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41 W. New Eng. L. Rev. 1 (2019)

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  Volume 41                     2019                            Issue 1


                              Sudha Setty*

     As dean of Western New England University School of Law, I thank
the editors and staff of Volume 41 of the Western New England Law
Review for inviting me to contribute the foreword to this issue, which
offers an engaging, insightful, and thought-provoking set of articles and
notes that encourage law reform in different contexts. When considering
legal academic scholarship, the hope is that each article we read and
consider is a piece of the larger mosaic of knowledge and argument that
informs the nature, shortcomings, and potential of the law. Of course, law
reviews have been valued over many decades for their key function of
providing reference material for practitioners, judges, and policy makers,1
and, at times, for pushing those same individuals to consider reforming
the law to make it better, fairer, and more efficacious.2 As Sherrilyn Ifill,
now president of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, opined, 'law review
articles offer muscular critiques on [sic] contemporary legal doctrine,
alternative approaches to solving complex legal questions, and reflect a
deep concern with the practical effect of legal decisionmaking on how law
develops in the courtroom.3 The set of articles in Issue 1 reflects the
best of what Ifill describes.

    * Dean and Professor of Law, Western New England University School of Law.
    1. See Christian C. Day, The Case for Professionally -Edited Law Reviews, 33 OHIO N.U.
L. REV. 563, 563 64 (2007).
    2. Consider the stated ambition of the founding editors of the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil
Liberties Law Review: [T]o be a review of revolutionary law. Editors, Preface, 1 HARV. Civ.
RTs.-Crv. LIB. L. REV., at iii (1966).
    3. See Law Prof Ifill Challenges Chief Justice Roberts' Take on Academic Scholarship,
AM. CONST. SOC'Y: ACSBLOG (Jul. 5, 2011), available at https://www.acslaw.org/acsblog/law-
prof-ifill-challenges-chief-j ustice-roberts- take-on-academic- scholarship/
[https://perma.cc/FSW9-LB8E] (quoting Danielle Citron, Sherrilyn Ifill on What the Chief
Justice Should Read on Summer Vacation, CONCURRING OPINIONS (July 1, 2011),
should-read-on- summer- vacation.html [https://perma.cc/Z6H8-2QQM]).

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