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37 Women's J. 1 (1906)

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IVol., XX.XVI. P L,                                                                0 (NA rn-T-A Tr 'r-


  he Woman's Journal

  IATUB DAY in Boston, devoted to the Interests
  of Woman-to her Educational, Industrial,
    Legal and Political Equality, and espe-
      claily to her Right of Suffrage.
 (Eatered at the Post Office, Boston, lMass,, as
 seoon d-lasa mail matter.



Iaroness Alexandra Gripenberg, LauraM. Johns.
;harlotte Perkins Gilman.  Prof. Ellen Hayes

kere opies are for sale and subscriptions taken.
B. MoanRioN, Business ManagerAdv. Dep't.

 Litorlal Notes....    ..................... 1
 nether Object-Lesson, A. R.B ..................1
 rime Decreasing ............................... 1
 Ilege and Alumnsn......... ............1
 ut to the Test .................................. 1
 New Declaration of Independence, H.,B. B.. 2
 Memoram-Mrs. Jane Spofford-Mrs. Jane
 Amy.McKinney ...... ......................... 2
 otes and News ................. ....... 3
 assachusetts Clubs and Leagues .......... 3
 ates to Baltlmore' ............................. 3
 tter from Louisa Alcott ..................... 4
harles F. Dole on Suffrage ................... 4
women Notaries Ousted in New Hampshire...       4
o the Massachusetts Leagues ................. 4
ational Column ................................4

           THE NEW YEAR.

         Speak to all more kindly
         Than the year before,
         Pray a little, ftener,
         Love a little more;
         Cling a little closer
           7-Toi  'tharle. lo!ve '
        So life below shall liker grow
          To the life above.


   This year's record of lynchings in the
   7nited States is the shortest for twenty

   The State Granges of Illinois, Ohio and
   elaware have lately adopted resolutions
   n favor of woman suffrage.

   The Chicago Woman's Club has just
   oted by a large majority to ask that the
   ew city charter be so framed as to give
   'unlipal suffrage'to women.      Jane
   ddams and Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotin were
 appointed a committee to present the
 ; tition to the Charter Commission.

 '.Governor Chamberlain of Oregon on
 ec. 28 issued a proclamation notifying
 he legal voters of the State that an ini-
 .lative petition had-'%eii -led in the
 $ffioe of the Secretary of State, proposing
 a equal-suffrage amendment to the con.
 tltution. The proclamation recites that
 lhe petition bears 9,904 signatures, prop-
 ily certified, and that, this number being
   ufcientthe proposed amendment will
   0esubmitted to the voters at the general
   lection on June 4, 1906. The Governor's
   reclamation will be printed in four is-
   ues of ten newspapers in the State-one
   n e  'judicial district.

   Mrs., SusanCurrier Ornes, the newly
   looted vicepresident of the Washington
   ta Oe Equal,'Suffrage Association, is a
   markably br Iglt and energetic woman.
   efore 'hermarriage, she was a very sue-
   essful teacher'. She' is now joint editor
   Ith her'ub'and o'f theMt. Vernon Ar.
 gU8. She IS~'ini-berlij graduate, and has
 served two' tj '1as county 'Superintend-
 eut ofselected both times
 hbm huge majoritiesi runing far ahead of
 her ticket. In her:fufilment of'the du-
 ties of this offo eL' slo Calet'the pace
 thatit had a good effect 'upon school-su-
 perintendence throughiout, the 'whole
 State. She has been a p ir' in Wash-
ington In school gardening d In' school
conolidation, and she'secuag ed te in- 
troduction and passage ofthe'ola   giv-
Ing school districts the power to purchase

libraries. This was after a very success- and all the year round they went without      PUT TO THE TEST.
ful experiment with travelling libraries enough wholesome foqd to keep them in
hal been made by the school districts of condition. But they fendured the hard-  I3 OIIROLA WILLIAM IASKELL.
her own county, under her guidance. She ships for the sake of Che home that they
is said to be a go6d writer, a good speaker were going to have after a while,                    CAST:
and a good organizer, She takes a warm     A few days ago a ltter came to Mrs. MitS. IIELEN STRONG, President of thel In
                                                                                  pressive Improvers.
Interest In public affairs, and has been an Nelson at the post-oflice near her farm.- IUSS 3MARGAIIIT STRONG, Secretary of tlhe
active campaigner for more than one use- The letter was from te land office, and   inlressive Improvers.
ful measure. She will be an acquisition told her briefly that her claim had been GRANDMA STURDY, a Chronic Interrupter.
to the Washington E. S. A.              contested on the ground that she was not MISS LIBBIE TER, a Woman Voter from Colo.
                                        the head of a family. Learning the law, AIRS,. )EALUV PATIrNCE.
                                        she realized her plightS' Unable to make  h)rin.l PAT:ETNCh0.
  At the present session of Congress an a defense, she was 4ported from  the 31IS. LETITIA 'AD)AGO, an Anti-Suffragist
effort will be made to extend the limit of homestead. Mrs, N(lsou brought her SALLIE (1IDl)Y1ATE.
twe~inty-eight hours during which live. family to Antelope Co xnty, and rented a MISS STERLING WORTH, the School-Teacher.
stock in transit may be confined In cars farm that had not bIen kept up well. MAhS lIDOOLAN.
without food or water. Everyone with How they were to survjve the winter she PEGGY IMURIliY, a Maid who acquires an edu-
any humanity should lend his or her in- did not know. Threi of the children       cation in an original way.
fluence to prevent the passage of any   were attacked withfer, and Dr. Camp- MEMBERS of the Impressive improvers.
change In the present law which will ex. bell, of Tilden, was caled. He reported MIR. STANLEY Ii. EARNEST.
tend the cattle's starvation and suffering, the case to the church'wdmen of Tilden.I)EACON OLDE FOGY.
The American Humane Association has       They are raising mo0sy to support Mrs. MR. hIEANRY GADANGO.
issued a protest to the members of Con- Nelson and her childr n on charity. If CHARLIE BUMPTIOUS.
gress.                                  she had had justice, s Ae and the family PE''ER DUGAN.
                                       could have supported t iemselves.                        ACT 1.
  Many calls come to the Nebraska Suf-    Yet the little groups of millionaires'                SCENI.
frage Headquarters for literature to use wives who officer and run the Anti-Suf.              s.He    1.
In preparing papers to read before clubs frage Associations of -New York, Massa-  Home of Mrs. Helen tron at Hunting-.
and for debates. Woman suffrage was chusetts and Oregon x ill doubtless con- ton Height..     Place, te Drawing-oom.
the subject of a recent debate in the   tinue to assure us th,. women have all Tine, the early esening. (Enter Peggy.)
Omaha High School, and a Filipino boy, the rights they ought ttn want.  A. s. B, PEGY. Oh, 'aint I jest sick of llvin' in

ilamuno Obon, led the affirmative side.
The decision by the judges in his favor
was unanimous. At a debate in the
Ewing High School, on the same subject,
a like decision was rendered.

   Lester Bodine, superintendent of com-
 pulsory education in Chicago, says: An
 investigation on the West Side shows that
 there are 6,000 deserted women, and In
 the whole city there are nearly three
 times as many whose husbands have left

 In several memorial notices of the late
 Edward Atkinson, It was stated that he
 believed in woman suffrage, but did not
a w  XIprov.!e   the ,penling of so  v
    nweployments to women. Mrs. At-
kinson says that she believes this last Is a
mistake; that she never heard her hus-
band say anything of the kind; and that
he rejoiced in women stenographers, and
had several in his Boston office. She be-
lieves that he never held the opinion on
this point which has been attributed to
him by some of the papers, and she wishes
the statement to be corrected.


   The opponents of equal suffrage con-
 stantly assert that the laws are more than
 just to women. There is a woman in
 Nebraska who thinks differently.
   Shp is Mrs. Nels Nelson, a mother of ten
 children, all of them under fifteen years
 of age, and in the depths of poverty. Her
 husband is servinga twenty years' term
 in the Nebraska State prison.' Mrs. Nel-
 son lived for two yeArs on a quarter-sec-
 tion patch of sandhill land in Holt County,
 Neb., upon which she had filed a claim
 for the sake of providing a home for her-
 self and herfamily. Now she has been
 ordered off the land, and deported be
 causein the eyes of the law she was not
 the head of a family, and therefore had
 no. right to file upon a homestead. The
 N. V/ W1orld says:
   The homestead laws of the United
 Stat  provide that no woman unless she
 be unmarried or a widow can file on
 homestead land. If convict Nelson, now
 serving his twenty-year term at Lincoln,
 had killed himself instead of the man
 whom he did slay, or if he had been the
 man slaughtered, then Mrs. Nelson could
 not have been 'deported from the farm'
 upon' which she had set her heart, and'
 upon which she had placed' two yearsof
 hard labor in improvements.
 When Nelson was sent to the peniten-
 tiary, Mrs. Nelson saw hope for saving her
'famiiyby filing upona homestead. She
had heard stories of gaining land free, and
she went 'into Holt County. There she
chose 160 acres and began to try to make
a living by raising what farm  products
would grow, and a little herd of cattle.
  All' the first winter the family went I
without the actual necessities of life in
order to hold down that claim.'In a tiny I
two -roomed hut they all lived together, E
as many sleeping in two beds as could '
crowd between the ragged comforters, and I
the rest rolling up each night on the v
  During 'the blizzards the little tots, ,
shabbily clothed, shivered and became ill, i


   Prof. Cesare Lombro~o,in a Berlin news-
 paper, expresses the belief that criminal-
 ity will be steadily reduced in the future,
 provided proper ideas as to the treatment
 of criminals are adoptcd, and social and
 industrial reforms are Introduced. Pro.
 fessor Lombroso is paticularly encour-
 aged by some interestlig Australian sta-
 tistics which bear wiiness to a steady
 decrease in the number and seriousness
 of crimes.   Althogli the population
 doubled in the pe~o'd which he considers,
 the number of mussies decreased one-half,
 while arson, cheat s .nud theft were less
 by one-third, and highway robbery by
 one fourth.   the
   In- England, the lat:81statistics show'
 similar gains: murders areless by 8 per
 cent., thefts by 30 r  cent., forgery by
   This favorable showing is, as Professor
 Lombroso admits, quite contrary to expe-
 rience elsewhere. In Germany, for in-
 stance, criminals steadily multiply, while
 the number of offenders for the second
 time has doubled.
   In England and Australia, women vote.
 In Germany and most other countries
 they do not.
   Professor Lombroso explains the Adls-
 tralian progress by the industrial reforms,.
 as a result of which, in his opinion, the
 laborers are as well off as the petty offi-
 cials of Europe. In England, he gives the
 credit to the Salvation Army, the colonies
 for children, the ragged 'schools, and the
 constantly extending efforts to safeguard
 children. He also lays great stress upon
 the anti-alcohol campaign, and he empha.
 sizes the fact that there the criminal
 insane have had separate asylums for
 more than a hundred years-an idea, he
 adds, which still arouses the narrow-
 minded jurists of Latin countries to a
 blind fury.


  The University of Paris has established
two scholarships of $1,500 each for women
students, who are to visit America,Eng-
land, Germany, and Norway, to study the
educational systems of those countries.

  The city council of Berlin has voted to
establish a municipal Gymnasium,, for
girls (something between a high school and
a college),to be opened next Easter, In one
of the public, school buildings, which, It
will odcupy until a separate building is
finished. This will be the first municipal
girls' college in Germany. '

On the 70th birthday of Professor Adolf r
W~agner. of the University of Berlin, a
fund was raised by his'friends and disci.
ies out of 'which an 'Adolf Wagner
,rze is to be awarded annually, for the
best publication from the ,Semicarl of po-
itcal economy. This prize has just been
awarded for' the first time,'and to a wo.n
nan member of the Semfniar,N'rau Mar16 y
iSchwab, for a study of   hamberainis00
commercial policy.  ProfessorWagner
himuself wrote a preface to he treatise, In tj
which be declares himselfa firm advo. tj
ate of scientific work bywomen,' and tells a
of the excellent'results'attainedby all his'
emale students, without exception,

this here famblyl Here's wimmin with
heaps of money, who cud dress like heavy
swells 'n go reglar to balls 'n sworaas in
this here town, a holdin' meetin's the hull
time. Fust It's ther sassiety what disgusts
sanditation and hygleen. Then it's ther
Culichewer Club. Then it's ther organi.
zation which blows about perditions an'
'lections an' poles. My, if it ain't dull
a listenin' at ther keyholesl An' let-
ters! Why, they ain't worth openin'.
Not a mite of spooniness or scandal in
emi You'd think clothes growed on the
Strongs, all's they ever disgust 'em. An'
me what's come from ther Giddypates,
which talked clothes reglar, and was
walkin' fashing-plates 'If it wasn't as
the wages wasn't to be sneezed at, and If
it wasn't as I'm a gettin' heducated to

I'd leave to oncet.
              (Enter Peter.)
   PETER. Hi there, Peggy darlint, is it
 talkin' In yese slaps yese are?
   PEGGY. None of yer imperence, Peter
 Dugan! I'm havin' a solilerkey.
   PETER. A whut? Gee, is it catchin',
   PEGGY. Ain't yer Igrunt, Peter Dugan I
 A solilerkey is when yer talk to yerself.
   PETER. Sure, Ms Margaret's Poll
 parrut doos thot stunt all av th' toime,
 an' Ot niver knowed whot It wuz..Oid
 thought soom av it wuz joost plain
 swearin'. But niver moind, Peggy, av.
 yese hod soomthin' far wurse, O'd love'
 yese joost th' same.
   (A ttempts to put-his arm around her.)
   PEGGY [repulsing him]. Don't yer dast'
to tech me, Peter DuganI Yese ought te,
have shiveralry enough to kape ter onb'
  PETER, Shiveralry is it yese after?-
Sure, Oi'm not th' mon ter hond out
icicles ter anny woman. Oi'll lave thot
to th' could-hearted.
  PEGGY. Ye'll lave me hunmolested,
I'm thinkin'.
  P'TR.. Sure, an' it's not lasth month.
yese wnz rammin' th' dictionary down me
troat wid ivery wurrd. It's Danny Flynn
has turned yese head, bad cess to hilj
An' him a hangin' ter th'Icoat-tails avA:
boss er kape his job I Sure, anny gurri
that perfersa ' guy whut has ter get h'i
livin' by polertics ter a honest feller wid a'1
stiddy job is a fool.   .           '
  PEGGY [gasping]. How dast yer call
me sech epitaphs, Peter Dugan? How.
dast yer run down, the.repitition of Me
Iren's? If yer kapq goin-
  PETER [with   aughtlnees]. 01 won't
kape goin', ,Oi']lgo,; : . ..-     ...

     (Eit Peter, slamming the door.)
        (Enter AMargaret 'Strong.)
 MARGARET. Well, Peggy, is everythink
realy for the meeting of the impres'ive
Improvers? Are' there any letters for me?
PEGGY. Yes, maam.
Take8 letter from haer pocket and hands it
 MARGARET. Why, th~e postman came
An hour ago. You must deliver mail to
tne 'at once. The. twoletters I received
yeserday ookedas though they had been

PEGGY [quicklyj.! It must have been,
he cook, She's expeotin' a letter from
herOld Country, au'-'she can't read,uso
he has ter open al, ther mail to see if C
there's anything f ur, her.
         (Continued on PAffe 2.)'

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   was married last week in Gardiner, Me.,
to Mr. Carleton Anderson Shaw.        Iihou,
  bride is a daughter of Henry Riolbrlr.
  and Laura E. Richards, and is a grandt!:It
  daughter of Julia Ward Howe. Carlet oi /
  A. Shaw, the bridegroom, is a descend-
  ant of one of the old minute-men of Lex-
t   Miss JESSIE JOhNSON of Kokomo is the
  youngest notary public in Indiana. She
  is fourteen years old. She received her
  commission duly signed by the Governor
  and Secretary of State. Miss Johnson is
  a stenographer and typewriter in the
  office of B. C. Moon, attorney. The law
  does not require any age limit for notaries.
  The only qualification Is that the appli-
  cant shall have a certificate of good moral
  'character from the judge of the Circuit
  MRs. B. C. GUDDEN, president of the
  Wisconsin Consumers' League, writes in
  renewing her subscription to the WOMAN'S
  JOURNAL: Theoretically I have always
  believed In the justice of woman suffrage,
  but had my doubts whether itwould be
  'for better or for worse.' The study of
  industrial conditions under which women
  work has convinced me that the granting
  of the ballot would be the only radical
  force to right great social evils. Your
  WOMAN'S JOURNAL has confirmed me in
  this conservatively developed opinion.
  MIss SUSIE SORAnJI, a young Parsee
  woman, has been in this country since
  May in the interest of the American Par-
  see School for Women at Poona, India.
  She came pledged to raise $10,000 for the
  improvementand extension of this school,
  the only Christian school for Parsees in
  India. As Christmas drew near, Miss
  Sorabji began to feel homesick. Despite
  her industry, only $,000 of the $10,000
  had been raised. But a few days ago the
  young Parseetelegraphed-to, her mother;,
       W il  s il  ~ r o m e 3.  1 %  e  ife id ,
 who made this possible was Miss HlenI'
 Gould. I have sent $7,000 to the agent
 of the American committee of Sorabji
 schools in India, Miss Gould is said to
 have written to Miss Sorabji. The sum
 is now complete. It is but a little gift of
 love to enable you to go home and be with
 your loved ones.
 president of the Elizabeth Cady Stanton
 Political Equality League of Brooklyn,
 N. Y., has written a witty equal suffrage
 play called Put.to the Test.  It was
 performed by the Stanton League last
 winter, before a large audience, and was
 a great success, both. financiallyn  'nin
 favorable press  notices. Since then,
 twenty-five Suffrage Clubs in different
 parts of the United States have written to
 Mrs. Haskell, asking for copies' of the
 play. She has not been able to furnish it,
 as it is too long to be type-written'for
 everyapplicant. It will therefore be pub-
 lished inour columns. It will run through
 three issues of the JOURNAL, beginning
 this week, Our readers willnot grudge
 .having their usual amountof news tem-
 porarily curtailed, for the sake of putting,
,so I amusing and Instructiv drama Into a
shape where it will~ be avatiable for gen-
eral use., Clubs and* Leagudes 'that 'think
they may at'some 'time wiphto give this
,play should secure copies of it now, as it
may not always kbi poigbie' to supply the
:back numbers of the JOURNAL containing
It.   - .

-Miss GWENDOLINE MURl'x'r a young
.Minnesota school-teacher, has lately made
a fortune by her knowledge of ebology.
Close to the village of.Mentonnemlay a
great,, worthless 'rsh, coveringwpquare
mile, jbut so surrou'nded by elevatedp'ins,
,o every side that Itwould cost' tho-usands
of dollars to, drain It. 'MissMurphy bad
made a special study of geology, geogra.
phy, mining and' allied :sciences., .she
,stonishied< her 'friends by using an 'I-
hberitailce of about $1000 that had come'g
,to her in buying ith iquare mile of marsh.
As soon as winter had frozente swamp,
'she began the diggliig of a great well, uix
,feet in'diazneter and 101 feet deep, down
     hrought e;strata Of             ..... c 'a -;
nud blue clayunderlyingthemarah, t9a   -
;oose 'and porous,-stratum 'of sand and
boarse~gravel which-her studies had led
her to 'hope 'to find at about 'that distance'
below.'M6 .s'urface. 'Wien, spring 'ame I
again1'the entl I tomarsh, dr , ined 'per'feoiy

ru,41 I

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