t be advi\sablle to
cov\er atccidlents that. occur
onI thle premI1ises. Con1slt an
iisuranice professional to
rev iew, your coverage.
This year's bear market has
tautl_(1 miany\ Of uIS thA
invecsting( is a fuLll-timeI job
and requires Constant
attention to asset
allocation. If
you'1re Iman-
aging( your
own assets
and mak-
ingl ou
own invecst-
ment11 dec(i-
s(ins, ask youLr-
self' if' you'rel-C -
istically able to handle
that respontsibility. If niot,
sche~dle at meeCting wNith anl
investmentll aIdvisor to discuIss
you opLtion)01S. Investmlenit
advisors comtie inl all Shapes
and sizes; banks and broker-
age1 houIses are obviu  ouI (Lt-
lets. MaIJNy certified finiancial
planners work from11 their
ownrl jindep)Cjendet o)ffices
anid custody thle assets ata
on page 4

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