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45 Woman's J. & Suffrage News 1 (1914)

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                                                          NO--             An    AL

VOLXLV. NO.                                                     SATURDAY, JANU

EI I DECREASES                                    .           T       R      A      V
   N NEW ZEALAND.,R                                                          A      V

ipoft of suffrage Country Shows
Big Drop Though Population
Has Doubled       .                                      '

    The government prison reportl!ately
   'gaed in New Zealand shows a re-
   kable dccrea5d of crime among
   men. In 1881, the number of per,
   las In prison averaged  (per day)

   sales, 631.66; females, 94,37. , In 1912
   Ue population had doubled, but the
   huber of persons in prison averaged
   Apr day) only 853.82 males and 64.07
   if the women voters had neglected
   S tlhe homes and lot their children run
   wid, and if the exercise of the suf-
   hfrge were in itself demoralizing to
   womeu, twenty years of equal suffrage
   would have resulted in an Increase of
   :rime among both sexes and  anr
   tespcially  large  increase  among
   women. Instead, we find a   do-
   creaue of crime in proportion to popu.
   laton, among both sexes; and among
   the women the decrease is especially
   great. Says The Vote:
   While the number of male prison-
   lero has decreased only in relation to
   the population, the number of female
   ;prlaoners has decreased  absolutely,
   and to a very remarkable extent. This
   Icircumstance is the more Interesting,
   'as it closely correspoads with the
   'many social reforms for women
   brought about during the same period.
   These reforms, since women were en;
   frtnchised in 1893, have been largely
   eencerned with the interests of the'
   lmore handicapped class of women.


   Lead in New Orleans Red Cross
   Work and Help Philadelphia

   Saffragists all over the country are
   helping in the work against tubercu-
   loots,  In New Orleans'votes for
   women leaders were in-the .front
   ranks on Red Cross Day. When Miss
   Kate M. Gordon closed the heardquar.
   ters for the day, about $700 had been
   cllected. Mrs. Tinette Lichtenstein
   lloses, representing the Era Club,
 with her corps of workers, collected
 ore than any other leader.
 Philadelphia suffragists, too, set to
 Work with true Christmas splrit,.of
 seeking to bring Joy into the life of
 BOome unfortunate woman, according
 to the Philadelphia Press, and start-
 ed a collection to send a consump-
 ive to a climate- where she  will
 stOd a chance of regaining her
 health, The woman Is Mrs. IZoeNeu
 bater, who for the past six years had
 been In a Philadelphia sanatorium
 for consumptives,  She.found that
 he could not stand the climate, md
 as relatives In California willitake
 are of her if she can et to them,
 ,he appealed to fellow-suffragists to
 help her.

 None of the children's hospitals in
 LOndon admit women docto,'s'ttheir
 SrSdential or staff appointments.
 ,en the Society for the Study ofChl-
 re's Diseases xcludes women phy-
 alcians,  Last year  a  W oman's , Ho pi-
 4i for Children was started In Harrow
 od, With a. staff wholly of women.
 heobject was t           wmn
    .'O Obje t wtofold, to provide
  uaSent for Children i the neigh.
  ,rho6 and to gi e   ndoctors a
  rhce to study children's diseases.
    SWOmen' hospitalhs -provedI
    Popular With -parents' it -has
 !' ted from fifty to A a hundred
 atleats a day, and has had toenlarge
 I 't qarters three- times in-hecrs
 an ea.TeBishop 'Of 'ensington,,
(  dedicating a new ward th Is  month,
laid he ooked'forward tothle t
befnd hlow aru. by women would
    be~ ~   o fon  l ~rthe0Ountry. -


ige News

ARY 3, 1914                                                        FIVE CENTS


     And he answered, 'He does not understand. When she moves she draws the band that binds them,
 and hurts him, and he moves farther from her. The day will come when he will understand, and will know
 what she is doing. Let her once stagger on to her knees. In that day he will stand close to her, and look
 into her eyes with sympathy.' ,-Olive Sohreiner. (See Page 2.)


  Famous Superintendent Reinstated as Head of Chicago Schools After Strong and
                              Continued Protest by New         Voters

  Once-more in the seven months that
the women of Chicago have had the
ballot they have saved for the schools
of that city the woman who Is prob-
ably the most eminent educator in the
country, Mrs Ella Flagg Young.
  Under .ia, Continuous pressure  of
trong dheaproval on the part of the
,womeh's :.orghlzations, the  climax
came last .-Wek when the Board of
Education at a stormy meeting voted
to reconsider itselectlon of Mr. Shoop
,as the.SuPerl tendent of Schools. Mrs.
Young waa~einstated, and a few days
later. consoited to go back to ber for-
mer poition.        ?
  Th, action of, the School Board
  ends, a Jitnation'that has been rock-
  Ing theeistIrq ity of Clicago ever
slince. imr   t6gwas practically

ousted on Dec. 10. Despite the tangle
of legal procedure and the attempts
by angry members of the School Board
to obscure the issue the voice of the
women has at all times been heard
clearly demanding that Mrs.Young be
put back. The committee represent.
ing practically all of the Chicago
women's organizations, and headed by
Mrs. George Bass, attended the final
board meeting in a body and saw the
victory consummated that they had
worked so hard to win.
    Woman Member Puts Motion
  The motion to reconsider the vote
by which Mr. John D. Shoop had been
elected superintendent wa made by
Mrs.   MacMabon, and   received 13
votes. Mrs. Young was re-elected by
the same number.
  Seven members did not vote and

one was absent.   Mr. Shoop was re-
elected first assistant superintendent
  Mrs. Young at the time was In Try-I
on, N. C.. on a vacation, but returned
to Chicago shortly afterward and took t
up her duties again.
  I have been misquoted, said Mrs.
Young, according   to the   Record.I
Herald.  I never said I would,
quire unanimous support of the boatd
before I would accept. I told Mr. 'I
Reinberg I would accept office If I wasI
elected. They elected me.          0
  The four members of the Seho      A
Board who were removed by Mayoi
Harrison  because they bad workedI
against Mrs. Young have questione
the Mayor's legal right to accept thir
resignations, which had been pl
in his hands In advance, an    t
       (Continued on Page 8)


Dr. Katherine Davis of Bedford
  Reformatory Slated as Com-
  missioner of Correction

  For the first time in its history, New
York City Is to have a woman at the
ead of one of its most important de-
artments, according to those in close
ouch with the plans of Mayor-elect
lohn Purroy 'Mitchel. Miss Kather-
ne Bement Davis has been selected
or Commissioner of Correction.
Graduated from Vassar College In
892, Miss Davis has a degree of Ph D.
rom the.University of Chicago and of
L.D. from   Mount Holyoke.   Since
901 he has been the superintendent
f the Bedford Reformatory, In West-
hester County, where her work has
received the widest and most favor-
ble notice.  The Institution cares
for wayward women and girls.
As Commissioner of Correction Miss
Davis would   have charge of the
Tombs. the seven district prisons in
Manhattan, the penitentiary at Black-
well's Island, the workhouse on Rik-
er's Island, the New York City Re-
formatory of Male Misdemeanants on
liart's Island, and the city prisons in
Brooklyn and Queens. The salary of
the office is $7,500.
  Prominent suffragistshave been in-
terested -in obtaining the appointment
of Miss Davis. Mrs. J. Borden Harri-
man is said to have been the first per-
son to suggest it to Mr. Mitchel.
  The appointment of Miss Davis
would undoubtedly mean a thorough
reorganization of the present unsatis;
factory system.  It would mean the
uma' treatmenof Prsoers ad
'the elin#1on of graft. It would also
,ive a great impetus to the movement
In behalf of equal rights for women.
Press dispatches say that it would be
one of the most important conces-
sions the suffragists have won In the


dfaba    Suffragts    Start Cam-
  aign to Have Stores Always
  ~Ilou :at Six o)chin

  8tanding in the rain at the doors
if the principal shoss. 9 Cqmar a
dosoa suffragists of: tlty t recetlly
sgarte4 ~~ cmpaign iovement In be-
hstlf of %.,e !erks.   The 'women,.
wlao were nawmbers of the Omaha Po-
litical Equality I4ague, asked that
the stores close at sir o'ock every.
evening in the year. They handed out :
to evening shoppers nearly 3000
cards, on each of which was printed:
  Think of the clerks,
  Do your shopping before 6 o'clock.
  By   request  Political Equality
Lqge.                .      ,.
'Floor walkers and clerks thanked
uis when they came- out at nine
o'clock. said one 9t thae squad ther
first evening. We ere    going  to
stay on the job tonight and next
week, too, with even ,more workers.

-Toronto took a referejou  of the
male voters on Jan. ti oA ece wheth-
,er municipal suffrage should be ex
tended to married women, In addition
to the single women and wilqa wboi
have already had it for ime, .y.rs.
1he outcome Is not known- aethe
Woman's Journal goes 0i Prss. Van-
eouver lately *Wb1    I ts municipal
sr       so  i itkt     I  rtried
women, and It will,             i ixrelstig -to
'es, whether Toronto ., e9.~ll pro.
Vssive. In Slcoland 5s 181
1it Ireland since. 18   7
have had muntel.I.
arme terms as men:
(xcept in London), It ,.sl
to' widows and spInstes,   and the
ime     os th cae .hrugot hepet

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