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28 Women's J. 1 (1897)

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Vol. XXVIII,                                                     BOSTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1897.                                                                                              No. 1.
                                                 I I                                                                                                                           I__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I__ _ _ _ _

The Woman's Journal.
  A Weekly Newspaper, publtshed every Saturday
in BOSTON, devoted to tie interests of woman -
to her educational, industrial, legal and political
equality, and especially to her right of suffrage.

                 EDI ios i
     Dn. ALIIA C. AvxfAv,
  BOUToN OFFICE--No. 3 Park Street, where copies
are for sale and subscriptions received.
Per Annum-------              -      $2.50
First year on trial-...     ..-1.50
Single copies........05
CLUB RAT'S--FIve copies one year     10.00
  Checks and drafts and post-office orders should
be made payable to the WOMAN'S JOURNAL. Let-
ters containing remittances should be addressed
to Box 3638, or to the office of the WOMAN'S JOUR-
NAL, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Registered
letters or Express Co.'s money orders may be sent
at our risk. Money sent in letters not registered
will be at the risk of the sender.
     J. B. MORRISON. Advertising Manager.

            NEW YEAR SONG.
            BY CELIA THAXTER.
0 Sorrow, go thy way and leave meeI
  Weary am I of thee, thou Sorrow old.
  Unclasp thy hand from mine and cease to
      grieve me,
  Fade like the winter sunset dim and cold.
Depart, and trouble me no longerl
  Die! Vanish with forgotten yesterdays.
  Eastward the darkness melts, the light
      grows stronger,
  And dawn breaks sweet across the shroud-
      ing haze.
 Die and depart, Old Year, old SorrowI
 Welcome, 0 morning air of health and
 0 glad New Year, bring us new hope to-
   With blossom, leaf, and fruitage bright at


    A Happy New Year to our readers! Let
 us all make it one of our New Year good
 resolutions to work harder for equal suf-
 frage in 1897 than we did in 1890.

   Let Massachusetts suffragists from city
 and country plan to attend the annual
 State suffrage meeting in Association Hall,
 Boston, on Monday afternoon and even-
 ing, Jan. 11; also the business meeting of
 the State Association in Park Street
 Chapel, on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 12.
 Eminent speakers will be present.

   Thii week the annual reports of the'
 Massachusetts Leagues and of the Na-
 tional Franchise Department of the W. C.
 T. U. have crowded out much Interesting
 matter, Including the State Correspond-
 ence, the continuation of Dr. Mary Putnam
 Jacobi's From Massachusetts to Turkey,
 and sevral Important obituaries.

   The world moves. One of the daily
 papers of Boston most opposed to equal
 suffrage says without a shudder, and even
 under the heading, Death of an Estima-
 ble Woman : Mrs. -, wife of -,
 and chairman of the school board of-,
 died at her residence Saturday night.
 Imagine the effect that would have been
 produced by such a paragraph twenty
 years ago!I

   Gen. Colby, whose wife, Mrs. Clara B.
 Colby, is well known among suffragists,
 Is said to be preparing an expedition in
 aid of the Cubans.

   Miss Frances E. Willard, though unable
 to go to California as she had hoped, is
 constantly busy. She keeps two stenogra-
 phers at work, yet finds time daily to
 spend several hours in open-air exer-
 cise. Miss Wllard Is occupying a pleas-
 ant cottage near the sanitarium at Castile,
 N. Y., with Anna and Bessie Gordon, their
 mother, and Mrs. Alice Gordon Gulick,
 the pioneer of the higher education
 for women lu Spain. A type.written let-
 ter just received from Miss Willard on

business, bears at the end'these'cheering
lines, pencilled by her own hand: I am
'all right.' Pay no attention to the news-
  The first shares of stock of the Wom-
an's Club House Corporation were issued
at tile office of the WOMAN'S JOUINAL, 3
Park Street, on Dec. 21, 1896, and were
promptly taken. Share No. 1 Is held by
the Castilian Club, from which came the
original call for the organization. The
certificates are handsomely engraved.
  Stock may be purchased at 3 Park
Street, on Jan. 4, 1897, from 2.30 to 5.30
P. M., and, at any other time, from the
treasurer, Miss Amanda M. Lougee, at
(15 Franklin Street, Boston. Clubs and
individual subscribers are urged to call
and pay, or send the amount of their
subscriptions. The annual meeting will
be held Jan. 11, at 10 A. M.
  The funds of the Corpo tion are de-
posited with tile Massachusetts Loan and
Trust Co., 18 Post-Office Square, Boston.

  Miss Estelle Mae Davisson, who was
recently elected County Attorney in Brown
County, Neb., is one of the best and
brightest lawyers in that State. Miss
Davisson is the only woman in Nebraska,
perhaps in the country, who has been
elected County Attorney.
  Miss Daisy D. Barbee, who was recently
admitted to the bar in St. Louis, Mo., has
applied for membership in tile St. Louis
Law Library. She handed in her applica-
tion in person, and her appearance caused
quite a flutter among the lawyers present.
In the memory of tlhe oldest practitioner
It was the first time that feminine foot
had ever crossed the threshold. Miss
Barbee's application gave her place of
birth as Pullman, Wash., mentioned the
date of her admission to the St. Louis
bar, and named Mr. Charles Nagel, presi-
dent of the City Council, one of the best-
known lawyers in the city, as her refer-
  An act was passed in New Zealand, a
few months ago, to allow women to prac-
tice at-the bar.
  The profession of law has at last been
opened to women in Canada. The benchers
of the Ontario Law Society passed reso-
lutions in November allowing women to
be called to the bar, under an Act of the
Provincial Legislature giving them power
to do so. The regulations order that the
women must attire themselves in a black
dress under a black gown, with white
collar and cuffs, and be bareheaded.
  England is less progressive in this re-
spect than her colonies. The Woman's
Signal, of London, remarks, in this con-
  A lady has In vain applied to be allowed
to keep her terms and become a barrister;
and a father, who is a solicitor, was refused
leave to article to himself his only child,
because that child was a daughter. How-
ever, the barriers are going down in our
colonies, and this may be held a hopeful
augury for the future here.
                               F. M. A.

  Forefathers' Day. Dec. 22, was cele-
brated by the Buffalo (N. Y.) Chapter of
the Daughters of the American Revolu-
tion. The 260 members of this Chapter
boast of an ancestry that is notably dis-
tinguished, and on their festal occasion
many facts, histories and traditions were
entertainingly told. One of the speakers,
Miss Elizabeth Townsend, gave an account
of her foremother, Hannah, wife of Peter
Townsend, who was the peer of the nine-
teenth century's newest woman.
  Peter Townsend, though a Quaker,
rendered the peaceful and patriotic ser-
vice of forging in his factory the wonder-
ful chain, with links weighing over 300
pounds each, which, kept in place by
anchors and rafts, was swung across the
Hudson River from West Point, to impede
the progress of the British In the early
days of Arnold's treason. A link of the
chain, now in possession of the Town-
send family, was exhibited at the meeting.
  Hannah Townsend, a hundred years
ago, was able, at the death of her husband,
while he was in the midst of forging the
chain, to take up the work where he left
off, keep the forges going, her hundreds
of employees at work, and complete the
great undertaking. She also organized a
cooking-school, a hospital, and a training
class for nurses, all of which she turued
to the advantage of the American soldiers
of the Revolution.

           COLORADO WOMEN.
  The Rocky Mountain News, a leading
paper of Colorado, in a capital editorial of
Dec. 20, bears manly testimony to the
worth and stability of woman suffrage
after three years' trial In that State:
  A wave of critinisin seems to be pass-
ing over the country and falling on the de-
voted heads of Colorado women. Whether
this is because Colorado is in disgrace as
the leading silver State; or whether equal
suffrage has progressed so rapidly in the
last four years that its opponents are
roused to fear that it is becoming a thing
to fight rather than scoff at, it is hard to
tell. At any rate, while tIle women of
Wyoming have voted for twenty years
and no one has criticised their action or
augured any ill from it, the daily press of
the country has reeked, since the last
election, with misrepresentations of Colo-
rado women. For instance, the Philadel-
phia Times expresses itself thus:
  If we were starting anew to fix the
qualifications of a voter, we might stop
short of universal suffrage, even for men.
But we are not, and the recent vote of the
three States where tile suffrage hlas been
extended fully to women, Wyoming, Utah
and Colorado, quite fairly indicates that
the removal of the sex qualification at the
present time would simply swell the
ignorant and cranky vote at least equally
with if not in greater proportion than the
intelligent vote. Next to Kansas, Colo-
rado and U tall are two of the States most to
be avoided as political examples, and the
association of woman suffrage with Bry-
anism is likely to give level-headed women
  On the contrary, a St. Paul daily finds
tears to sied on account of an opposite
situation. In a recent issue it said edi-
  But there is another consequence of
woman suffrage which has developed in
the present campaign, and which has been
foretold as a certain consequence of the
innovation, and that is the division of the
sexes. It is stated by this correspondent
with regard to Colorado, and we have
learned from other and reliable sources
with regard to Utah, that the women in
both States are largely for McKinley. We
know beyond a doubt that the men of both
States are generally for Bryan. Now,
unless there are non-voting men on tie one
side enough to offset the non-voting wives
on the other, it is clear that there must
have been lively differences of opinion in
tile domestic circles of Utah and Colorado
within the last three months. Consider-
ing the intensity of the feeling every-
where, and the especial bitterness that
attached to it in the silver States, it is not
a stretch of Imagination to suppose that
these differences must have reached the
proportion of at least temporary estrange-
ments In many cases. So far as the result
of tile election Is concerned, we do not
see that the feminine vote in the three
States mentioned has operated to help the
cause of progress.
  The Boston Herald gravely announces
   The participation of women in the
 political affairs of our country does not
 appear to have been productive of the
 beat results, when judged of by the out-
 come of the last election. In this late
 contest, in which, more than in any other
 we have had for the last quarter of a cen-
 tury, a moral issue was presented, those
 States in which suffrage was granted to
 women tirew their vote, without an ex-
 ception, upon what is considered to be
 the immoral side of the question.
   The inference is that women voted for
 the immoral side of the question. The
 Boston Daily Advertiser chivalrously tries
 to combat this by devoting considerable
 editorial space to prove that the women
 of Wyoming, Colorado and Utah voted
 largely for McKinley, as they were great
 readers, ind thus too well informed to be
 led away by tile free silver craze, and so
 didn't vote on the immoral side, after all.
 So behold the women of Colorado trem-
 bling between Scylla and Charybdis!
 Whatever course of action they may take
 will be construed as a menace to the
 further extension of equal suffrage. If
 they cast their ballots for silver, they will
 be set down as voting fortimmorality and
 dishonest money. If they turn for refuge
 to McKinley, it will prove conclusively
 that domestic peace has fled the West.
   ';Then, while the Eastern press finds
something to criticise in any action that
the women of Colorado may take, ex-
Governor Waite proposes to stump Kansas
against equal suffrage.
   All these conflicting opinions show how
 absurd it is to argue from a prejudiced
 standpoint on the justige of a general
 principle. When Colorado elected Mr.
 MeIntire, the Eastern press, Republican
and Democratic, gave the women praise
without stint, because the women did
Lit. Clarkaon, ,th~et IowaRepublican
chief, wrote a motglowing artile In thle

Des Moines Register, to prove that equal
suffrage was the finest sort of thing, and
that Colorado women were tile flower of
their sex, because they were supposed to
have carried the State for the lepubiicans.
Now they have voted as they believe was
for tile interest of their State, to say noth-
ing of tile Interests of the country and
lumanity, and they are accused of swell-
ing tile crank vote, and throwing' their
influence upon tile Immorail side. As a
matter of fact, women will never vote
unanimously upon one side of any ques-
tion, any more than men will. Tley will
be divided in opinion, like any other class
of citizens. They will be affected by all
tile causes that affect tie opinions of any
voter. They must secure thleir informla-
tion on economic and political questions
through the same sources, tile rostrum
and the press. Tile marked benefit of
equal suffrage is that women are incited
to secure this information. There is no
political meeting in Colorado in which at
least hal1 tile audience, and sometimes
more, is not composed of women. Women
have discussed the issues of the past
campaign with as much intelligence as the
older voters. Some great political leaders
there are In Colorado who have made the
financial question tile study of a lifetime,
who are belter informed upon it than any
others. But considering the average voters.
the women will be found as well informed
as the men. The same is true of local
questions. Women are as much interested
in tile Denver charter, and In every species
of beneficial legislation in tile State as the
men - perhaps more so on an average. An
increasing influence goes out from the
women in their clubs and their iomes,
calling for good legislation and good gov-
ernment. The increase in thleintelligence
of the women of the State in regard to all
tlese subjects, since they received tile
ballot, has been simply astonishing. And
as the education of the young and the
molding of their character is, and must
always be, chiefly in the hanls of women,
this change in the wom .  of the State
cannot but make its influence felt in a
very marked degree on the next generation
of voters.
  The women have not effected any radi-
cal or sudden changes in local govern-
ment. They have not tried to do so.
They have preferred to pursue a quiet
and conservative course until they had
attained the experience necessary for such
action. Organization, political influence,
and political experience are necessary to
achieve any marked change. 1 hese tile
women did not possess when they were
suddenly and almost unexpectedly enfran-
chised three years ago.  Three years,
even, is a very short time in which to
learn these things. It Is to be doubted if
the womenever start on any radical cru-
sade. Their influence witl be felt in a
quieter way; in the gradual uplifting of
the standard of excellence demanded in
public service and candidates. Certain it
is that any other course would have
created antagonism, and done much to
nullify all their efforts.
   The St. Paul daily referred to quotes an
 article in the New York Herald, which
 declares that the women of Colorado are
 thoroughly sick of politics, and willing to
 give up suffrage forever. Any statement
 of this kind is simply absurd. Suffrage
 in Colorado has come to stay. The wom-
 en of the State cast a fuller vote on last
 election day than on any previous one.
 There has never been any question in
 Colorado as to the fact that the women
 voted in as large proportion as the men,
 and sometimes larger.   There doubtless
 are some women who do not value the
 ballot, or use it, just as there are some
 men. But the great body of women in
 the State value the right of suffrage, and
 would resent any attempt to take it away
 from them sufficiently to warn any un-
 lucky politician from the experiment.
 There is no doubt that some women have
 become discouraged in their attempts to
 secure reform, and have said that equal
 suffrage could achieve nothing. They did
 not realize what they had attempted when
 they began. That in a common feeling at
 times with every one who engages In re-
 form work. There are not wrnting those
 who say that representative government
 Itself is a failure. And there were not
 wanting threats in New York during the
 last campaign, that If the election went
 against the desire of that section of the
 country, representative government, as
 typified in that election, would be over-
 thrown. But there are no arguments
 against equal suffrage which do not obtain
 with equal fores against suffrage at all


  Mns. MAUDI Ho*E ELLIOTT has re-
joined 1er husband in Rome.
  BAtoNEIsS Hilnscn has given $250,000 to
endow a home for Hebrew consumptives
in England.
  Miss CLAIA BARTON has issued a very
interesting report of liar relief work In
Turkey in aid of the Armenians.
  DR. CAROLINE B. WINSLOW left a will
bequeathing liar body to Howard Univer-
sity, to be dissected by a woman medical
student for the purpose of advancing her
knowledge of anatomy.
  QUEEN VIcTOlIA is drawing up the
programme for tie fdtes to be held in
celebration of the 60th anniversary of her
accession to the throne. Rents in Loedod
are said to have risen in anticipation of
tile rush.
Indian chieftain, is soon to start out on a
lecturing tour, her subjects being the hls-
tory and traditions of the red men. She
is a fluent speaker, an able writer, and
understands 11cr subject perfectly.
  LADY HENnY SOMERSET has sent a
London lady doctor and two trained
nurses to Bulgaria to help care for the
Armenian refugees, who are in great need.
The work is to be doiie and a refuge to be
built under t!;e auspices of the World's
W. C. T. U.
  Mits. AIacu PAiiKER LssEn will give a
series of talks to women on legal ques-
tions at the Woman's Educational and In-
dustrial Union In this city. They will
begin Jan. 11 at 11 A. M., and will treat'
particularly of the law as it affects women.
Mrs. Lesser is a graduate of the law school
of Boston University. The talks will be
interesting as well as instructive.
onA EoGLESTON, and MissCABzE have all.
an hereditary right to talent, although
they display It in different lines from
those followed by their fathers.  Miss
Howells, indeed, writes, but she is an
artist with brush as well as with pen, and.
has studied in London, Rome and Paris.
She frequently illustrates her father's-
works, and Miss Cable does the same for
Mr. Cable's stories, while Miss Eggleston
is clever at wood-carving, and paints
charming portraits of children.
Washington, as delegate to the Inter-
national Peace Congress at Budapest and
the Woman's Congress at Berlin, gathered
much interesting matter for three lectures
she is now prepared to give. In reference
to these she may be addressed at 126
West Concord Street, Boston. The lec-
tures will be fully illustrated by fine
stereopticon views. Mrs. Brinton is well
known as the originator and mistress of
the famous New England Log Cabin,
at the Centennial Exposition of 1876 and
also at Chicago, She is a woman of large
experience and ability.
   MRs. S. GUERNicY LAPIIAM, of Syr&-
 cuse, N. Y., has interested herself so
 largely In life insurance for women that
 she is being called upon for lectures and
 informal talks on this subject. Women
 were formerly considered undesirable as
 subjects for insurance, but the companies
 have at last become convinced of their
 value as policy-lolders, and offer so many
 inducements that the balance of the bene-
 fit appears to be on the side of the sub-
 scribers. Mrs. Lapham recently addressed
 the members of bliss Grace Dodge's Club,
 for Working Girls, and, at the request of
 Mrs. Russell Sage, lectured before the,
 Emma Willard Alumn Association In
 New York.
   Me. BELVA A. LOCKWOOD, of Washing-
 ton, who was one of the delegates from
 the United States to the second Inter-
 national Congresses, held  at Geneva,
 Switzerland, in September last, to consider
 the administration of public charities and
 the protection of children, has made an
 instructive report to the Department of
 State. Ten nationalities were represented
 by about sixty-five delegates. The Con-
 gresses lasted six days, during which time
 many valuable papers were presented and
 ably discussed. Among the important
 topics considered were the education of
 abandoned children and the children of
 vicious parents, and the best methods of
 relieving the poor so as to make the
 relief permanent and to diminish instead
 of increasing pauperism and crime. It is
 to be hoped that a full report wili be pnb-

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