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21 Women's Suffrage J. 1 (1890)

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                                           EDITED BY LYDIA E. BECKER.

Vot. XXI.-No. 241. PuBntanz  MONTHLY.               JANUARY     1, 1890.                              PRICE ONE PENNY.
  REGISTERED FOR TRANSMISSION ABROAD.                                                             BY POST THREz HALPENoE.

  Leading Articles:-The Opening of Parliament; Mr.        District Women's Liberal Association; Stockport  Colonial Intelligence: Tasmania; South Australia; Now
    Gladstone at Manchester; A Hini for Political       Women's Liberal Association; Weston-super-Mare      South Wales.
    Ladies; Lord Randolph Churchill on Eight Hours'     Liberal Club; Portsea Liberal Club; Oakworth   Miss Amelia B. Edwards in America.
    Work; Vicarious Starvation; The Revolution in       Liberal Club; Acton Liberal Club; Dulwich Work-  The Vicar-General of Rome on the Position of Women.
    Brazil; The Princess Imperial and the Abolition of  lug Men's Liberal and Radical Club; Melkaham;  Women Medical studentsat Bonja3.
    Slavery; Two Women.                       Levenshulme and Burnage Conservative Associa- Enfranchisement of lied Indians.
 Mr. Gladstone on Registration and the Franchise.        tion; Lewiham Conservative Association; Royston  Prize Competition No. 13.
 Public Meetings:-Bristol Women's Suffrage Society;      Conservative Club; Edmonton Conservative Club.  Treasurers Roporta:-Central National Society for
    Cambridge Association for Women's Suffrage. Lectures :-Elesmere.                   Women's 8uffrge; 13:itol aid West of England
 Political Societies:-The Women's Liberal Federation in Debating Societies:-Liverpool.          Centr C atittal scetor Woie r
    Manchester; Ashton Women's Liberal Association; The Women's Franchise League.       Women's;Suffrage.
    Blackpool Women's LiberalAssociation; Portsmouth  Reviews.
    Women's Liberal Association; StanWoubury and                                    Women Householders' Declaration (continued).




An Appeal from the Women of England ... Id.
The Woman's View of the Question ... ... Id.
A Letter to English Wives. By Edith Mary
  Shaw ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6d.
A Lady's Letter to a Friend, on behalf of
  those who do not wish to Marry their
  Brothers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Id.
What Miss Lydia Becker says... ... ... ... 1d.
A Sister-in-Law's Plea for Mercy ... per doz. 2d.
A Woman's Opinion on the Wife's Sister Bill 3d.

May be had at 35, King-street, Westminster, S.W.


                Ts,1/6, 2/6 & 5/-
         For Children and Inualids.

  Retained after every other food has been rejected.-

                            S          FOR  INFANTS,
                                   GROWING CHILDREN,
                                      INVALIDS, AND
                                         THE  AGED.   

      Women who are householders and ratepayers areearnest!y requested to sign
 the Women Householders' Declaration. For terms see next page.
      Women   desirous to sign are requested to send their names and addresses, with
 a statement  of the nature of their quali6cation whether as occupier or owner  of
 property, to the Editor,  Women's  Suffrage Journal, Queen's  Chambers,  5, John
 Dalton-street, Manchester.   Forms  will also be sent for collecting siguatures on

 A  REPLY  to the PROTEST  in the inetenthNow                Ready.
     Century Reriew, by LYDIL E. BECKER.      WOMEN'S SUFFRAuE        CALENDAR
Reprinted by permission from the ManchesterIA  for 1890. Edited by HlUN BLACKURN.
Guardian. Price one penny, post free three half- (Fifth year of publication.) Price 3d.
pence. To be had at the office of the Women's  CONTENTS FOt 189:-Calendar of Events, with
Suffrage Journal, Queen's Chambers, 5, John'Diary Working Calendar. ParlinmentaryFran.
Dalton-street, Manchester; or from John Hey- chise for Women. Statistics. Societies'for the
wood, Deanagate, Manchester.              General Welfare (f Won. Women   (radlateg
                                          for 1889. Registered 'Medlical WVomen. Public
               In the Press.              Offices which have been held by Women in Great
           '~ HULD WOMN HAE TE VTEBritain. Act for Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
SHOULD     WOMEN     HAVE   THE   VOTE? ?   are    oe'    rprt    ihtnAeia
    By HENRY  DUNCKLEY, LLD. (Verax). Re-
                                (Verx). I  Brso:   .W. Arrowsinith. London :Simrpkin,
printed by permission from the British Wcekly. Marshal
Price One Penny, post free Three halfpence. To or & Co   Mhetr: 10,   G     lege-
be had at the Office of the Manchester Natiohal e  hadtofnte  dr
Society for Women's Suffrage, Queen's Chambers,
5, John Dalton-street, or from John Heywood,        THE YEARLY  VOLU3IC.
Deanagate, Manchester.                   I  WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE         JOURNAL.-
                                          Diary Working.~  C aln.uarylimntr Fcorn

     on the 15th of each month. Price 6d., or 6s.
per annum.
  1. The Proposed Memorial Library.
  2. Normal or Abnormal.
  3. Eliza Cook.
  4. The Employment Department of Work and
  5. Dairy Schools.
Correspondence :-More about Arts and Crafts
     Exhibition-Women's Exhibition of Arts
     and Industries-Strike of Match Girls at
Record  of Events: - The Labour Movement
      (Bristol Strikes, Women's Unions in Lon-
      don)-Parents' Educational Union-Pro-
      posed Memorial to Lady Plunket -Women's
      Suffrage-Women's Liberal Federation-
      Women's Liberal Unionist Associations-
      Rational Dress Society-University Asso-

       volume XX.   J anuar To  December,
1889. With coloured cover, price, post free, One
Shilling and Sixpence.-London: Triibner and
Co.; Manchester: John Heywood and Co.
M   ADAME    BROWNJOHN, Court Dress-
     maker, 37, Cambridge-st., Eccleston Square,
Belgravia, S.W. The most fashionable costumes
of every description made at the shortest notice.
Ladies' own materials made up. Estimates given.
Evening Dresses, from 3; guineas; Morning
Dresses, from 26 guineas. Wedding orders and
foreign outfits promptly attended to. Perfect fit

                            -1S.1d. 2S9d.
      OWLE'S .s.t:


London Medical Record.ra                     io   n   of Women    'eachers - 1 arolme invaluable for Coughs, Asthma. Bronchitis, Cholera
  Of Chemists, &c., everywhere, or free by parcels  Ashurst Biggs Memorial Committee-Mis- Diarrhoea, Consumption, Spasms, &c. One Dom Rpeedily
post from the manufacturers,                   cellaneous.                         releve. ToWLE'S CULURIDYNE LozE.db5 and J tcnlms.
MOTTERSHEAD & CO., 7, Exchange-street,box. A. P. TOWLE Chemist. 7                                                         k
                                           iccadill.Published by Trilbner and Co., Ludgate Hill,nid..
               Manchester                and at 22, Bersers-street, London, W.     2s. 91, 4z. . and 1s.

WOREN'S   SUFRAGE   JouBIAL.-Commulications for the Editor and Orders Pfor the Journal to be addressed to the Office,
                                  Queen's  Chambers,  5, John  Dalton-street, Manchester.

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