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26 Women's J. 1 (1895)

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VOL. XXVI.                                              BOSTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1895

  The Woman's Journal.
  A Weekly NVewsper, published ever Saturday
in RsOer,        . evoted to the Interests o woman-
to her edeastionl, industrial, legal and political
equality, and espeolally to her right of s!&ae.
        H. B. BLACKWELL,

     Mae. H. M. T. CUTLER,
  BOaToN OriO-No.S Park Streetwhere copies
are for sale and subscriptions received.
 P  Annum..........-         . ..
 First year ontrial.........1,
 bingle copies,  .   .   .   .        .0
 OLUE RATis--FIve eopies one year, 4110.0c
 Checks and drafts and post.offioe orders should
 be made payable to the WOMAN's JOURNAL. Let.
 or containing remittances should be addressed to
 Bo 8,or to the 0e106eo the WOMAN'S JOURNAL,
 I Park Street, Boston. Mass. Registered letters or
 DMnress Co.'s money orders may be sent at our
 risk Money sent in letters not registered will be
 at ther1sk of the sender.
     J. B. MoRRIsON, Advertising Manager.

            THE RU2  OEME.
               BY 1. 5. SILL.
 Before the monstrous wrong he sets him down-
 One man against a stone-walled city of sin.
 For centuries those walls have been a.building;
 Smooth porphyry, they slope and coldly glass
 The flying storm and wheeling sun. No chink,
 No crevice Its the thinnest arrow in.
 He fights alone, and from the cloudy ramparts
 A thousand evil faces gibe and jeer him.
 Let him lie down and die; what is the right,
 And where Is justice in a world like this?
 But, by and by, earth shakes herself, Impatient;
 And down, in one great roar of ruin, crash
 Watch-tower and citadel and battlements.
 When the red dust has cleared, the lonely soldier
 Stands, with strange thoughts,beneath the friend-
        ly stars.


   Governor Greenhalge, in his inaugural
 address of Jan. 3, 1895, renews his recom-
 mendation of woman suffrage as follows:
   I hold to the views expressed In the
 message of last year as to the extension of
 municipal suffrage to women.
   Well said, Governor Greenhalge. Now
 or the Legislature !

   A leaflet entitled Information for the
 use of the newly made women voters in
 Ohio, compiled by the president and sec-
 retary of the Ohio W. S. A., may be ob-
 tained free by Ohio women by addressing
 Mrs. C. McCullough Everhard, Massillon,
 0. It contains, in compact form, such
 portions of the Ohio school laws as will
 assist the women who are to go to the
 polls for the first time next April.

   The women of Leominster, Mass., have
 inaugurated a new plan which Is worthy
 of imitation by other Leagues. A joint
 committee has been formed, consisting of
 three members of the suffrage League and
 three of the local W. C. T. U. This commit-
 tee will district the town systematically,
 and work together for the purpose of
 arousing interest and diffusing instruc-
 tion In regard to woman suffrage.

   It will be well to consider what Mrs.
   Alice N. Lincoln has done and what she
   has failed to do in Boston. She has had
   on her side social position, wealth, expe-
   rine, and personal character. But she
   has had behind her no constituency of
   women voters. The verdict of the com-
   munity is in her favor. But the verdict
   of the Board of. Aldermen will be a coat
   of whitewash for the guilty and incompe-
   tent officials. If the women of Baton
   bad vo es, a very different result would
   be attained. -

   Our friends who are carrying on in ou
 columns inirestlng discussions for and
 against the justice and expediency of ask.
 lag for woman sneage on an educatioal
 qulificaton wil do well to keep in mind
 Lucy Stone's admirabi defniin of snf.

Ifrage, In her famous plea before the New
Jersey Legislature in 1862.
   Suffrage is the authoritative expres-
 sion of an opinion in regard to princ.ples,
 measures and men. And the essence of
 suffrage Is rational choice.
   The mere putting a piece of paper Into
 a box is not necessarily the exercise of
 suffrage by the individual who does so, if
 he is ignorant of the issues involved. It
 is the vote of the wire-puller behind him,
 who controls his action. The essential
 question is this: Is the ability to read and
 write necessary in order to vote under-
 standingly  If so, the possession of the
 ability Is a proper qualification, and not
   The methods pursued by the Lexow
 Commission In New York, in order to
 secure evidence of the prevailing corrup-
 tion of the police, can only be justified on
 the ground of necessity. It sets aside the
 old rule of English law that a man is to
 be presumed Innocent until proved guilty.
 Dr. Parkhurst's society in a great emer-
 gency has rendered Inestimable service to
 the public, but in the hands of bad men,
 for bad purposes, it might have done
 Irreparable wrong. And if administration
 were what It ought to be, there would
 never be occasion for the existence of
 that society. One society organized under
 the same law is under grave suspicion of
 having blackmail and extortion for Its
 sole objects. What every community
 needs Is a more thorough and conscien-
 tious enforcement of law by the regularly
 constituted authorities. This can never
 be had without an alert and enlightened
 constituency. The only permanent re-
 form must be by adding to the present
 constituency of male voters the enlight-
 ened sympathy and common sense of
 qualified women.

   The Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage
 Association is trying to secure for moth-
 ers enlarged rights In regard to the cus-
 tody and guardianship of their children.

   The New Jeasey courts are distinguish-
 ing themselves of late by illiberal deci-
 sions. The Supreme Court of New Jersey
 lately ruled that the Legislature could
 not extend school suffrage to women, al-
 though it has been done by the Legisla-
 tures of nearly half the States of the Union,
 and its constitutionality has been upheld
 by the Supreme Court even in States like
 MichigAn, where the constitution is pecu-
 liarly rigid. The latest medieval decision
 in New Jersey Is thus chronicled and
 commented upon by the Newark 2mes of
 Dec. 28:
    That public school teachers should be
  spouseless is one of the edicts of New Jer-
  sey, but it has never come to our knowl-
  edge that married tutors could be sued
  for divorce on account of leaving home
  temporarily to teach the young idea how
  to shoot. Yet that Is the substance ofa
  decision recently given by Vice-Chancellor
  Pitney in favor o a Sewaren benedict. The
  husband sued because his wife taught a
  private school, and she answered with
  one of the strongest arguments ever
  brought up in the Court of Chancery.
  Notwithstanding her able defence, Judg.
  ment was given against her. The vice-
  chancellor held that since the wife refused
  to surrender school for home, the Scrip.
  turallnjinction held good In common law.
  There is no middle ground, the vice
  chancellor adds. A wife must live with
  her husband or give sufficient reasons for
  refusing to do so. A husband can use
  physical restraint over a wife's persn to
  enforce obedience.
  This scandalous decision will Increase
  the membership of the New Jersey Wo-
  man Suffrage Association. We shall be
  grateful to any of our readers in that
  State who will furish us fall partculears
  of the case.

    The demonstraton made by the striking
  shoe-workers of Haverhill, Mass., on Jan.
  2, was noteworthy not ony for size and
  enthusiasm, but also for the irg number
  of women who took part, and for the pres-
  ence and expressed sympathy of Frances
  Wlard and Lady Henry Somerset. Four
  hundred women marched in the proes-
  sion, including the wives of well-known
  citiens, who, during the recent depres-
  lion, have been forced to be the wage-
  eaners for their amille. Nearly every
  business    hoeIa Haerbhl was Illumi-
  nated in lign of Sympathy. The city
  council pased a unanimous resolution en-
  doring the claims of the strikers, and
  voting them the free use of City Hall for
r their rallies.
I                    -
Boston wome        are warmly and deserv-
I edy prasing the Defv Adurlser for the
I strong stad it is taking in favor of equal

  In tne January Arena, an article of
especial interest to women is a sympo-
sium on the laws relating to the protec-
tion of girls, with a black list of States.
In Delaware, where the age was seven, It
has lately been raised. It is ten years in
North and South Carolina and in Ala-
hams, twelve in   Kentucky, Louisiana,
Texas and Wisconsin, thirteen in New
Hampshire, Iowa and Utah, fourteen in
Arizona, California, Connecticut, Georgia,
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada,
New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Ore-
gon, Vermont and West Virginia; fifteen
in Delaware and Montana; sixteen In
Arkansas, Colorado, the District of Colum- f
bia, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jer-
sey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Dakota, Tennessee and
Washington; seventeen In Florida; and
eighteen in Wyoming and Kansas.
  The subject is ably treated from differ-
ent standpoints by Aaron M. Powell,
Helen H. Gardener, Frances E. Willard,
A. H. Lewis, D. D., 0. Edward Janney,
M.D., Will Allen Dromgoole and Dr.
Emily Blackwell.    The editor, B. 0.
Flower, in a second paper on Welisprings
and Feeders of Immorality, discusses
the same topic. A long list of cases is
cited. There could hardly be more in-
structive reading for any woman who
believes that women and girls are already
adequately protected, and that women do
not need to vote.

  The celebration of seven golden wed-
dings on the same day by members of
the same church is certainly unusual. In
Detroit, Mich., recently, fve Polish
couples met at St. Casimir's Church to
receive the blessing of their priest on the
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day.
Of these persons the oldest was 89, the
youngest 70, and all were hale and well.
Two other couples who had been married
on the same day in Poland fifty years ago,
were not well enough to attend church.

   Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton writes the
 following open letter to Mrs. Stanton
 Blatch in answer to her recent criticism:
   It is not the principle of universal suf-
 frage that I oppose, but ignorant Impe.
 cun-lous, Immoral, mankind surae,
 while sex i made a disqualification for
 all women. I am opposed to the domina-
 tion of one sex over the other. It culti-
 vates arrogance in the one, and destroys
 self-respect in the other. I am opposed
 to the admission of another man, either
 foreign or native, to the polling-booth,
 until woman, the greatest factor in civill-
 sation Is first enfranchised. An aristoc-
 racyoi men, composed of all types, shades
 and degrees of Intelligence and ignor-
 ance, Is not the most desirable substratum
 for government. To subject lntelligent,
 high y educated,virtuous, honorable wom-
 en to the behests of such an aristocracy Is
 the height of cruelty and Injustice. Our
 government, religion, and social life are
 all on a masculine basis. Forces in man
 which, If complemented by the opposites
 in women, in moderation, are virtues, in
 excess are dangerous vices. His courage,
 his love of exploration and command, his
 violence, recklessness, love of money,
 display and strong drink, all unchecked-
 are responsible, in a measure, for our
 terrible accidents by land and sea, for our
 conflagrations and defaloations, for all
 the dishonor unearthed by Investigating
 committees in every department of Gov-
 etnnnt. The remedy for all this isedu-
 cation of the higher, more tender senti-
 ments In humanity, the mother-thought
 omnipresent in every department of life.
 Zer Ideal must be represented in the
 State, the Church, and the home. This
 must be done before we can take another
 step in civilization. The key to all this is
 the right of suffrage, the ballot in the
 hands of woman.
   To this end we must cry halt on.
 male suffrage for the present, ope-
 cally on the immense, inerasin foreign
 element, chiefly male, and al a dead
 weight against women. In the W     tern
 States, where amendments to constitu-
 tions in favor of woman suffr e have
 been submitted, the foreign vote has been
 Uniformly in the oppoltion, and the
 measure defeated. Hose we must put
 up some brrier to hold this mighty maul-
 titude at bay. Time, naturalization
 pape, are a mere travesty. Who keep
 watch of the 800,000 every year landing
 onourshore   Areallthesemensobon-
 eat that they will not 61er their veto
 until the legal time has expired?
   But when we say, You most red and
   writ the nglish language intelligently,
   we iengten te road from the steerage
 to the pois maiy miles,ad in the mean-
 timewomen canprese their claimswith-
 out enountergl their worst eneies .
 Other opponent say: We aer alreay
 s truggin   with the massof Igorn
 voters; why ask u to enrncie the

vicious, iguorant women? To deprive
them of that excuse, we say again, Apply
the educational qualification. That will
hold another class at bay, until the best
women are enfranchised, and their efforts,
united with the best men, have time to
make new    conditions. The imperative
need of the time is woman's influence In
public life. It Is the height of wisdom,
as well as the best policy, to protest
against any further male accessions.
  Our opponents of educated suffrage,
from Mr. Garrison to Mrs. Stanton Blatch, I
all underestimate the value of the ele-
ments of education. The honest laboring
man who can read and write intelligently
has an immense advantage over one who
cannot. The lessons we get from life's
experiences are gilded by those we get
from the spelling-book and school read-
ers. Reading and writing are the tools
with which the citisen can protect him-
self and dignify the State. That some
people who are educated are vieious, and
some who are uneducated are virtuous, Is
no argument against general education.
We must take a broader view     and in
national life see if the country where peo.
pie are educated does not oscupy a higher
position than the one where the masses
are Ignorant.
  To get my standpoint clearly before
Mrs. Stanton Blatoh, I will take a sup-
p osititious CAse: Suppose that from the
foundation of the German Government
the women had reigned supreme; that the
men were not allowed in the schools and
colleges the trades and professions; that I
they ha no rights of property, wages or
children, and no credit in the world of
work; that they could not make contracts,
nor sue or be sued - that, by oonstant
petitioning for centuries, they had wrung
a few civil rights from their oppressors
but that to all their prayers for political
equality the women turned a deaf ear.
Through all these years an untold num-
ber of ignorant foreign women had been
landing on their shores to become a part
of the governing power, while the men, of
whom a majority were a highly educated,
moral clsse, were mere pariahs, under this
ignorant foreign mass. These wise, patri-
otic men not only suffered the humiliation
of being under a foreign yoke, but they
saw dangers to their country by the
misgovernment of this Ignorant aris-
tocracy of sex, having absolute control in
making laws and constitutions, and In
adminis1trng every department of gov-
  Now what should we think of the com-
  mon sense of these men, It, In the valley
  of disfranchisement, they set sluging
  pmans to universal womanhood sf.
  frage, instead of blocking the way by
  an educational qualification that would be
  a real benefit to the voters, as well as to
  the State, and Increase the chances of the
  men to secure political equality? As
  self-preservation Is the first law of na.
  ture, they would say, we must stop this
  inflowing tide of foreign women, a dead
  weight anst us. Someof our native-born
  women are in favor of our emancipation,
  but the foreigners always vote against
  As Mrs. Stanton Blatch kindly takes
  me to Germany, and endows me with re-
  markable powers, I will imagine myself a
  member of the Relchatag, eloquently
  urging the recognition of the best class
  of men, whose Influence Is needed in gov-
  ernment, the suppression of the foreign
  vote for a season, and an educational
  qualification for all, that of sex being the
  most odious and unjust. Mrs. Stanton
  Blatch, also a member, whose fetish is
  universal womanhood suffrage, rises in
  opposition. No, no, says she, I ob-
  ject to all qualifications. Let the swelling
  tide of immigration flow In, and crown
  every woman as quickly as possible with
  the dignity of self-sovereignty. But, I
  reply they are a dead weightagaist
  the admission of the best cala  of men, a
  new and much-needed element In govern-
  ment. We must have the united thought
  of man and woman for order and har-
  Wliam Lloyd Garrison, not allowed
  to be in the Reichstag on account
  of sex, sits In the valley with his confrAres,
  advising them to stand by the principle
  of universal womanhood suffrge.
  Let us abide our time, says he, if it
  takes to the crack of doom to enfranchise
  our sex., To sirengthen his position, he
  quotes a few eloquentpassages from the
  apeechex of Frederik Douglas and Wn.
  dell PhilWips ome of the men inquired
  if these gentlemen were in a similar p-
  ition with themselves? He replied,
  No. They belonged to the gverning
  clas. What do the women in theUnited
  States say, who, like us, aredisfran-
  chised? Some of them ask to have the
  suffrage restricted by propryand edu-
  cation qualificatons, untl their political
  rig   re secured.
  The large majority at once declared
  themselves of the same opinion, anda nt
  a petition to the Relchatag next day to
  restrict woman sutrage, y severml qu&
  fication-property, educatlon birthA
  morality. Th   peitin was I on the
  table, and the men advised to remai in
  their sphere, and to attend to their bad-
  no affairand make money to support
  their families, while the women adminis-
  tered the government. Men, beingphysi-
  cally superior, were betier fitted fo.h
 rough work Of l~i~fe whlew   , in a
 warm   house and comfortabis cars,
 made laWs for their proteton !
   New York, Jis. 9, 1895

                           No. 1.

 CONCERNIN               WOMEN.
tributes to the WOMAN'S JOURNAL this
week another article In favor of an educa-
tional qualification for suffrage, in reply
to her daughter, Mrs. Stanton Batch.
  Miss IDA LOCKWOOD, of Muncie, has
lately been commissioned deputy county
recorder in Delaware County, Ind. She
has been a clerk in the office for eleven
years, and is the first woman deputy in
that county.
  Urts M. A. NUTTING, the assistant
superintendent of the Johns Hopkins
Hospital Training School for Nures, has
boet promoted to the post of superintend-
ent, vacated by Miss Isabel A. Hampton
on her marriage last summer.
  MADAME SARAH GRAND takes a vivid
interest in the poor girls of London.
Every Thursday evening when she is in
town she attends Mrs. Frederic Harrison's
Girls' Guild at Newton Hall, and she
joins heartily in all their occupations.
She is a strong believer in athletics for
women, and hastaken especial pleasure in
helping to provide the girls with pretty
costumes for gymnastics.
Salado, is one of the most successful bee
keepers In Texas. She adopted bee cul-
ture in 1870, and has since sent to the
markets every year thousands of pounds
of honey. She attends to all her own
business, is regarded as authority upon
the science of bee-culture throughout the
United States, and was represented at the
World's Fair Exposition in Paris. Mrs.
Sherman Is a widow, with one son.
CARRIE CHAPMAN-CATT will hold a series
of meetings in the South, in advance of
the coming National Woman Suffrage
Convention at Atlanta. They will visit
Lexington and Louisville, Ky., Memphis,
Tenn., New Orleans, La., Jackson, MISs.,
Birmingham. Ala., and other lties, in
each case by the invitation of the ladles
in that place. The tour of meetings will
begin with Lexington, Ky., on Jan. 9.
  MRS. AMA BuCHANAN, superintendent
  of W. C. T. U. Pole Matron work for
  Indiana, expects to have a bill Introduced
  in the next Legislature providing for
  polle matrons in all cities of seven thou
  sand or more Inhabitants. Mrs. Buchansa
  has been police matron of Indianapoll,
  for nearly four years, and her servies
  have caused a change in sentiment regard-
  ing the need of such an official. She is
  hopeful of securing the passage of the
  Miss LuCY WHEELOCK, who has charge
  of the kindergarten work at Obaun0¥
  Hall School, is taking the lead in a move-
  ment to establish in thiscity a college
  settlement composed of kindergartenL
  teachers. If a suitable house can be found,
  this new branch of work will be opened
  on Rollins Street and affiliated with the
  Andover House. The aim is twofold-to
  give young kindergarteers experience,
  and to bring the helpful Influennces of
  Froebel's methods among the poor.
  Miss NELLIE CUSHMAN, of Arina0n,
  said to be the only woman mining expert
  in the world, Is a Kansas girl, and began
  her work in examining ore at TuoW
  Arizona, nine years ago, when she waS
  seventeen. She first became Interested Ins
  the work through her brother, a mineral-
  ogist, and her own quicknes soon Made
  her an authority in the unusual line She
  had adopted. The miners rely upon ha
  advice, and since she has combined the
  running  of large iodglg-houses an.d
  clothing stores with her other work, she
  has made a large amount Of money.
  When reverses come, she takes them with
  the same composur she displays ingood
  fortune. She is described as a tall, dark,
  haired, dark-eyed girl, a rapid talker, and
  a great reader.
  11LN H. GARDENER, who wil be one
  of the speakers at the coming annual
  meeting of the Masachusett W. S. A.,
  has rendered good service by ber pen to
  various reforms, and espsally to soca
  purity. In addition to her nomtorY
  novels, Is this Your Son, My Lord?
  and Fray You, Sir, Whose Daughter'
  she Is the author of several ot hebooks,
  inluding two volumes of sMin*    t
  stories. Herlatast nove,An Unoffil
  I Patrit, has bm dramatisd by BOOMn
  andwillsmoubeputeon thestage. She l
  a Sfouthern woman by birth, ad inl * !
  Unofficil Paro relate the hitory d
  her own fathar. Her hund,  a West
  irgin, n, ha    atl    ecme um
  Imanage of t  a  , in eseqsa
  ]whieb heusad his we hve tinup
  ]thair resiace in tis city.

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