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34 Women's J. 1 (1903)

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Vol. XxxIV.

The Woman's Journal
SArUTIfAY in Boston, devoted to the Interests
  of Wo~nao-to her Educational, Industrial,
  Le.l and Political Equality, and espe.
      cislly to her Right of Suifrage,
 (teed at the Post Office, BoStOn, Mass., as
aecond class mail matter.)
          ASSIST   EDITORS:
1aoIFecr i3. A        CATHARINE WILnE,
       0o0As1        RIBUTORS:
 ronegs  eAlc ndr      erg.
 gtrTputmin,~ Jacobi,        ref Elen Hayes.
 LIW eDevereux Blak      nraIM. Johns.
 lo6TOt OFtICH: -         K STEET,
 berecopielsare fors eIa     Ions taken.
            S    RII 'TIO
   First Year on trial  -  -
   Six montls.-    .     . ..
   Single copies . .  .  .       .0
   Three months on trial   -   -
   Pr Annum5-0
   Checks and]ldrafte andpost-office orders should
 bemade payable to the WOMAN'1 JOUR -AL.
 Letters containing remittances sould be ad-
 &sed to the office of the WOMAN'S JOUNAL, 31
 Paik Street, loston, Mass. Registered letters or
 ares Co.'s money orders may besent at our
 ris. Money sent in letters not registered will be
 It the risk of the sender.
 j. . monuusoK, Business Manager Adv. Dep't.

 Editorial Notes ...............................  1
 President Castro's Wife..................  1
 In Memory of Alice Freeman PalmerI.......
 Girl Protects a Horse...................   I
 Women on the Farm ...........................  1
 ire. Diggs in England .........................  2
 A Chivalrous Arkansan .......................2
 Women In the Churches ....................... 2
 Pleasant Words ...............................  2
 Women in Art ................................  2
 riends' I. R. A ................................  2
 A Deserving Case ............................ 2
 Victories at theEast ...........................  2
 Mrs. Livermore Asks that Women May Help  2
 Literary  Notices ................................ 2
 Gossip and Gleanings ........................  2
 Children's Column ...............................  3
 For Home and Fireside,JH. a. a.,............ 4
 Womenin                     t.r e:tJ,-adens,, .......
 Women's New Club-Hou  e .•................  4
 Anest of Dr. Anitaliusgpurg........... ....  4
 Women's Clubs and club Women ............  4
 Against State-Regulated Vice...............4
 To Women Going South..................     4
 What An Organ Should Be ....................  4
 Fashions and Fads.............................  4
 New York City Letter ..........................  5
 Story-'The Cook's Assistant ................ 6
 State Correspondence-Louisiana-New York
   Ohio-Maine-lllinois-New -Mexico .... 6, 7, 8
 Massachusetts Clubs and Leagues.......


  As in a garden when the spring breathes
   We see a Pyramid of rosy snow,
   But when the flowers have fallen, very oft
   Not half have set to apple germs. below;
   And of this half, perchance a dozen alone
   Is rounded full perfection will appear-
   Tst patiently we toil; our task being done,
   Nature will do her own: we need not fear--
   i0, glad young Year, we. crown thee with a
   0f rosy hopes, of happy-hearted schemes;
   Inkuowlng which will live, and which be
   But sure some fruitdf promise lies beneath.
   0  our part In trust. The Gardener, He
   Will bring some blossoms to maturity.
              -Engshoosan'a sReview.


   Now is the time for New-Year good

   New Hampshire is still receiving con-
   gratulations from all sides.

   The amount of good news in, the State
   C0rreapondence this week ought to pre-
   pare all the friends of equal rights for a
   2appy New Year.             

   emember that the Massachusetts W.
   . A, will hold its annual meeting on
   ia. 13,

   A meeting of the executive council of
   17 held in Birmingham, and steps taken
   locking to a lobby in the Legislature to
   ork for the passage of a law  forbidding
   hild labor in mines and factories,     In
   t  ffot the American Federation of
   labor will back up the AlabamaFedera-
   tin With moral and'financial support.
   The Legislature meets this month.

   e,.. HI. A.Parris, of Barbados, is visit-+
   t in Boston, and Ia prepared to :lecture


upon an attractive list of subjects con-
nected with the West Indies. Some of a
these lectures are illustrated with stere- I
opticon views. Mr. Parris is an intellI-
gent and pleasing speaker, and has the
highest endorsements. For subjects and
terms, address him at Parker Memorial,

  Mrs. Imogen B. Oakley read at the an
nual meeting of the National Civil-Service
Reform League a remarkable paper on
The Spread of Civil-Service Reform
Principles through the Agency of Wom-
en's Clubs.  She said: The chief need
of Pennsylvania would appear to be an
inventive genius who shall be able to
eclipse Marconi's most marvelous feats,
and give us wireless politics.


  Ethel Plummer Bowen, a niece of our
minister to Venezuela, writes to the New
York Tribune:
  When President Castro of Venezuela
married, and before he made himself Pres-
ident, Mme. Castro was a simple country
girl. Venezuela was therefore much sur-
prised to see her take her place as the wife
of the president in Miraflores, the palace,
with such ease and grace as to make her
at once a charming and delightful occu-
pant of that high position. Her people
worship her, and well they 'may, for in
her they find a friend who is always ready
and waiting to help them in their times
of sorrow and depression.
  President Castro has very little time for
purely social functions. Therefore he ib
only at infrequent intervals seen in com-
pany with his charming wife. She is
always attended by her private secretary,
Banet de Nazaris, who acts as her inter-
preter, for Mine. Castro speaks no lan-
guage but er own soft Spanish. This
she does in such a sweet and unaffected
manner that one listens to every word,
and' caunot help smiling with -delight at
heir glitjlittlqe ~urnea'ndfao& -Like'the
presidqnt, she is short and, i.. -Her
eyes are large and daik, and her whole
expression is almost child-like In its siem-
plicity. She is now about twenty-eight
years old.
  She dresses extremely well, and her
jewels are exquisite. I was fortunate in
seeing her often, and if she knew how I
struggled with the Spanish words I said
to her she would have smiled. One day
she said to her interpreter: The senorita
talks so much when first I meet her, then
she grows most quiet; and again, when
she is about to leave me she talks so
much! Why is that! She did not un-
derstand that I had said every word I
knew as often as I dared, and then had
to stop; not from lack of interest, but
simply bepause I could not go on.
  The Catholic faith is to her very real,
  while to the average Venezuelan it is
  merely a'perfunctory form. Easter is an
  interesting time in which to view this
  people and their religious celebrations.
  Then one sees men and women thronging
  the city and the cathedrals. It isa sur-
  prise, for the remainder of the year is
  passed, by the women, behind barred
  windows, where they sit idly the greater
  part of the day, dressed in cheap finery,
  powdered and painted to the last degree,
  and holding in one hand the proverbial
  fan 'and in the other a book whose pages
  are seldom cut, and still more seldom


  A number of distinguished educational
  leaders met in Boston last Monday to pay
  honor to the memory of Mrs. Alice Free-
  man Palmer. Among those who spoke of
  her worth and work were President Caro-
  line Hazard of Wellesley College, Prei-
  dent Mary E. Wooley of Mount Holyoke,
  Dean Alice Luce of Oberlin, President W.
  H. P. Faunce of Brown University, Presi-
  dent Wm. J. Tucker of Dartmoutb, and
  President Eliot of Harvard.
  Rev. E. H. Capen, president of Tufts
  College, as a member of the State Board
  ofEducation, told of her fourteen years
  of service on that Board, saying that she
  had built herself into the educational sys-
  tem of the State, and that her monument
  was there.
  Bishop Lawrence spoke of the signifl-
  cance of her work as president of Welles-
  ley. He is a member of the trustees.
  Speaking of the conditions under which
  she assumed the presidency, he said:
  NTew Engfand'-had seen women school
  teachers, b~ut had never seen a woman

had received the congratulations of all the

who was president-ofta college. He de
scribed the state of things within the col-
lege, and said that;she was the first to
organize the teachers into a faculty.
When she resigned,New England and the
country recognized that a woman could
successfully be the pi~sident of a college.
Bishop Lawrence referred to her work in
increasing the:numelr of students at
Wellesley, and to--her.declaration that,
when many youngwomen were turned
away because of Iniutfcient accommoda.
tlons8, it was the asacre of the Inno-
  A committee was appointed to choose
the form of memorls.best adapted to per-
petuate the life'and work of Mrs. Palmer.
One of the best forn 5fh[ memorial would
be to carry forward b i progressive ideas
in regard to equal , adrage and other re-
forms.   Meanwhile't iIs pleasant, and
somewhat amusingto read the pau-gyrics
lavished by promineutopponents of equal
suffrage upon asn  agist   Before long,
when this question,4 0undergoing its an-
nual discussion ,In the Legislature, some
of these same people'iWill come out with
their usual asser ion tat the women who
wish to vote are nott he wise and good,
but the foolish nd misguided. A. a. B.


  Pedestrians huis    along Washington
Street in front o 'arahallField's the
other day witneiedlk a rather unusual
scene, says the Oifdsj Post. A poor old
sorrel horse hitobedo a delivery wagon
was being whipped'nd jerked along in
an inhuman and' u'essonable manner.
The horse finallyjbecne confused and be-
gan backing in a  i, until the'vehicle
was nearly overturnpd and the driver
thoroughly frightened     The situation
looked serious for the private turnouts
that were wedged      n In 6e.
  Indignant passers'ifstopped! to see the
outcome. At this4 1t a young woman
    i~fgi~sepped lu'' i 'Istinkihbid bear-
of handsome face sadin        h    b
tng 'steppedout li      MA       4~tj'
horse, and, graspngethewbridle firmly in
her hand, drew him to the sidewalk,
where she soon calmed the excited beast.
It was thought that this -would end the
matter, but the young woman thought
differently. She had noticed many things
about the horse which might have es-
caped the casual observer; she saw that
it was old, overworked, and underfed, and
that its hoofs, for lackof shoes, were
worn almost to stubs with constant driv-
ing over the granite block pavements.
She called the attention of the driver to
these facts, and asked him if he knew
that there were both city and State laws
providing for the protection of such over.
burdened, abused creatures. He replied
   Well, what are you going to do aboul
-it, lady?
   See that the law is enforced, she re-
 plied. I shall ask the Humane Society
 to befriend this old horse, and see to ii
 that it is provided with shoes and propel
   She then showed her badge of the Illi
 nois Humane Society, and the small five.
 pointed star of the Anti-Cruelty Society,
 which by special order ofChief of Police
 ONei'is recognized as an authorized
 police call.            -
   The driver was silenoedfand the indig
 nant crowd had become intensely inter.
 ested. The giant bluecoat stationed al
 State and Washington Streets was called
 and responded willingly tothe young wo-
 man's request for his services; and the
 driver and the sorrel horse were taken tc
 police headquarters at the city hall.
   As the crowd began to disperse, enthu.
 siastic comments were made about th
 young woman's taking up the cudgels foi
 the defenseless, abused beast. Men and
 women alike commended her action...
   The last chapter of this tale was added
 the following morning in the Harrisor
 Street police court, when the case of tho
 sorrel horse was called for a hearing be
 fore Justice Hall.
   The young Woman of aristocratic ap
 pearance, gentle manner, and- mellom
 voice appeared promptly at the appolutec
 time, in company with Officer Nolan anc
 Attorney Scott of the Humane Society
 The station was filled with a motlel
 crowd, and she was a strange contrast t(
 the surrounding specimens ofhumanity
   When the young woman was asked t(
 tell her story, she did so briefly, but witl
 a real touch of eloquence, in behalf of he
 dumb friend. The justicefined the drive
 $10 and 'costs, and threw in an imprompto
    It was not known until after the hor,


had received the congratulations of all the
neighboring nags that the young woman
was Miss Ruth Ewing, daughter of Wil-
liam G. Ewing.


   During the past season, Mrs. Florence
 A. Cummings, of Prospect, Me., has
 raised a large flock of chickens, and a
 Jersey calf for which she has been offered
 $20. In haying time she raked after thirty
 loads of hay and helped stow it all away
 in the barn. She picked a large quantity 9
 of berries and put them up for winter, and
 has picked seven bushels of cranberries I
 for market.   She has put up twenty
 pounds of butter for market each week,
 -and has done all the housework for a
 family of four, And all the time she has
 played the plano two or three nights each
 week, accompanying an orchestra.

   There is a woman's auxiliary to the
 Minnesota Dairymen's Association. Last
 year the Auxiliary received an appropria-
 tion of $500 from the Association. How
 the money was used was told by the sec-
 retary, Mrs. C. H. Robbins of St. Charles,
 at the recent meeting of the two societies.
 By joining forces with the farmers' Insti-
 tutes and the State dairy commission, the
 president and seeretary were able to do
 109 days of missionary dairy work at an
 expense of $4.59 a day. The attendance
 at the lessons, classes, and demonstra-
 tions was 4,500. She described the condi-
 tions they had found In many farm homes,
 and how they had demonstrated w'tliiny
 utensils at hand, no matter hbw prin'tive.
 One butter bowl was a hollowedoitesec-
 tion of a fir log, and butter had been made
 with a little proneed beater. The work
 was done chiefly in the thinlysttled and
 foreign  portions  of the 'State, often
   At this meeting, two women dairy far-
 mere read papers on'their work. Mrs. bi.
 L. Holmes, of Owatonna, undertook dairy
     ar on uaiicoun't of0a natxlloer
 She now has .240 acres tohhr farm, eighty
 in pasture, fifty-five in small grains, twen-
 ty in corn for fodder. The yield 'of giaIn
 was nearly fifty bushels to the acre, and
 all the grain and hay is fed to stock on
 the place. From twenty-six cows Mra.
 Holmes made 68,078 pounds of butter, for
 which she received $1,484, or $57 for each
 cow. In the discussion the men of the
 Association pointed out that the income
 from Mrs. Holmes's cows was more than
 double the average, and that the grain
 yield was phenomenal.
    Mrs. J. H. MoRostle, of Owatonna, also
  has a natural liking for cows, preferring
  them  to poultry as making no harder
  work and being more profitable. Selling
t milk and cream from    ten cows, her re-
  ceipts were $70 a month, which also were
  much larger than the average.     With
  modern machinery she thought dairying
t no more drudgery than other lines of
r business. Sihe had found winter dairying
  the most profitable.
    Mrs. A. J. Long, of Excelsior, urged
  the improvement of the farm home, and
  Miss Julia Brude, of Hanaks, a recent
  graduate of the agricultural school, told
  of the co6perative store and creamery at
  her town.


'   The province of an official organ is
8 admirably set forth in the Southern Wo-
man, Atlanta, Ga., as follows:
    To give to the world the good works of
  the Association.
    To thank all benefactors of the order..
    To make known all injustices thrust
r upon the Association or the least one
A among the members.
    To defend the rights of one and all of
I the fedeated Associates.
    To show gracious appreciation for the
  good works of others.
    To relieve, through bringing it to the at-
 tention of the strong, the condition of the
    To arouse popular sentiment In behalf
  of suffering humanity.
    To show appreciation for favors re-
    To defend fearlessly those upon whom
  burdens have been laid.
    All this the Southern Woman has tried
  to do faithfully, and will strive for greater
  exclence. In conclusion it says:
h As the restriction of child labor, the
hr passing of an age of consent bill, and the
   promulgation of the needs of better fun-
r damental education are the Shibboleths of
u the Georgia'Federation, so they have been
  Sand wll continue to be the watchwords of
s the offcial organ.

Digitized from Best Copy Available

Miss CoRA N. HioxAy is deputy clerk
and Official stenographer of the Probate
court of Cincinnati, 0.
Mi. PERY- WIWRDnIGToR will ad-
dress the Massachusetts Woman Suffrage
Association at Its annual meeting in BOO-.
ton on Jan. 13.I                     I
MnS. FBrnEDzIoK SMYTH, widow of, ex-
Governor Frederick Smyth, has just been
elected- president of the Northern Tele-
graph Company, Manchester,pN. H.
  MELUA will contribute the proceeds of
her Australian tour to'the'laarities of her
native ooiuntry. Seait for, the prima do -
na's opening concert - in Melbourne sold
for high prices, many persons having   •
stayed upall 'night to secure a good pliee
in line at the box ,91ce.1
  Miss 'ANNA B. SOiAFFECc, of Chippewa
Falls, Wis., beginsthe new year as State
Superintendent of the schools for the des,
to which position she was recently ap-
pointed by Governo LaFallette' She had
been county superintendent osnools for
the last tWo years. IThe s ay of her
new position i s$2,000.
  Miss M. C. SM it-is said to be the firqt
woman admitted by King, Edward to the
Imperial Service. She superintends the
woman's branch of the savings-bank de-
partment in the general post.office. , Mis
Smith has been in the service for nearly
thirty years, having been a pioneer in the
movement for employing women in the
post-office. Shev' began witha staff of
about twenty girls, and now hba 900.
  REv. A    0 C. BowLxs offers her lecture,
Woman as an Inventor, to any suffrage
organizatiin in Massachusetts -atihalf
price, which not only brings it within the
reach of the smallestLeague bt offers a
chance to raise money with little trouble.
The lecture has never failed,where'glven,
to exolti a new interest In wOmen's work,,
and also''in 'tlieir political,-status. 'Mrs.
.Bowles's address at present 'is Abington,

   Mae. JissiaBeNon             deaS
 her home In Los Angeles, Cal,, onDee.
 28, in her seventy-ninth year. Her death
 removes a striking and picturesque per-
 sonality. Jessie Benton was an exceed-
 ingly charming young woman, and had
 uncommon strength of will. When slhe
 and Fremont made a runaway match, one
 of ter father's friends said to him: I
 should not have thought Fremont would
 run away with your daughter.    Run
 away with my daughterI said Benton.
 He didn't; she ran away with him I
   KONAMI TANEUc a Japanese wo-
 man, has been sent back from San Fran-
 cisco to Japan by the U. S. government.
 After being held As a human chattel for
 six years, leading a life worse than death,
 and against her own inclination, says
 the San Fraiolsco Bulletin, she turned
 her face to-day toward the home she never
 expected to 'see again. Some weeks ago
 she was found by the Immigration In-
 spectors and a statement taken from her.
 -Her case was' reported to the authorities
 at Washington, and arrangements were at
 once made for her:-deportation. Consid-
 erable iuterest has been takenin the mat-
 ter at Washington, and Commissioner-
 General F. F. Sargent himself has had the
 matter under his, own personal supervi-
 sion part of the time, He will direct
 -muchof his attention in the future to
 circumventing the plans of persons who
 bring Japanese women to this country for
 improper purposes.  But what has been
 done to the persons who have for six
 :years held a human being In slavery, and
 forced her to lead a life worse than
 death, and against her own iaclinstion?
 It Is not mentioned that any punishment
 has been inflicted on them. Thousands
 of Japanese and Chinese girls are held In
 similar slavery in San Francisco and all
 along the Pacific coast. Everybody knows
 it, and yet nothing effective is done about
 it. One asks, with amazement, where are
 the police? Or, failing the police, where
 are the women of California? The police
 are in league with the criminals, for po-
 litical reasons. Some of the women are
 doing their best to rescue an individual
 here and there, but they cannot vote in or
 out the officials upon whom the enforce-
 ment of the law depends. And some
 other women say that they do not wish
 for the power to do so; that they per-
 sonally have all the rightsthey want.
 This voluntary supineness is a blacker
 shame to them than any that human vilk-
 ednese could place upon- poor K0ohim
 Tanehuchi -agsanst her own inclination,

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