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8 Woman's J. 1 (1877)

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VOL. VIII.                                                        BOSTON, SATURDAY, JAN. 6, 1877.                                                                                              NO. 1.

  A Weekly Newspar, published every Saturday in
Bos,   devtedl to 1,b0 interests of Woman-to her
      tlaal industrial, legalm ndtpolitical Equality,l
 adespeclly to her right of Sutrage.*f
             HowS........... EDITORS.     M
 HM   Y R. BLACKWELL........                c
 MARY A. LIVERMORE       11      1       g
 Tsams-$.50 aear, In advanT. Sinle copy, 6 cts.  a
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  BOSO  ucs.-No.   4, Park Street.it
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  Tata Society, 700 Arch St.
  8e. Louis Oe  .-Mr. J. M. Dutro, 582 North 2d l
  St. Louis, Mo.i
  Sam ru    com IOa  .-At H. Snow's Liberal and
  Reform Book Store, N. 19 Keat Street, West I
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  ifl communications for the WOA'S JOUNAL,
  sad all letters relating to its editorial maagement,
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            For the Woman's Journal.n
               THE  PARTING.*
   What means that shouting and singing outside?
   Ye maidens, now open your windows wide,
         For a lad on hia travels is starting,
         And this is the comrades' parting.
   The others are waving their caps it air,
   Bedecked with ribands and garlands fair,
         Btt Silent and pae amid them
         Ie goes, not seeming tohead them.
   The glasses are ringing, the wine foams high;
   Drink once and again, good coinrade they cry.
          Ah, yes, pour wine for the drinking,
          The heart in my bosom is sinking.
   They have come to the very last house in the town
   And a mid from her window peeps shyly down,
         While jasmine and rose are concealing
         The tear down her fair cheek stealing.
   And there, at the very last house of the town,
   The youth looks up, but quickly looks down;
          His hand to his heart he raises,
          And white, as with pain, his faceIr?.
   What comrade, and bast thou no poy fair?
   So many bright blossoms are waving up there,
          That surely the lass can spare one,
          come, tass him a fower, thou fair one!
    Ah! comrade, what use were the flower to me;
    I have no sch maiden to love me as she;
         And the hot at would fade in at hour.
         And the cold wind wither the flower.
    So onward they go, with jestand song,
    And the maidenalistens and watches long;
          He Is gone, I mayose him never
          Again, whom I lov forever.
    And here I am left with this love of mine,
    With my roses gay and jasmine fe;
          All would I so gladly have given, I
          And gave not a rosebad even.

          NEW  TEA'S   PRO    ETIL
    The white snow   lads down  everything,
  this morning-heaps   the street, covers the'
  evergreen trees, encrusts the windows; and
  still the flakes come down.
            Inha   t nsemats it
         In a tomlto riam    storm.
   It suggests the question whether the winter.
   is not, after all, the most encouraging period
   for a reformer. In the summer,  amid  the
   delicious warmth and the luxury of bird and
   blossom, there seems nothing to reform, and
   the old heroic resolution is enervated. In
   winter there is not only the perpetual tonic
   of the atmosphere to support our courage-.
   ous purposes, but we see all around us the
   symbols of life preserved under what seems
   death.  Every-snow  drift is a majority of
   ten thousand atoms heaped on  the head of.
   the one little atom-a  tiny germ of some
   plant, for instance,-that lies unseen below.
   But the snow has its limitations and the un-
   seen atom has its principle of life. Come
   next June, and the snow  is gone, and the
   world Is gladdened by the opening  beauty.
   of the bud. Spring, the great reformer, lies
   dormant  in winter at the tip of every twig
   upon  these elm-trees, and constantly rebukes
   us for any yielding to this winter of. our
     And  as all this high-heaped winter cover-
   ing is to give way at last, not to any single
   attack, but to the steady Influence of the
   sun-beams and the self-assertion of the buds,
   thus yields conservatism to reform.  That
   which  guarantees Woman   Suffrage, sooner
   or later, is not merely that it is logically im-
   plied in our institutions, but that it is inevi-
   tably to follow from the advauce-along the
   whole-line, which women are everywhere
   making.   Every, woman  graduate  of a col-
   lege, every woman-physician, every woman

'ho is marking out for herself a new activ-I
ty in any direction, even though she  be,
ersonally an opponent of Suffrage, is real-I
y helping it on; and it is rare, moreover, to
ind her an opponent. The promise of Wo.I
man Suffrage is implied in the better edu-
ated and more prominent women   who  are
rowing  up all around us; implied as surelyI
s the buds upon the elm-trees imply Spring.
It used to be said The High  Schools of'
New England  are responsible for the Wo.
man Suffrage agitation because they were
hought to have accustomed a large class of
oung  girls to a more equal position with
their brothers. But the school girls of that
generation are now wives and mothers; It is
heir daughters who go  to Vassar College
and Boston University-a training that will
'enew and strengthen the demand for equal -
ty in other ways. Whenever   I am tempt-
ed to feel discouraged by the action of a
egislature, or the opinion of a leader, my
thoughts instinctively turn to this great si-
ent generation of young women  trained in
higher schools, and accustomed   to more
self-reliant pursuits. They are as little no-
ticed as the buds which are already formed
upon the trees; and they are almost as nu-
merous, as little to be controlled, and as
prophetic of their own destiny.  When  a
generation of women has grown  up under
codtions  of equality in all other respects,
they will be ready to demand political equal-
ity also; and whenever they demand it, they
will be sure to obtain It.
  You  have a hard job  there said I, the
other day, to an intelligent-looking Irish-
man  who  was at work  with pick-axe and
spade upon the ice in a gutter. It is that
he quickly answered,  hut not so hard  a
lob  as you  have  undertaken-  Women's
Rights.  He knew  me, It seemed, thought
I did not know   him.  But we,  like him,
have the powers of nature on our side; win  
ter is at least bracing and healthy, and by
and by it will be Spring.      T. W. H.

  One  of the most valuable and suggestive
essays read at the Fourth  Woman's   Con-
gress was one by  Mrs. A.  M.  Diaz. The
subject of the paper  was, The  Develop.
ment  of Character in Schools, or What shall
we the People do, to be saved?
  Some  of the leading ideas were that, as
character makes  the Individual, and as in-
dividuals make the State, therefore the State
should endeavor to raise the character of Its
individuals to the highest possible standard.
That  although character Is largely the re-
sult of Indirect influences, there Is in this
field an immense working  ground  left for
direct human  effort. That in considering
character there are, 1. The part which comes
by  Inheritance, 2. The part which  comes
from  immediate pre-natal influences, and 8.
The  part which comes from education. The
moulding  and  modifying ofcharacter  can
be most  effectively done at the period when
character lain its formative stage. In view
of all the thoughtless, careless, foolish, force-
less, ignorant, Injudicious parents, and es-
pecially of the depraved and vicious ones,
it Is evident that home training cannot be
wholly depended  upon for this work, which
should, therefore, be supplemented by other
endeavors.   The State In  its Normal and
other  schools possesses the means of assist-
ing in this supplementary work.  An intel-
lectual education  alone is  not sufficient.
The   statistics of crime mislead on this
point, Inasmuch  as they do not include the
wrong   doing which is committed Inside the
law,  and which, by making sin respectable,
does  more to lower the moral tone of society
than  the more startling kinds which make
it infamous.   Heart-culture, equally with
brain  culture, should be considered a legiti-
mate  part of the teacher's work, and a part
for which  they should receive a special pre-
paration.   It cannot  be satisfactorily ac-
complished   by  moral maxims,   or direct
moral  instruction. Suggestions were made
as to methods, and Fenelon, Fellenberg and
others  were cited as examples of educators
whobave been successful  In  this direction.
Our  present system of education is one-sided
and  does  not truly educate. The  State is
spending  two hundred  million dollars a year
in  the punishment  of crime; in education,
one   hundred  million.  The Power  which
claims  the right of punishing, should  as-
sume   the duty of directing. Prevention is
better than cure. The  State should be urged
to  bring its educational forces to bear upon
character,  by giving its teachers the just-
named special preparation, no matter at
what   money cost.  It should be urged to do
this, not only inthename of common-sense
and   of justice, but as a measure of public
economy,   a measure  whic   will diminish
  pauperism and crime, and,To  sum  up th
  whole, as something which we  the People

must  do  to be saved.  This is a work
which  lies behind all reforms, all reforma-
tory institutions, and all charities.
  The  above abstract, which is all we are at
  present able to give, will make our readers
  wish to read the essay entire. We  hope
  that its future publication will enable them
  to do so.                      . u. U.

  Ten   years  ago, says the New   York
  Times, the only refuge for the average
  New Yorker from  the cares of housekeep-
  Ing, was the boarding-house. If he could
  not pay the enormous  rent demanded  by
  his landlord, he must take up quarters for
  himself and family insomeovergrown board-
  Ing-house, there to be dependent upon the
  good will of the landlady for the necessi-
  ties and comforts of life. To be sure there
  was the hotel, with its illimitable perspec-
  tive of halls and court-yard, its clanging bar
  and its urbane hotel clerk; but even these
  luxuries were apt to be clouded by the high
  cost attendant upon their enjoyment. There
  was nocompromise between an independent
  establishment of your own and a dependent
  share in that of your neighbor; and as the
  chances were fully equal that your neighbor
  would turn out an uncongenial host, theun-
  certainty of this mode of existence was not
  the least among its discomforts. At last a
  change set in. People  who  had traveled
  abroad hinted mysteriously of a new mode
  of living, in which the cares of housekeep-
  Ing were reduced to a mere minimum,  and
  at the same time the unwelcome publicity of
  boarding-house life was done away with-of
  a system by which the seclusion and inde-
  pendence of one's own house  were united
  with the conveniences of the hotel, and the
  cost of living reduced to one-half of its for-
  mer proportions. The system  was general-
  ly approved, and soon an enterprising real
  estate owner erected a house on the foreign
  model,in East Eighteenth Street, and opened
  it for occupancy. Success was immediate.
  Every suite in the house was filled within a
  few weeks, and the result encouraged other
  property-owners to pirsue the same course,
  until to-day there are no fewer than twenty
  large buildings of the French-flat class in the
  City, besides numerous  smaller establish-
  ments upon  the  upper avenues  and  side
     'French flats, in New York, are divisible
  into two classes: the flat proper, or apart-
  ment-house, where the suites of rooms em-
  brace kitchen, dining-room, and bed-room,
  or  bed-rooms, and   accommodations   for
  private housekeeping; and  the apartment-
  hotel, where the suitesacontain fewer rooms,
  and meals are supplied either In a large din-
  ing-room, or In private apartments, as the
  occupants  may  elect. The  Albany,  at
  Broadway  and West  Fifty-first Street, is a
  good type of the former, and the Berkely,
  at Fifth Avenue and  Tenth  Street, of the
  latter. The  apartment hotel is strictly a
  New  York  Institution, and is an outgrowth
  of that inbred  repugnance to the troubles
  of private honee-keeping, which has become
  so characteristic of i large class of New-
  Yorkers.  It Is a c    rms     ewe     h
  studied seclusion of t pure  French  sys-
  tem, and the open, flIng, gaudy life of the
  fashionable boarding  ouse. The  suites of
  rooms are entirely pr ate, are furnished by
  the occupant  accord ng to his own  taste,
  and kept in order, if ecessary, by his own
  servants. He  sees no n  but his own fami-
  ly, save at meal time and then he has his
  private table In a ri ly furnished and se-
  cluded dining-room, I waited upon  by spe-
  cial attendants assigned to him, and is to all
  practical purposes as much  alone as If he
  were in his own house. In the pure French
  flat, or apartment house, as It is called,
  each family possesses a dining-room, kitch-
  en and servant's room of their own, and do
  their own house-keeping.  Thegreatadvan-
  tage of this plan is, at by it, half the ex-
  pense of servant hire I dispensed with, (one
  or at most two  serva s being all that are
  requisite for a singleuite, however large,)
  all the minor cares an petty annoyances of
  ordinary  house-keeping are excluded; the
  labor of climbing four or five pairs of stairs
  .Is abolished, and a degree of comfort, quiet,
  and  security is enjoyed which to the occu-
  pants of a large house is almost unknown.
  The  endless worry of having the door-bell
  pulled In succesion by the peddle, the beg-
I  gar, the soap-fat man, the asicollector, and
  the purchaser of old clothesis  unknown.
.  The house Is heatedthroughout with steam
   or hot air, the guests are conveyed to up
   per stories by steam elevators, the lighting,
   plumbing, and ventilation are all attended
   to by the owner, andkept in perfect orde
   by him.  The drery discomforts of wash
   ing-day, the vaie   ted smells of  soap-
   suds, hot water, and steam, are all transfer

red to a distant story, entirely removed and
shut out from the body of the house. In a
word,  house-keeping  in a model   French
flat may be said to embrace all the comfortm
and  independence of a private home, with-p
out its responsibility, worry, and expense.
The  class of people who  avail themselves  f
of its benefits is already very numerous andp
is yearly increasing.  Retired merchants,
lawyers, physicians, otficers of railway and
business companies, rich tourists who have
returned front Europe, and  appreciate the
comforts  of this style of living, all are to
be met with in any one of the many elegant
structures which abound  in various parts ofC
the  city. Men  worth  their millions, asld
men  whose  yearly income is crowded with-
In a few thousands, live in the same build-
ing,  as entirely isolated as though they
dwelt  a mile apart.  Of the more   prom-
nent of these houses, a dozen or more will
be  described next week.


   Errtus   JoUnNAL.-Chief   Justice Storyt
 in his autobiography says,
    There is  one circumstance connected
 with  my studies at Marblehead Academy,
 which  has probably  given a  turn to my
 thoutghts which yot nay easily trace. Girl
 as well s boys went to te same  School t
 the same hours, and were arranged on op-
 posite sides of a large hall on their appro-
 priate forms.  In  the simplicity of those
 days, it was not thought necessary to separ-I
 ate  e sexestin their stktdies.  Generally we
 studied the sanme books, nd as we rectel
 our lessons in the presence of each other,
 there wasea mutual pride to do our best, and
 to gain an honest portion of flattery or of
   p ise. I was early struck with tae lexi-
   ilty,aCtivity,and power of the fealemind.
 Girls of the same age were, on an average
 of numbers, quitetour etals in their studies
 and  acquirements, and had a much  greater
 quickness of perception and delicacy of feel-
 Ing tan   the bys.   Remain  ing thus  at
 school witihthem  until I was toutfifteen
 years old, I could not be mistaken as to their
 powers;  and  I then imbibed the  opinion,
 which   I have  never since changed,  that
 their talents are generally equal to those of
 men,  though there are shades of difference
 in the character uOftheir minls, resulting
 from  several causes.  My   imression  is,
 that the principal difference In intellectual
 power   wlich Is marked  in after days, re-
 sults not so much from  their original Infe-
 riority of mind, as from the fact that edt-
 cation stops with females almost at the tite
 It efectively bens   with men;  and  that
 neither their habits nor pursuits in life en-
 able them  afterwards to cultivate science or
 literature with much  diligence or success.
 They  have  no professions which constantly
 require and   constantly encourage them to
 master new  sources of kiowledge. 
    The  above I have copled  from page ten
  of the miscellaneous writings of Chief
  Justice Story, editdd by his son, William W.
  Story, Boston, 1812i, and I ask for a place
  for this extract in your valuable paper.
                                 A. T. 5.


    EDrronS  JoURNAL-I should e glad to
  send notes from the lecture field, every week,
  for the JOURAL,  but my time is so etirely
  taken up, that I find it impossible to do so.
  Since the  annual meeting in  Providence,
  I have  held eighteen meetings, and three
  tore  appointments were made, two of them
  with much  labor, but when the time arrived,
  were postponed  on account of storms..
    My  next appointments  are at Peacedale,
  Hope    Valley,  Hopkinton,    Woodville,
  Plainville, Richmond, Carolina, Apponaug,
  and  Watchemoket. I find the people of
  Rhode,  Island  much   like the people of
  Massachusetts.  Some  towns give me a cor-
  dial welcome and a good audience.  Where-
  ever the old abolitionist is found, there is a
  friend of Equal Rights broad enough to in-
  clude women,   and I am sure of good help
  .from such a one.  In some places where  I
  had  much  labor to find any one to give me
  a helping hand, I have, after giving one lee-
  ture, been invited to return and give anoth-
  er; so it is plain that what they need is more
r  light.
3    I think sometimes, when I[remember  the
   long years of hard labor done in these old
   States, that the friends would do better to
.  give their time and money to the work in
   some of the new  States, before they get so
   bigoted and moss-grown  that it needs the
.  trump of an archangel to arouse them I
     I wish you would call the attention of the
   New  England Woman   Suffrage Association
   to the fact, that the question of Woman's
   full enfranchisement, Is to be voted upon at
   the polls in Colorado next October, and that
   a lix weeks  campaign, or sharp,  earnest,
r  wide-awake rallies in that new State, would
  secure the majority necessary to carry it.
                                M.   w. c.
    Providence, R. I.

Digitized from  Best  Copy   Available

Miss  Woovtsox's  poem, Two   Women,
will appear In the January number of Ap-
petoal' Journa.
Ms. A. T. STEWART has taken the   whole
loor of a hotel in Jacksonville, Fla., and
proposes to pass most of the winter there.
Miss   ANNIE   JWuETT   and  Miss MARY
HItour, of Northborotgh, Mass., have
been engaged its teachers in tthe Atlanta,
(Ga.) public schools.
  M188 KSMILEY has been holding a series of
Bible services in the Congregational Church
of Rutland, Vt., and   is about to begin
another series in the Methodist Church at
  M1ns. F. M. BACKus  is president of the
Backus  Oil Company, manufacturers   of
lubricating oils. Their prinipal oic  Is
No. 144 Superior St., Cleveland, 0.. anti at
01 Broad St, Boston.
  NILSsoN  owns  six lots in the southern
part of Chicago, andi has just given the re-
quiret Ilandfor the widening of an avenue
on which they are situated, without waiting
for the usual legal process of condemnation.
  Mi.  R. F. BARDWECLL, of Oxford, Mass.,
aged ninety, and widow of Rev. Dr. Hora-
tio Bardwel.   died of paralysis, Friday.
She was widely known, and Ws  formerly a
missionary at Bombay, India, for six years.
  TIEi Ducinss  oir Enmiuuoi  and daugh-
ter of the Czar, chose Malta as the birth-
place of the latest result of the Anglo-Rus-
elai marriage, and now the Maltese petition
the queen to -accord tme wee thing the title
of Princess of Melita.
  MI.L.  PIOLA,   the young  prima donna
who  tiled recently at Marseilles from disap-
pointment  at her professional failure, was
constantly singing during her last moments
the music of La File  du Regiment,  be-
lieving in her delirium that she was on the
 mother of the ex-Empress Eugenic, has just
 entered a suit against several republican
 newspapers, for defamation, with the inten-
 tion of giving the fine imposed to the poor.
 The case should have come off on the ninth;
 as usual in such cases, it was deferred, but
 the conclusion In favor of the plaintiff can-
 not be called in question.
   M31s. MATInA   HUNT,   of Indiana, has
 been giving temperance and  religious dis-
 courses in Doer, N. H., much  to the edifi-
 cation of the people. In the lecture-room
 of the M. E. Church, Sabbath evening, No-
 vember  19, she spoke to a large audience on
 Seed  Bowing.  On  the afternoon of the
 same  day she gave an  address before th&
 Reform  Club, which is spoken of as one.of
 remarkable beauty and eloquence.
   Mas. JEANNEC   . CARn, Deputy Superin-
 tendent of Public Instruction in California
 does not confine herself to the work of the
 office; but enterseinto that of the County In-
 stitutes held in various parts of the State.
 She has been active for many years in the
 work  of education; and lier private pupils
 have risen to distinction in the walks of lit-
 erature and art. Her present work Is high-
 ly appreciated In her adopted State.
   Miss ANNA  OLIVER   is now pastor of the
 important but unfortunate M. E. Church In
 Passale, New  Jersey, whose elegant edifice,
 costing nearly a hundred thousand dollars,
 Is embarrassdd with an overwhelming debt,
 and the Church divided and greatly discoit-
 aged by this pecuniary burden.  She is tak-
 ing  hold of the work  with characteristic
 zeal, and with a woman's  hopefulness and
 enthusiasm.  She has organized a series of
 lectures, and Is summoning  the ingenuity
 and  practical labors of the ladies to the aid
 of the trustees of the Church. *
   Mns.  IBMIiELLA WALLACE   lat lya'ppea-
   ed in a New York Court in the character bf
   The adjustable f6lding-char company.'
   She alone was the company, and she broughlt
   suit against iertsi of heragents to recover
   moneys for goods sold. Her feminine cha-
   actersticeappeared in the affidavit, in whidh
   she swore that she was induced to give a
   agency to one of the defendants, beca,
   when refused, lie lifted up the flood-gae
   of his morbidly-sensitive emotional lattie
   and poured out upon the afflant a tloiu of
   tears. She was touched,  and em lo
   him, expecting that he wouldtravela
   drum up business, but he i sed so6
   vated with the alluremets ill fascinations
   of this magnificent metIopolIs for theyousg
   and ardent that he would not consent tb
   put up with the duller interest of 'smaller
   communities. He boarded   at expensive
   hotels, sported fine wardrobes and jewelry,
   and put on airs of leisure, dignity and com-
   mercial consequence. Now  it is not often
 .that such fine language Is to be found inathe
 papers of a common  case in court.

.  .    .  I

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