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41 Woman's J. 1 (1910)

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Vol. XLI.                                                BOSTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1910.                                                                                    No. 1

The Woman's Journal
. WeeklyNewspaper, published every Satur-
  day in Boston, devoted to the interests of
  women-to their educational, induitrial,
    legal and political equality, and espe'
      ally to their right of suffrage.
 xntered at the Post Office, Boston, Mass., as
@eeond.olasg mail matter.


  Oriox: NO. 6 BXAOOX ST., BOsTON, MAS.

A New Year's Wish, Katherine M.
  B. Sherwood ....................1
Editorial Notes .................. 1
Women    and   Citizenship, Harriot
Stanton Blatch..................1
Mary Johnston on the Status of
  Women   ...................... 1, 2
Concerning Women .............. 1
Stranger Than Fiction, A. S. B..... 2
Child Labor Conference............2
More Support for Suffrage, F. M. A. 2
Susan B. Anthony Memorial Fund. 2
Literary Notice, C. W.............3
State Correspondence: New York,
  South Dakota...................3
Tributes to Mr. Blackwell..........3
Suffrage Results in Utah...........3
To an Infant of Days, Julia Ward
  Howe ........................4
A Mothers' Meeting, Ella Gilbert
  Ives  ...... .................... 4
Women in the Churches............4
With Our Exchanges..............4
Letter from Alice Paul............4
Notes and News..................4
Selma Lagerlof a Suffragist........4
Norway's Fine Exhibit.............4
Humorous   ........................ 4

       A NF.W YEAR'S WISH.

    By Katharine M. B. Sherwood.

Across the    solemn  spaces of the
 How sweet to hear the voices that we
 When fewer hearts were sad and
    more were true,
 And life had less of sorrows.than of
 Then take we gladder-hope to us
 For who shall say that all our past
     is vain,
 While one sweet soul esteems our
    little worth,
 And singles us from all the good of
 For kindly greeting as the days go
 0 friend of mine, whose rare fidelity
 Stands sentinel at Friendship's holy
 Lest care and change dissever souls
     at one,
 The Lord keep watch between us,
   mine and thine,
 Till night is gone and golden dawn


  A Happy New Year to
friends of equal rights!

all the

  During the past year women voted
for the first time in Norway at a Par-
liamentary election, for the first time
in Denmark at the municipal elec-
tions, for the first time in Michigan
on questions of local taxation, and
for the first time in Victoria at an
election for the State Parliament.

  The Councils of Easton, Md., have
voted by a large majority in favor of
a new city charter, giving municipal
suffrage to women owning $500 worth
of property.  The    Baltimore   Star
  The Eastern Shore, where still the
flower of Maryland's chivalry and
beauty persists, is once more to the
fore in progress. Easton's chivalric
City Council, besieged by Easton's
surpassing beauties en masse, suc-
cumbed after a parley intended mere-
ly to preserve the traditions of mascu-
line and councilmanic dignity, and
decided to ask the Legislature so to
amend the charter of Easton as to
permit women who own $500 worth
of property to vote at all municipal
and councilmanic elections In the
town. We hasten to run up to our
maintopgallant, or wherever it was
that Nelson flew his signal, the neces-
sary flags to spell out, Well done,
Easton!    There is, however, one
flaw in tile commendable action of
the. Easton   solons: That property
qilalification. Why make the posses-
sion of $500 worth of property neces-
sary to qualify the-4emialne suffrag-
ist? Either make the men amenable
4o the same condition or do not im-
pose it upon the ladies.  Why do
things-good things-by halves?

  Anything   should   be  welcomed,
however, which makes a breach in
the Chinese wall of absolute exclu-
sion against Women.

  It is witi a sense of personal loss
that we learn of the death on last
Monday of Dr. Sarah Read Adamson
Dolley, the second woman in the
country to take a medical degree and
practise medicine. She died at her
home at Rochester, N. Y., at the age
of eighty-one. Dr. Dolley took her
degree from the Rochester and Syra-
cuse Medical Colleges in 1S51, just
two years after Elizabeth Blackwell,
this country's first graduated woman
physician, received a medical degree
from the College at Geneva.

  The   Central Trades and Labor
Council of New Orleans, representing
40,000 members, has unanimously en-
dorsed Miss Jean Gordon, State fac-
tory inspector, in her stand to pre-
vent any amendment to the child la-
bor law. There has been consider-
able  agitation  over the   proposed
amendment to admit childien to take
part in theatrical performances. The
Era Club has over 700 women en-
listed in opposition to such an amend-

Editor Voman's Journal:
  The possibility of a woman becom-
ing a citizen when married to a for-
eigner is so important, may I give to
your readers the details of my case
and Henriette Cohn's?
  Ten days before I applied for citi-
zenship, Mrs. Colin applied. Her case
was this: She and her husband came
to this country from Russia many
years ago. They made a good deal
of money, and wished to own and
transfer real estate. There are many
barriers in the way of aliens carry-
ing on such transactions In the state
of New York. Mr. Cohn declared his

intention to become a citizen, but in
the end it was found he was too
illiterate to be accepted.
  They were advised to have Mrs.
Colin, who is not illiterate, apply for
citizenship papers. On her doing so,
the clerk of the Bureau of Naturaliza-
tiozi took her before Judge Noyes,
who is the U. S. Supreme Court
judge of this district. He decided
that Henriette Cohn was a person,
and that, as every person's right of
expatriation is sacred, she had the
right to renounce Russia, and natural-
ize in America.
  Judge Noyes knew that Mrs. Cohn
  was taking this step for the protec-
  tion of property, so he asked the
  proper authority, if his decision was
  not concurred in, to appeal the case
  at once, and not cause difficulties
  later and throw unnecessary expense
  upon comparatively poor people. No
  appeal was made.
  Next came my       case, which    is
  slightly different, for, unlike Mrs.
  Cohn, I was born and brought up in
  America, and lost my     citizenship
  through marriage. The clerk referred
  my case to Judge Noyes. He decided
  that I was a person, and that mar-
  riage no more than birth could fix
  nationality. The right of a person to
  expatriate him or herself rises above
  birth and marriage.
  The  judge, the  clerk, and  my
  lawyer consider that the legal ques-
  tion has been decided, and that Hen-
  rilette Cohn and I will receive our
  final papers if we can read the con-
  stitution intelligently and fulfill the
  usual qualifications for citizenship.
             Harriet Stanton Blatch.
   New York City.
   Fanny Bullock Workman, the in-
 domitable mountain-climber, has pre-
 pared  for Putnam's Magazine for
 January an account of some of her
 most daring and successful adven-
 tures among the higher ranges of the
 IHimalayas, illustrated with snapshots
 from her own camera. She and her
 husband are veteran mountain-climb-
 ers, having made ascents in the Him-
 alayas as long ago as 189S. They have
 visited the same region twice since
 then, and some of the more striking
 of their, later achievements are de-
 scribed in this article.


 Mabel Potter Daggett contributes
 o the January Delineator an article
entitled Suffrage Enters the Drawing

Mrs. Julia Clark Hallam, president
of the lowa Equal Suffrage Associa-
lon, is doing excellent work through
h colunis of the Sioux City Daily

Mrs. F. N. Rowe, chairman of the
'petition to Congress committee for
Michigan, reports 60,000 names se-
cured in that State.

Mrs. David Pokorney of New    Or-
leans,, who is staying at the Lenox
with her husband for a week or so,
is delighted with the beautiful snow-
storin, tile first she has ever sen.
  Airs. 0. H. P. Belmont gave away
2000 dolls to poor children oil Christ-
inns. Each doll wore a Votes for
Women sash. This was a pretty way
to combine Christnas kindness with
suffrage propaganda.

  Miss Ethel Wood, the Brookline
school teacher who is receiving ex-
tensive praise for her original story-
telling talent, was recently appointed
by tile Massachusetts State Board of
Education as an instructor in this
a rt.
  Madame Lipkowsha, the Russian
prina donna, addressed all open-air
meeting in favor of woman suffrage
the other day in New York City. She
spoke in French and in Russian, and
says she hopes before log to Iuar
enough English to make a speech for
suffrage in that tongue. Mine. Lip-
kowska spoke fromi a soap box. The
eioeting was held by the National Pro-
gressive Union.
  Mrs. Dinah E. Sprague, who was
100 years old last May, is said to be
           nlonbci -of t M &-'Woin'n6
Relief Corps. She was born In New
York and was one of the early
settlers of Cleveland.   During the
Civil War a large number of soldiers
were encamped on the heights in
Cleveland, and Mrs. Sprague was un-
tiring in her 9fforts to better the lot
of the boys.   At tile age of 90,
Mrs. Sprague claimed her right to the
ballot by voting for university trus-
  Catherine Breshkovskaya, who is to
be placed on trial in February on the
charge of being a member of the rev-
olutionary organization, has been al-
lowed her first conference with her
counsel, M. Zarudny.     M. Zarudny
said later that he had found Mme.
Breshkovskaya in surprisingly good
health, bright and cheerful, but utter-
ly unreconciled to the government.
She declined to ask for a transfer to
the preliminary detention prison, and
may possibly refuse to present a de-
   Mrs. Raymond Brown is president
of the Woman's Suffrage Study Club
of New York which has been organ-
ized to study the movement of suf-
frage for women.
   We are not all of us suffragists
 yet, said Mrs. Brown, but I hope we
 are going to be. This society has
 been formed both for the women who
 believe in woman suffrage and don't
 know why, and for the women who
 are entirely ignorant of the subject
 and don't know whether they believe
 in it, but want to find out,

   Dr. Caroline E. Hedger, health in-
 spector  of Chicago, recently    ad-
 dressed an audience composed of 200
 graduate nurses of Milwaukee and
 Wisconsin on Social Hygiene. She
 urged that instruction as to the suf-
 fering resulting from the social evil
 be given in the public schools, and
 advocated laws which will make it
 necessary for both men and women
 to procure a clean bill of health be-
 fore being permitted tor marry.   A
 committee of three nurses, composed
 of Mrs. Joseph Bradshaw, Miss . n
 Ambridge and Miss Helen Kelily, was
 appointed t'a take up the work of
 social purity and outline plans to bet- , :
 ter conditions.        '

            OF WOMEN.

  Miss Mary Johnston, author of To-
Have and to Hold, and other delight-
ful stories, deals in the Richmond
(Va.) Times Despatch of Dec. 12 with
the argument that woman suffrage
would have a bad effect upon the
heme. She.writes: .       ..  
  Apparently there is:at tile moment,
in the minds of some worthy people,
a fear that wheln the .mor of a civiliza-
tion which we proudly proclaim  as
dynamic shall open to equal suffrage
woman's love    for her home     and
family will at once fly out of the win-
dow.   May I avail myself of the
courtesy of your columns, and speak
upon this subject?
  Far behind us, In the mists of time,
twocreatures, male and female, dif-
ferentiated themselves from their fel-
lows of the universal forest.  The
male was physically the stronger, for
the female bore the children, but
there is no reason to suppose that
they were not intellectually equal-
equal, not similar. Each to some ex-
tent complemented the other. With
the passing of ages they grew in men-
tal capacity, tley left forever the
plane of the merely animal, they en-
tered, together, upon that vast syn-
thesis, intellectual and spiritual, of
which no prophet has arisen who can
tell us the eventual glories.
  There was no family as it is
  known today. Mother and child com-
  posed the  primitive family.  That
  savage mother bore the child, suckled
  it, carried it in her arms or u. pon her
  back, sought food for it, taught it
  that forest fires would burn and water
  drown, and certain berries slay hor-
  ribly, and wild beasts kill and devour.
  When it was sick or, hurt she nursed
  it, when the wolf or the tiger ap-
  peared she ran with the child if she
  could, if not, she turned and fought
  for It to her death. Mother and child
  were the family. And when she
  found a cave or some green, hidden
  recess in the forest, there, where in
  pain she bore her 'child, where she
  nursed it, where she left it upon the
  leaves waile she sought for food,
  where at eve she returned rejoicing,
  bearing meat for her young-there
  was the first home. It is to be as-
  sumed that she loved it even then.
  No one has even arisen to doubt that
  she loved her family. Very early,
  probably, she  began, with   bright
  flowers, with pebbles, with what not,
  to adorn her home. Her love today
  for her pretty things has its roots
  so far back as that.
  For a long time it did not occur
  to the man either to prefer one mate
  to another, or to remain beside the
one whom, at last, he did prefer.
Love of offspring, or desire to claim
them as his own, had as little place
among his ideas. The child knew not
his father, and the father neither
knew   nor cared to know his child.
The twentieth century grants that
paternal is yet a light thing beside
maternal love.
  Slow    genetic   change,   running
through ages, wrought other condi-
tions for those primitive two. Brains
were larger.  Ceaseless struggle in

his war for food, sharp and violent
struggle with rival males for tiee
possession of the woman of that mo-
mlot's desir, had dnle lan swifter
to see and to seize in advantage. Ile
round a wisdom il recognizing a com-
Ibanion. not so physically strong as
himself, upon when. therefore, lie
'ould impose his will, and in allaying
himself with a blood kindred.     -uIs
sons could hunt and fight with him,
and his faughters Colild bai tlh e bl'  
dens on the march. Tie wonan, in
her turn, found that the man was
strong to ward off or to fight with and
kill the beasts that prowled around
her ioie, and that lie could procure
food for the child where ste could
not. Moreover, through interest and
through inclination, she was monoga-
111011s. She was content with one
mate, and, physical passion aside, her
nature was such that she could trans-
fer to this mate something of the al-
truistic devotion with which she r-
garded her child.    The family en.
larged Its borders.. The man became
a member of it and a sharer of the
  He was physically the stronger, and
as the age of chivalry had not yet ar-
rived, ,and as the age of justice is to.
day, like Halley's comet, only tele-
scoplcally visible, lie now arrogated
to himself the position of head of the
family, and enforced his claim   with
knockdown blows. At this point in
history  was settled   tie  status of
   Such as the two were, very primi-
 tive, close to the earth, pathetically
 akin to the beasts of prey about them,
 but holding within pdtentialities of all
 beauty and wonder, they henceforth
 dwelled together-though upon hard
 terms for the woman. Slowly enough
 they climbed an upward road. It is
 conjectured that the man, using a
 stick for a lever, or flattened stones
 for mortar and pestle, devised the
 first tool, the faraway ancestor of all
 the industries of the world. It is con-
 jectured that the woman, babbling
 and cooing to the infant at her breast,
 exchanged with it, later, those half-
 articulate sounds which even today
 we call baby-talk, later yet accus-
 toming it to cries of warning and
 command, to sounds of comfort, sym-
 pathy and welcome, was the insti-
 tutrice of all human language. She
 is today more garrulous than man,
 and the trait is accounted for by her
 long dealing with children. It is prob-
 able that the man made the first
 weapon, parent of the     torpedo-de-
 stroyer and the Benet-Mercie gun.
 Woman, it Is thought, began the do-
 mestication of animals. Man hunted
 far and wide and brought flesh meat
 home to that family which by now, in
 his own rude fashion, lie loved and
 protected. With a sharpened stick,
 with the first hoe, woman dug in the
 forest for edible roots. She gathered
 berries and   fruits, and  somewhat
 later, she planted seeds. She watched
 and tended their upward growth and
 gleaned and stored the produce. She
 was the first farmer. Man, hunting
 and warring now together with his
 kin, began to organize the horde, and
 so entered upon his administrative
 career. Government sprang into ex-
       (Continued on..page 2.)

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