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24 Women's J. 1 (1893)

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The Woman's Journal.
A Weekly Newspaper, published every Saturday
n BOsTON , devoted to the interests of Woman-to
ier educational, industrial, legal and political
iquality, and especially to her right of Suffrage.
       LUCY STONE,
       II. B. BLACKWELL,
    MARtY A. LIVEInoItE,
    Ms. I. M. T. CUTLER,
 BOSTON OFFICE-NO, 3 Park Streetwhere copies
 re for sale and subseri ptons received.
er Annum .. .       ....            $2.50
I'rst year on trial. . . .    ...    .
Uingle copies,... . .       .   ....05
OLUR RATES-Five copies one year,.- $10.00
lample copies free.


Not Milton's keen, translunar music thine;
  Not Shakespeare's cloudless, boundless hu-
     man view;
Not Shelley's flush of rose on peaks divine;
  Nor yet the wizard twilight Coleridge knew.
What hadst thou that could make so large
  For all the0t hadst not and thy peers pos.
Motion anti fire, swift means to radiant ends?-
  Tho hadst, for weary feet, the gift of rest.
From Shelley's dazzling glow or thunderous
  From Byron's tempest-anger, tempest-mirth,
Menturned to thee and found-not blast and
  Tumult of tottering heavens, but peace on
Nor peace that grows by Lethe, scentless flower,
  There in white languors to decline and cease;
But peace whose names are also rapture, power,
  Clear sight, and love: for those are parts of


  With this number the WOMAN'S JOUa-
NAL enters on its twenty-fourth year. It
has carried Ideas of equal human rights,
not only to all parts of the United States,
but to nearly every country on the face
of the globe, nd to .many islands of the

   The readers of the WOMAN'S JOURNAL
are Invited to aid In extending its useful-
ness by sendilug us the names and ad-
dresses of any of their friends who might
like to become subscribers if they were
acquainted with the paper. We shall be
glad to send tiieni sample copies, free of

  Willard's Hotel will be the headquarters
for the delegates during the Washington
convention, to be held Jan. 15-19. It
will give reduced rates, $3 per day, in-
eluding fire, when two persons occupy
one room. The full programme for the
convention will be found on another page.
Able speakers have been secured, hn-
portant business Is to come up, and there
is every prospect of an Interesting meet-
ing. There should be a large attendance.

  Twenty-seven State Legislatures con-
vene this week. They have the opportu-
nity to win immortal honor for them-
selves by securing to women their right
to vote in municipal elections. Each
Legislature is competent to do this. They
can also change unfair laws, and enact
better ones. May they do so!

  The Massachusetts Woman Suffrage As-
Poclation, the National Woman Suffrage
'Association of Massachusetts, the Massa-
chusetts Woman's Christian Temperance
Union, the Independent Women Voters,
and the Loyal Women of American Lib-
erty have all united this year, for the first
time, In petitions for a single object, viz.:
To Secure for women, legally qualified to
vote for school committee, the right to
vote in all town and city elections, and
for all elective town and city officers,
on the same terms as male citizens. These

petitions will be presented as soon as the
Legislature is organized for the transac-
tion of business. No other petitions will
be presented by any of these bodies until
this one is disposed of.

  By the terms of Miss Garrett's contribu-
tion to Johns Hopkins University School
of Medicine, men and women are to have
equal advantages for study anti for de-
grees. If at any tine or for any reason tills
should cease to be true, the money reverts
to Miss Garrett or her heirs. A commit-
tee of six women, which committee shall
fill its own vaeancles, is to have charge of
questions aflecting the women medical
students. Thus carefully has Miss Garrett
guarded the equal opportunities of her
sex in this new onward and upward step.

  Nothing could have been finer than the
graceful courtesy with which the trustees
of Johns Hopkins University accepted the
terms and conditions laid down by Miss
Garrett for the contlnuance of her munifi-
cent gift to that University.

  There was a generous response to our
call for helping hands to direct and fold
suffrage literature. One friend took to
her home more than a thousand envelopes,
and returned them beautifully addressed.
Two ladies, both past seventy years of
age, spent a whole day in folding anti
enclosing, one of them keeping on till the
darkness stopped tile work. Several other
friends have come in anid helped for a
longer or shorter time.

  Sixty dollars from the Mary Lowell
Stone fund have just been placed in the
hands of Mrs. Lucy Stone, to be used for
the circulation of suffrage literature. The
expenditure of the money will be reported
           ..... .-40 - - .... .
  The Maine Woman Suffrage Association
did a good thing when it sent to the tax-
collectors of all the towns In the State to
find the amount of taxes paid by women.
The Maine Legislature will hear from it
this winter. Win. 1. Bowdltch did the
same service for Massachusetts twenty
years ago. lie found that millions of
dollars were paid in taxes by women.
One woman paid as much as six hundred
men In her town. These men could all
vote as to how her tax money should be
used, and how much the lax should be,
but the woman herself had no vote about
either question.

   An exciting election took place at Lon-
 don, Out., on Jan. 2. The principal points
 at issue were whether a free library should
 be established and whether all bars and
 saloons should be closed after 7 P. M.
 There arc iI London 958 women who have
 munlclpal suffrage, and nearly all of them
 voted. 'ile free lirary was carried by a
 large majority. The early-clozIng clause
 was defeated by the small majority of
 152 in a total vote of 5,666. The London
 Daily Advertiser says: TPhe liquor men
 worked hard to defeat the early closing of
 bars by-law. The aliti-early-closing scru-
 tineers in more than one ward demanded
 that women voters shiould be sworn. By
 this means, votes for the by-law were un-
 doubtedly lost, because not a few of the
 ladies, though well qualified, declined to
 go through the formula. The women
 must learn to swear-not profanely, but
 judicially. They will not be caught that
 way again.

           IN THE COLLEGES.
  It is reported that Wabash College at
Crawfordsville, Ind., Is pledged, by the
acceptance of a gift recently made, to the
Introduction of co-educttion within three
years. Wabath is the oily college of
high rank in the State- that does not
admit women, and there ha' been an
effort made for msny years to open its
doors. It was thought at one time that
women would be admitted at the opening
of the present college year, but the
authorities were not ready for the change.
  !u the death of Professor Eben korton
Horsford, of Cambridge, Mass., on Jan.
1, Wellesley College loses a constant and
generous friend. He has been president
of the board of visitors'since its organiza-
tion. The college library has been en-
dowed by him. He introduced the Sab-
batical year, by which the professors
are allowed every seventh year for rest
and study in Europe, and also started a
system of pensions for the professors.

  The University of Chicago receivedt a
Christns gift of another million dollars
from Mr. John D. Rockefeller, making
83,600,000 that lie has given to that listi-
tution. The Univ3rsity now has 594 stu-
deuts, of whom 166 are graduates, repre-
seuting nearly every University in the
country. The faculty numbers 119 pro-
fessors and instructors. The University
has two publications. the   University
Weekly, in magazine form, and die Uni-
versity Daily News.
  Women at the Universities Is one of
the subjects announced at Yale on which
compositions are to be prepared for the
Ten Eyck prize speaking at the junior
  The   American    Hnane     Education
Society offers $200, $150, $100 and $50 as
prizes for the best essays on the impor-
tance of humane education in all the
higher institutions  of learning; also
three other prizes of $100, $60 and $40
for the best practical plans of promoting
increased humane education in our higher
Institutions of learning before named;
none of the essays to exceed six thousand
words. Competition is open to all stu-
dents in colleges, Universities and Theo-
logical Schools in the United States of
America, both Protestant and Catholic.
All manuscripts must be sent to Mr. Geo.
T. Angell, 19 Milk Street, Boston, on or
before March: 1, 1893. Mr. Angell will
furnish full Information regarding these
prizes on application.      F. At. A.

  At the late conference of the Iowa As-
sociation of Unitarian churches, Rev.
Mary A. Safford, of Sioux City,was elected
president of the Association. Her associ-
ate pastor, Rev. Elinor Gordon, preached
the opening sermon of the conference. A
memorial service for George William
Curtis was held, in which Miss Safford
spoke on 11ls Work for Equal Rights.
Miss Safford preached the opening sermon
at tie Minnesota Unitarian Conference.
  Rev.Mrs. C. J. Cochrane, of Bath, N. 11.,
has resigned, in order to join her husband
in parish work at Ellsworth, Me. A cor-
respondent of the     Christian  Register
writes: l1er labor has been very satis-
factory, and we regret very mnch that
our new church was not completed and
dedicated so that she could have preached
tn it before she left. Site has proven that
a woman can be ordained and be supported
in preaching the Unitarian doctrine in
New England nearly three years.
   Rev. Carrie A. Rice is pastor of a Uni-
 versalist mission In San Diego, Cal. Under
 her leadership a church is to be built, and
 site asks Universalists to send dime con-
 tributions to help build this new Church
 of Our Father.
   The admission of women as delegates
 to the General Conference of the Free
 Baptist church has become the established
 order of things without any ecclesiastical
 disturbance. Iin 1889,at Ilarper's Ferry,
 there were seven lady delegates. Prevl-
 ous to the opening of the session, they
 huddled together like a flock of timid
 sheep, and pltnned to sit together; but
 wiser counsels prevailed, and they went
 with their respective delegations, says
 the Missionary  Helper. This year at
 Lowell (Mass.), there were thirteen
 women delegates present. Two others
appointed were not able to attend. The
Helpee remarks significantly: They seat-
ed theiiselves with their delegations as
naturally its If they had always had seats
in the body. In the appointment of com.
mittees by Prof. Howe, president, the
women were duly recognized, three being
made chairmen and all the others Ilavlng
places on committees. Papers were read
by several women, and were heard with
marked attention. The women delegates
were faithful to their duties; they took
part In the discussions, and voted accord-
Ing to their convictions. The conference
gave the women additional recognition
by voting that of the twenty-one members
of the General Conference Board, which Is
to have in hand the business between ses-
slons, seven shall'be women, and by elect-
ieg them in this proportion. This in-
stance of courage and progress is hereby
commended to the consideration of our
Methodist Episcopal brothers.
  Women in the Ministry was the sub.
ject of a symposium in the Boston unday
Gtlobe of Dec. 18, to which seven Massa-
chusetts ministers contributed.  Rev.
Lorenza Haynes, Rey. Mary TIraffarn
Whitney, of Somerville, Rev. S. Louise

Baker, of Nantucket, and Rev. Blanche
P. Bageley, of Iaverhill, write from the
fulness of experience, and the general
tenor of their views is voiced li these con-
cluding words of Rev. Miss Baker: '-The
time Is ,lt hand when the woman pastor
sh1all be no longer unliqle In her position,
but suchi t universally recognized factor
as to call forth little counent.
  Rev. Cyrus A. Bartol says emphatic-
ally, lin the opening of ills letter: I ani
In favor of the admission of women to the
privileges and responsibilities of tile min-
  Rev. James Do Nornlndie, of Roxbury,
says: The question has been settled that
women are to be preachers, and ihe urges
that they be given every opportunity
to become the best possible ministers.
By all means lei the advantages of the
theological schools it Harvtrd and else-
wlere be speedily opened to them.
  Rev. Minot J. Savage, of the Church of
the Unity, Boston, says, conclusively:
  It is no longer a question as to whether
women shall be admitted to the pulpit;
they are already there. It is no use to
say that they have no voice for public
speaking; for they are speaking, ani are
being heard. Mrs. Livermore,Mrs. Chant,
Miss Wilkes, Bliss Hnltin-such are some
of the women who have stood In my own
pulpit, and done such work that a warm
welcome awaits them when they wish to
come again.
  For the utterance of these encouraging
and convincing words, women everywhere
should be grateful. The ecclesiastical
emancipation of women Is coming on.
  In the North Georgla Methodist Con-
ference, held last month at Madison, the
committee on temperance reported a set
of resolutions, one of which endorsed the
W. C. T. U. Dr. Candler opposed this
resolution, on the ground that tile IV. C.
T. U. favored woman suffrage. Rev. Mr.
Wadsworth and others advocated adopt-
ing the committee's report as a whole,
and it wits so voted. Then a reconlsidera-
tion was moved, a variety of substitutes
and amendments were proposed, and there
wits great confusion. Finally the Confer-
ence substituted for the resolution endors-
ing the W. C. '. U. a resolutlion to co-
operate with all temperance movements.
                              P.Mhi. A.


   Miss Sydney Randle, of the Georgia
 Normal and Industrial Collegejunlorclass,
 has been appointed postmistress of the
 House of leprescntatlves at Atlanta, at
 $4 per day. She Is the first woman ap-
 pointed as post-master to this Legislature.
   Miss 31. K. Conylngton, '94, discusses
 the Homestead struggle in the Wellesley
 Magazine for l)ecember.
   On Dec. 31, at the Thorndike, the elgh-
 teenth anntal meeting of the Boston
 branch of the Associate Alumnie of Vassar
 College wits held, and these officers were
 elected: President, Mls E. 31. Howe;
 vice-presidents, Miss S. B. D. Lewis, Miss
 E. G. Houghton; secretary and treasurer,
 Miss B. E. Chester; iassistant secretary
 and treasurer, Miss L. S. King. Reports
 from the college were submitted, and Biss
 Start, '90, read a paper on The Status of
 Vassar Women in Graduate Work. Miss
 Lewis reported for the Aid Society, show-
 ing that It, was ralsing $750 annually for
 scholarship purposes.
   Mis Benison is a vice-presihelnt of the
 senior law class at tile University of
 Mrs. Cassie Scott Cushing, a graduate
 of the Northwestern Univeisity at Evins-
 ton, ifl., has offeredt a prize of oie hundred
 dollars, whilch is open to students i: the
 departmnt of political economy, and will
 be awarded ann'dally to tiho writer of the
 best dissertation on Municipal Govern-
 il ent. The subject for this year will be
 City Government for Chicago.
 Vassar girls dressed 300 dolls for distri-
 bution at Ciristmas by the College Settle-
 ment In Rivington Street, New York.
 Two young women graduates of Welles-
 ley College, Miss Charlotte H. Conant, of
 Greenfleld, Mass., ani Miss Florence Blge-
 low, of Natick, Mass., both of them ex-
 perienced teachers, have bought the
 Henry G. Harwood residence and four
 acres of land in Natick, Mass., where they
 pr pree to open a preparatory school to
 be known as WalnutlHill School, Welles-
 hey Preparatory. Miss Shafer, the presi-
 dent of Wellesley, and the other members
 of the faculty, promise the new enterprise
 their hearty support; and cobperation.
                              P. M. A.

Digitized from Best Copy Available

No. 1..


  REV. MARION MuitociC contributes to
this week's WOMAN'S JOURNAL an Inter-
esting account of the Women's Liberal
(Political) Association at Oxford, Eng.
  MRS. MAItY E. LEASE has withdrawn
tier nan i as a canhtlate for the U. S.
Senate, I i'order to leave the Populists
free to unite upon some candidate satis-
factory to all of them, and free from
entangling alliances with the Democrats.
  IEV. ANNA OLIVElt, who has lived
abroad for many years, suffering severely
from ill health, lately returned to this
country, seeming much better; but she
returned onily to die. We should be glad
to have some of the friends of this gifted
and courageous woman preacher send us
facts for an adequate memorial notice of
  Miss FRANCES L. FULI.ER, of Madison,
has long been the assistant secretary of
the Wisconsin Agricultural Society, and
the growing success of the State Fair is
said to be largely owing to her. When
site was appointed, eight years ago, site
was the only woman employee about the
capitol; but she proved invaluable, and
has retained lier position under three con-
secutive secretaries. Shie has systematized
the whole work, prepares the annual re-
port, attends to te vatst correspondence,
and assists In making out the annual
premium lists.
young lady to whose perseverance is
chiefly due the recent admission of women
to the practice of law il Ontario. Miss
Martin graduated from Toronto Univer-
sity about three years ago, and decided to
study law. On presenting her diploma to
the convocation of benchers, it was re-
jected, and Miss Martin was told, in sub-
stance, that site would either have to give
up hier purpose or go to the United States.
She decided to do neither, but to win hier
admission at home. The question was
introduced into the local Legislature at
its last session by the attorney-general,
who favored the movement, and the Le-gis-
lature empowered the benchers of the Law
Society to admitwomen, which they have
now done.  The matter caused hot de-
bate, both liu the Legislature and in the
Law Society; but it has ended as such
struggles always end, in the long run.
,rhe newspapers and the progressive
women of Toronto, notably Dr. Emily
Stowe ant Mrs. McDonell lent vigorous
aid to Miss Martin.
   Mts. A. S. OAKLEY, of 227 Dubois
 Street, Newburg, N.Y., is managet of the
 town street-roller and sprinkler busiiess.
 Sihe succeeded her husband when lie was
 stricken with blindness seventeen years
 ago. She employs twenty men, and owns
 nearly its many carts. She goes about
 town with her own horse and phaeton,
 does her own collecting, and sees that the
 work is performed thoroughly. Mrs. V.
 Dillon, 251 Ann Street, Newburg, con-
 ducts a large and successful truck busi-
 ness. It ils grown from one horse and
 olle small express wagon which she
 bought years ago aid hired a man to drive.
 Site selected this unusual branch of busi-
 ness because site saw an opening to suc-
 cess. After a while shie contracted for the
 town trucking, and has engaged to dothe
 eltire work for a large hotel in course
 of builting. Before her marriage, Mrs.
 Dillon was employed as a compositor on
 the JIebreiv Leader in New York city.

   MiSS GItACE WELLS, a Cincinnati girl,
 determined at fifteen that shie would be a
 doctor. tier uncle, with whom shie lived,
 did not approve of the idea, and could not
 afford to give her the necessary education.
 She persuaded him to lendi her a cow, a
 dozen hens and six turkeys for a year.
 At the year's end she had made profit
 enough out of them to buy a printing out-
 fit, which she set up in the corner of a
 woodshed. Site then solicited the print-
 Ing of cards, letterheads and envelopes.
 At the end of the second year, she paid
 her uncle the rent for the cow and
 fowls, and had money enough to take
 lessons twice a week front the preacher-
 By the time she was eighteen she had
 saved money enough to take her to the
 academy during the fall and winter. In
 spring and summer she worked at her
 trade. She, has paid for her schooliig
 herself, and now has enouzgh money in
 the bank for her medical course. Mean-
 while she has been reading with a New
 Haven doctor.

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