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47 Woman's J. & Suffrage News 1 (1916)

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And Suffrage



VOL. 47. NO. 1.                                          SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1916                                                     FIVE CENTS


Commissioner    of  Corrections
  Heads New Parole Board with
  Salary of $7,500
  Dr. Katharine B. Davis has re-
signed as Commissioner of Cor-
rections of New York City to accept
the chairmanship of the new Pa-
role Board. The appointment takes
effect Jan. i.
   The other two commissioners of
 the new Parole Board will be men
 whose salary will be $5,50o. One
 member of the new Parole Board
 is appointed for six years, the
 other for four years, while Dr.
 Davis' appointment is for two
 years. Dr. Davis' salary will be
 the same as it is now as Commis..
 sioner of Correction, $7,500.
   Referring to his appointments,
 Mfiyor Mitchel said:
   I have selected Dr. Davis for
 appointment to membership on the
 new Parole Board. She will oc-
 cupy the principal position. Dr.
 Davis, by temperament, by train-
 ing and by experience, is the best
 fitted person I can find for the po-
    The signal success of her wor<
 his Commissioner of Corrections iE
 well known to all.   Because ol
 that work and because I want the
 vast powers of the Parole Commis
 #ion placed in safe and sane hands
 ;! , '(Continued on page 2A ,


Miss Scudder, a Suffragist, Will
  Design Gold Medals for A. B.
  C. Mediators

  Designing of the three gold
medals to be presented, by the
Ufited  States to  Ambassadors
Naon of Argentina; Da Gama of
Brazil, and Suarez of Chili, popu-
larly known as the A. B. C. medi-
ators, was awarded at Washington
by Secretary Lansing last week to
Miss Jeannette Scudder of New
York. Miss Scudder is an active
suffragist, as well as an able sculp-

         COMES IN MAY

Mississippi  Valley
  Meeting to Be Held
  in Minneapolis

May 7-Io

  The Mississippi Valley Suffrage
Conference for 1916 has been an-
nounced by the chairman, Mrs.
Florence Bennett Peterson of Chi-
cago.  The   conference will be
held at Minneapolis, May 7-10.
The question of vital importance
to be discussed is the assisting-of
the campaign States of the year-
Iowa, West Virginia and South


One Plot of Ground, Fifty-five
  Feet Square, Holds 5,OOO De-
  serted Illegitimates

  Maryland's State-wide vice-com-
mission, appointed by Gov. Golds-
borough in 1913, has just made
public the result of its inquiry. The
most startling feature dealt with is
the alleged traffic in babies.
  It .is asserted that investigator5
found there are institutions in Bal-
timore to which the mother of an
illegitimate child* may consign her
offspring, upon the payment of a
certain sum, and forever rid herself
of legal responsibility for it.
  Of the hundreds of childrei.
  taken by tile institutions, the com,
  mission states that from 8o to 90
  per cent. die and are buried in
  heaps in small plots of ground, one
  such plo', approximately fifty-five
  feet square, having been the tomb
  of 5,ooo babies since 1886.
  Much attention is given in the
  report to social conditions in fac-
  -tories, stores and office buildings,
  and many instances are given of
  immorality forced upon girls by the
  ethployers or their superiors at
  their places of employment, the
  penalty of refusal being the loss ol


Also Received Bigger Percentage of Votes Cast in Four
          States than President Wilson Did in 1912
                 according to Official Returns

   The anniouncement for the first vote of about 8,ooo for and 14,ooo
 time of official returns on the suf- against. More than 550,000 votes
 frage amendment in New   York were cast for suffrage in the State
 State last week makes it clear that of New York. More votes were
                                cast for and against it in New York
 in the four States where the ques- than on any of the five other ques-
 tion went to the voters in 1915 it tions submitted, except the revised
 received a total of 1,225,621 votes, constitution, on which about 5,ooo
 or a greater number than either more nen voted; but, whereas suf-
 Taft or Roosevelt polled in the frage failed to carry by a majority
 same States at the last presidential of 188,313, the new  constitution
 election. President Wilson him- wIs beaten by a majority of 504,-
 self received 1,402,791 votes  in 669 In like manner, the majority
 these States, or only 177,17Q more against altering the rate of interest
 than the suffrage amendment, and on State bonds was 291,450; the
 suffrage polled a greater favorable majority against the proposal to
 per cent. of the votes cast on the clange  apportionment  in  New
 question than did Mr. Wilson of York City was 513,420, and the
 the votes cast at the presidential majority against the taxation ref-
                                erendum was 568,476. The only
 election of 1912.               pooiint      ar    a  h  ee-
   The vote in New York State on PrOPOsition to carry was the refer-
                                 endlunl on a bond issue for the
  equal suffrage stood: For, 544,457;  reona bondaisser    the
  against, 732,770; majority against, Parge Canal. In a.tear when the
  188,313. The totals do not include electorate  was  generally  voting
  Oneida County, where the vote of no,sffrage received  a much
  Utica has been held up by a court greater favorable vote than  any
                                other question except oie.

  e The unofficial majority in Onei-  Tieofca      vt.inheou
f da  County is placed  at 6,54Istates which voted on eqal suf-
  against, which means a probibe       (Continued on page 2.)

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