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20 Woman's J. 1 (1889)

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   VOL. XX.

The Woman's Journal,:
  A Wekly Newspaper, published every Saturday
in ItosroN, devoted to tie interests of Woman-
to her educational, Industrial, egal and political
Equality, and especially to her right of Suffrage.

      H. It. IIIACKWELL,
   MANY A. Liv:nmontui.
   Mns. i. M. T. (UTLEni
   MAnY UTNAM .tAi'ORI, .1).D.,
   Miss MAII E. IIEDY,
   BIAR II, r P I ECO'I'T .Sl'OFFORtt,
   DR. Lt:,IA G. BEDLI.L,
   %uq.Ex, It. B, ])IERICK,
   DR. Ai,.i)& C. AvERYo'.
             SUSAN C. VOGL,
   Business Manager Advertising Department.
   [Entered at the P. O0., Boston,. Mas.. as second-class

     It is its if tie world were glad!
     Whether in light or darkness clad,
     The hour is never dull or sad
         When work is done.
     The very voices in the street
     Are tuned to notes nore soft and sweet;
     We love all things we chance to meet
         When work Is done.
     The gentle music of the breeze,
     The tender whispers of the trees,
     And every sound, has power to please
         When work Is done.
     Upon each dear, familiar face
     Rests some new trait of winsome grace,
     And joy lights up the old honse.place
         When work is done.
     Life's tumult'suddenly grows still,
     And love and gladness and good.will
     Come with their peace the heart to fill
         When work Is done.
     But when the hours of labor close,
     And earth is wrapped in sweet repose,
     And all things sleep-alas for those
         With work undone I
     Oh, kind Tasknaster, let thy rest
     Be to tired workers manifest,
     And unto all who do their best,
         Say thou, Well done I


   Ott the first day when Congress reas-
 sembled after the holidays, Senator Iloar,
 of Massachusetts, introduced an amend-
 nent to the U. S. Constitution prohibiting
 disfranchisement on account of sex.

 Gov. Oliver Ames, if his admirable in-
 augural message to the Massachusetts
 Legislature, last Thursday, for the third
 time recommended the extension of full
 municipal suffrage to women. lIe said:
   Once more I earnestly recommend, as
 an act of simple justice, the enactment of
 a law securing municipal suffrage to
 women. Recent political events have con-
 firmed the opinion which I have long held,
 that if women have sufflcient reason to
 vote, they will do so, and become an im-
 portait factor in the settlement of great
 questions. If we can trust uneducated
 men to vote, we can with greater safety
 and far more propriety grant the same
 power to women, who, ats a rule, are as
 well educated and quite its intelligent ats
   These grave and statesmanlike sentencees
 deserve to be printed in letters of gold.
 Let us hope that the Legislature will carry
 out the recommendation of the Governor,
 who deserves and will receive the thanks
 and appreciative approvad of the women
 of the Commonwealth.

   The WOMAN'S JOURNAL will hereafter
 devote reguh' iSpace to the work and re-
 ports of the Women's Educational and In-
 dustrial Unioiis throughout the country.
 Mrs. Abby Morton Diaz, who is better
 qualified than any other woman, has kindly
 consented for the present to take charge
 of this department. These Unions, under
 the inspiration of Mrs. Diaz, have become
 a characteristic national institution.  The
 pioneer society in this city have already ten
 children anti grandchildren. The San Fran-
 cisco Union, one of the youngest and most
 vigorous of these, reports on our eighth
 page to-day. Broader and more general
 in its scope than ny other organization of
 women, the W. E. and I. U. takes cogni-
 zance of every department of practical
 philanthropy, and organizes women for
 mutual aid, protection and encouragemnent.
 These Unions neetd a national medium of
 communication and a weekly bulletin of
 news. The WOMA-N'S JOUR.NAL, by its
 extensive circulation among progressive


ivolieut, i Scci'lly adapited to serve il
that capacitity.

   Womeni  are  seldou insewliile to the
e'iitrn of it beautiftl ilr'ess. 'li 'WOMAN'S
.hMiol NAL, in this respect, :is it otiers, is  i
reprlesentative \voinnl's ppe. We'Cthere-
fore congrat ultt' our redes rsad   otr-
selves upon the new type which this week
gives  our   coluiins  so  lindsone tin
appeariince. It is du to the liberality tind
enterpr'ise of otr lrinterss (. II. Silioils
& Co., who have doneo ul' comnposition
for the past six yeirs,  ind nown, unsolicited,
miake us this ticc'ptable New i's gift.

   Frances Wilr'd writes to the' 4)MAN'S
.JhIuINAL thtat there ought to he tI woni
ol tile I'. S. IHistorical omm('n isshin, iid
tit ' 's. Mal'tha.1. Laillb, editor of the
Magazinea of Amriean Hisftory, wonl be
ti' right wostian for tile pla'o. It is a
good sugg'stion. It is the busine'ss of ite
Ilistoricil ('oitnissiont to .wears'h out aind
preserlHve recordis and rolniliisconces illus-
t'ativ'e of oar tollltry's history, lift tind
otilierS.   A  Wonitian eCould rentder good
service in tiis li s. anid with one or titore
woniten ot the ('oniinission, tl ione-life
of tile peoph. tind tilte lttlrs and itrsai-
tc-ts of our fornotliers, wounl h)e likely
to receive nre nattention thant fro illai ex-
clusively nase'uline boardT.h'I'' recorlds
of hiistortins have too long Ibeeni confined
alhnost wltilly to wars and   sttttet'trtft,
leaving unchronitcled mnayn hutbler, int
reillly more impl)rtant featuros of ou nit-
tional life. Tie Association of ('ollegite
Alutnna   has al'eiady undertakel some
work of this kindl.

   The Boston Trans'rit says
   One of the first purposes to which
 women should address themselves in their
 political agitation for tlse social advantage
 of their sex is the equalization of punish-
 ments for wrongs done women with pun-
 ishment for wrongs done men. When one
 man assaults another with axe and club,
 knocks him   down   and netsrly murders
 him, the sentence of tile court is apt to be
 more than a brief imprisonment of three
 or four months.  Butt it this enlightened
 State and age a mau may assault his wife
 with  axe and club, and anost murder
 her, and receive sentence of only four
 months' ihprisonment, its witness itrecent
 case in Quincy. Woten should strive for
 such an ametdtnent of our laws its shall
 make brutal violence towards women as
 heavily punishable as brutal violence
 towards men, and sien should be earnest
 to aid them in bringing about this adjust-
 ment, demuaided not atlone by chivalry, but
 by humanity, which is better.

   Mrs. Crawford, the Paris correspondont
 of the London Daily News, testifies to the
 substantial wrongs which will be remedied
 by3 M. Erliest Lefevre's Bill, stow pending in
 the French Chamber of Deputies, to give
 tradeswomen a right to vote for Judges of
 tile Tribunal of ('omnetce. Mrs. ('raw-
 ford says that is spite of the low legal
 status of women in Frate, women exer-
 cise a great and   wlolly   irresponsible
 power In the political world. They are
 too well off to realize sow had tilhe law is.
 In business circles it is very different:
   In thie world of trade and commerce, the dis-
 abilities under which the Frenchwoman rests
 weigh heavily on her energies. Site cannot be a
- witness to a contract, or' in any civil tnatter ex-
cept a birth registration. When she is unmarried
or a widow, she finds that the judges of the Tri-
bunal of Commerce, to whom she has occasiot
to appeal, are prejudiced in favor of her oppo-
nent, if he cai vote for them. In many ways
the interests of tradeswomeu suffbr because they
are not electors, not only of thejuges consulaires,
but of town conscillors and deputies. Not long
ago the fish-women of the Central Market were
going to be turned out of their pavilion, which
was built on purpose for them thirty years ago.
The idea was to give it to a bdy of tradesmen
who could vote and command votes. A great
struggle took place, and it ended by the fisl-
women holding their gronid. They are a most
worthy class of women, brave, enduring, quick,
and intelligent. It is not at all uncommon to
find among them women who have four or five
thousand pounds Invested. Their opinion on the
Budget would be better worth having than that
of many electors of their class, who, too often,
vote as the putlicau tells them. I know an old
lady who is and has been the managing partner
of a very prosperous bank for thirty-seven years.
She tells me that her blood has often boiled at
the civil disabilities under which she is placed,
mast that she had never had time to job in. any
agitation against them. A great many usiness
women suffer In the same way.

ItSS % tllitlit, I tannotti  hntagi' novlat \N'outd
bectlloe of IFranc. .She 1, 11 tl'Oat powver,
ow i   I thti sl ite l it of ctthiritter o' it
lisrrowi t li' .  It is  tirt Il' t ief  of  lils
v~igs exclushively thatitihe Lelfevro Hill is

  Ms. Glaidtouie has given noticem lhl lie
ineant s to Ii  nn it quire' Inllinto the
'esults of tle English I)ivortee Act, whicl
wits passed In 1857 Itgaihnst Itis strenuous
opposition. By   this tnjust and stupid
iw, te hfidellty of the \wife entities the
huslnd to a divorce, but thte Infidelity of
the husband does not. entitle the wife to
one. Mr. Glidstone, being askedI lis ob-
ject i sioviig for it return concerning the
workihg of the divorce act, writes to the
Pall-.al  Gazette : I hive only time to
say that my returnI mliies no ntore thait
desire to get at the face'ts, andt hat I holi
tis strongly as ever to the p'incil e of
C(1ual th'etleuti't fo-r sutiit ni   vitnt1t:t1.

  Ilady Aberdeeln, in all iiddi'o.s before aln
educiitioll itieetiiig lioi hitig  i to, itil-
vtlltc'id stnisit' s     iei. .'ns rs,'gi rilhsg
Nonien's educlititn. Sh eiid:
  'liey servei ot schiool loai.tl and piaro-
chial boirds, tiey act oil tiuuitt'es, they
taike i l eanding part hit plhilanthropiic, ro-
li 1 tio idmil tsshioni)t n wot-k''  If they nir  o
n1i.iiittaultth is Ipsition-,n tdit is for tie
good of the iliutluity, its 't,l las for the
own halpiness, thatt tlhty nshtuld taintai
il-thioy inUli. pass ilironglil irain i'Aci-
]l)ino tilit will fit theni o griipplh w-ith tie
problemns and porplexities of public lift.
'ihere is no risk that tie tenderntess of
their emnotionil ntture, the delicacies of
theih fe'niniie sensibilities, will ie he-
strovedib ya' t sound culttre of the it-
telectual fitculties. Woniet contribute to
the inttiagenient (if the poor, the young,
tile hifirn, in so fir its thesea il lhrownl
Upon the pusli',l in inestinably valuable
eleuent of kiudness and of purity. lut
there is not the slightest. dager thitt Ibis
eleinemtt will be extingusied by     a linrliU
power. A strong femnine underslimnding
will Ile tile best uilly of ti soft feminie

  Rev. Aison ''ituts, re'Oit 1' if Anmesbury,
Mass., and now   of Towiinda, Pa., sild
some good tlhings ii a recent lecture oit
Oitr Daughters.   lie sid :
  Voian is just getting into her siiere.
I taking tlte forwnrd stups, site will not
issex le'rself, bit nllkO tore of a wotUatn
of hterself.  Our diiughtor'ss are to ie
trainiel for tile larger life of to-dity. The
education wihich fitted til egriindilotler,
is filr short of the traiing needell for tlho
granddaughter. '[iis higher education is
ils entire htiurmosy with the essentials of
wotnins charaicter. Site is deuanditng
tore of liers'olf since every ennobling clhttst
in which sise has a part to do is deninding
more of her. Women shoul know more
of law, of trade and busisess. It is the
wonmen who are ignorant, of tlese, who
are ever it the mercy of greedy men.
The daughters of rich iand poor,    llike,
need it prattcitl knowledge qf the worli.

          SAMUEL E. SEWALL.
   The Massachusetts Club, at Young's
 Hotel, on Saturday afternoon, lion. A. W.
 Beard in the chair, unanimously adopted
 the following resolution by a rising vote :
   Resolred, That the Massachmsetts Club desires
 to record its tribute of respect and affection for
 the illustrious character and great public services
 of the late Samuel E. Sewall, the oldest member
 of the Massachusetts bar. An Abolitionist in
 1827, an associate of William Lloyd Garrison in
 18.31, the Liberty party candidate for Governor
 from 1843 to 1848, identified with the Free Soil
 and national Republican parties from 1848 to
 1884, and with tile Republican party of thie State
 until his death, we recognize in him the most
 persistent worker for the removal of the legal dis-
 abilities of women, and a pioneer in the cause of
 liberty and equal rights, irrespective of race,
 color or sex.
   Appreciative remarks in support of the
 resolution were made by ]loi. A. A. Ran-
 ney, Ho. John ). Long,'IlenryI t. Blick-
 well, lion. A. sN. Beard, Ilorace G. Wiad-
 lin, W. W. Doherty, Gebrge A. 0. Ernst
 and Messrs. Morton, Teele, Brigham and
 Breed. A letter wis read front John 0.

    A young   Belgian lady, 31lle..  arie
 Popelin, not long ago passed hierk -am't-
 nation successfully l 'tie Brussels Law
 School, and applied for admission to the
 bar. On the 3d of December, she appeared

                                   . ...-Imore the court to take the oath. Mi,
  Mrs. Criwfdid sums up the situation     Jules Guillery, who had fheld the honors-
thus :                                    ble position of chief of the ordre des avocafa,
  There is no country in the world in     supported her cati. The iittorney-gen-
which feminine energy runs so much into i eral, M. Van Schoor, opposed her .idmis-
business as iu France, and no civilized   sion. lie said that tihe modern law on the
country in which women, apart from       '
equality of inheritnce. tire ,o slighteud by  subject spoke otnly of metn, prescribing
the liuia s.,.Womien's rights are more  that enlightened men might be admitted
backward in France than in England, for   to study law; while the Roman law de-
three reasons: Politlcal women are too    clared that to be a lawyer was a virile
powerful to wish for any change; fash-             He continued:
ionable women are too frivolous     and   office.
business women have too much to do to       A woman Is 'incapable' in civil affairs.
find time for agitating. Without the busi- Will any one claim that she is able to de-

No. 1.


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fend importatntriterests it tho' ir, 11'when CONCERNING      \rOMEN.
sheinno 'a llU YnIlnllge her opo%,l 10)iy1
excopt throutgh her l l sbl dind  It titay Ite
said thait a itinor is 'incapalile,' it lvl   i3 s. ElsNAIl D. ,.IFNEY is to write the
a fihi rs, ini  Ibit  l totst rt, i  li s lift, of I 1o t . Alcott.
.nllowe ad t ),htwy11onre Ihlt t1r  n
a l low e dl  to  he it 's.  Hil t h ere I  s ott . sI t- iM I' ll W i V A R D  is  w riting   it  re-
e'otlittlsott lpissiblt' betweeni it Itt loot' tand
it ollitlarTheo I'lo twontos i II tll Iiv tO t lie'ltt'lticisms on Robert Elsnere.'
ill onsRt'o.''                              I IIINCESS ' METTEItNICI aind PRINCESS
  The D'oifties F'netis iotlls out thn at IIl.EUss, i'e wife of the rletlian atnbassa-
wotuant is indeed regardld ly' lih law isdor, ire amnong the best skaters In Vienna.
intcan ile1  of  I tall ht g l i 'oth r  own  l'lp 'rty,  Mits. LilvE IultOItE,  whose  services  in  the
but only wh    slit Is it wifo.  As aI tsnglh  lecture field tire itt great request, will start
wotia, sihe lay nlsantago' ier own proper- the last of next lonthil ot a prolonged
1.', Itnd  its it  iow s ill lttay  illnntge  not  WIestern trip.
onily lies ownt, but thiait of In,'t rsit n ~lno   hil-
only. I n'roallty, sih is C'pldthe : It Is tie  Miss ANNE WHITNEY made tie tine bust
ilaw itlone wlih   uiths'tlg hoIrlit ns   of SanUPI E. Sewall, which is in Memorial
lifetinto imp4ossnuponheriftnartificialtaandtlllllit texigton. So lifelike Is It, that
tslsien'tt incalac'ity. This part it' tho tl e ino have not seen Mr. Sewall will
ttiit'tyv-gintor'al's in 'ot wiuild ap (ly derive front it tit exact Idea of the classic
otl' t ti'elu o sUl ; slid thte l iidl- beauty and serenity of Ills face.

dlate, Mill'. l'ollih, was unttarred.  M IS MARY 3lcI)IIEISON of New Glas-
  After brilgitg forward his slender stock guw, N. S., was lite ither day appointed
of h'gl l o eltictions to  Ml . Ii3 1 olilhl 11s idt-  is  stentogralilier' to  the  'rovlnil  Seem-
ttisslon, ''h lit' i nistilihig  i glrst'l,  l tary.  She  Is  sild it o  e  the  first woman
is  t IhDoif tdes I F inies cills tlhe tltrot y-  ever' appoitid  to  it  government  position
generl oc i' ed ed toiilist t ott  inlo theli i  hi   (a iiida  or any  of Its  provinces.
lolh'cato witlh iint is h ii lr ire  l i' i ti-
dol of lii ' oepons t i shic ha 'iglitis' or )Is. )IMISTON CIIANT is 1iil ardent ad-
           hold of the opponents of'leleill rihsIo vc l i pysical traiing, and sends hotr
                                          m hoeldest girls to the Haiilstead Gym-
 eltl't   ' fi It ,' h et'' a sk ed'i,  1' a ii ashitii.  F or   th eih'  ill lse ltue ni t  lit  ho m e,
 woul lconitte of its dlgiity, it' tlhy were when out-door exe'tcise Is Ipossible, Mrs.
 liale to  1'' tI W lttni  lttw 'lr  olliged  to  ('h nt  lii4  writtn  iatl  co mposed  so mse
 ilt rrut ll  her  hri f  hi  l''d r  to  give  irth a t ion  songs,  whi  ,th e I y  horoughly
 it tlit' (itourt-rolnt i ytulltg 'cit izt l of                     y    t
 Belgium '.                             eljoy.
   ''lsor 31. SIcoor!' siis lith etlitor of )IAlEIOIEIl.). K('AIIOLINE SuCIITZE,
 the litraiitslean hett lilts beeu so ithsorbeil the young Pllli lady whose thesis, pre-
 in his legal studies thilt I tlthinks ia con- seltetl to tlie  at'igs MedicalF aitllty, has
 finenti  ii  iisudden and unexlectedttacci- nmide such a stir, is only twenty-one. She
 dent, like tilattlick of brait fever or tle  is said to Ine tile youngest candidate for
 breakig of it blood-vessel. Do we find   theit degree of doctor who ever appeared
 that schlool-teichers bring elildr'en Into  before the Fuaculty of Paris. The subject
 tlh worldl li tle class-rotni, os- female iofher thesis wias 'The Woman Physician
 singers itt lhe nidile of ia song?      of the Nineteeith ('entury.
 31. Vast Seltoor reninds his heal'rs tht   MAA DAMF Glvss-lAUT makesaspirited
 flit' law requres a wife to follow lier hu-  protest it Le Proetarat against the dec-
 btatnl, and then driiws it pictur'o f the oration of Zola by the Academy. Madame
 wonan lawyer obliged to quit her office to  Grless-Traut is liUmember of the Parisian
 go with ter husband wherever lie eliooses League for the Elevation of Public Morals,
 to tiake ler. To tis M. 1esri Virentes  nd ollects, s do many others, to see
 retorted, it ii Parisian paper: 'WIe have highh honors bestowed ott an author who
 seenti niis'iilie lawyers, yea, even depu- makes it specialty of describing low and
 lies, leave the 'Pitlace of Just ice'ortil!t fol belavior.
 ('halnber f ejituophs to foliw~ woitent 3I~M
 wli''re'oir hepy chose sl olo ti'-i-a N  ils. MAY, chairman of the committee
 woenie    ake liho e itter werse) hi'o iu resolutlouts in the Ohio State IV. C. T.
 wore itot th kefr wives.''            U., brought down the house by the fol-
   After snore of this refieiItaditnage, M. lowing quotation from a German saloon-
 Van Schoor rosf to soenity. ttl the  keeper: Ve must vatch dem vimmens-
 Vay wh      o wsmnato sall it admitted to the  kos veti dey gets dem ballots our pizuess

 order (of liwyers), lie sldl, the order is gone.  With the usual obstinacy of
 will Iiaec ceased to exist. Is the nime of wonen, the convention at once unanimous-
 ourt office, we iiemtnd that it nay Please ly decided that they wanted the ballot.
 the court iot I IoilitInt MIlle. I'opselils to MI.., DUMAS is the presilent of an as-
 take the oitl.                         Isochtloin of lenevolent ladles who visit
   M. (hiillery then siid :               tite Women's Prison of St. Lazare, in
   When Mlle. 1' li   'lltpealed to iue, I Paris. For years site has -devoted time,
 thought it my dlisty,' 1i an ex-chIef of the  strength and money to this work. When
 ordre de . avocats, and as the father of t site was eighty-two years of age (she is
 family, tik give her ty sipport.  Aftr now ninety-six) she learned Spanish, that
 eighttenm'lnh i'edi i'eiirs of woman. S - now
 vitdle s.. inequatl 3', we are tiiig to  ie might speak words of comfort to a
 nore just and 'quitlsle ideas. We regard  young Andahusian woman who did not
 womiln, not its a weak andi desplIcable bie- understand French.
 ing, but as out' mother, otr sister, our
 equal. And we thought that the question  Miss LELIA J. RtOBINSON began the new
 would have created no more dillculty be- y'ear on Tuesday list by winning a case in
 fore you than before the ieideinlc council the Municipal Civil Court of Boston before
 of tile university. Tlie attorney-general's tndge lardy. Site represented the plain-
 argument amoutts to this : The tw does
 not nmention women, and when it speaks  ti , t tihid little Ge'man woman, whose
 of men, It uses it wor 0l.,djstjIsly, mascu-  knowledge of English was very Imperfect.
 line. (tn the sime  .i *lnsll:''   nttre The defendantp, were two men who nego-
 pleinal code would be ipl lctle. ti ,nen ttc the sale of furnished lodging-houses.
 o.l.ITt.1ey were represented by Mr. Walker, the
   M1. Iullet'y poiti'i flrtu' ha~ t
   q (luotey s. l.w                        colered lawyer. It Is gratifying to those
 qt d  hes oo nN          tog*eple.who know the losses that Inexperienced
 to tie sclleo|i 13T . empire. ltt t-'t ...and timid women often sustain rather than
 the law sch ools n' 8010  te4 Iomn tan . ifq rI
           alloitiga woiuns g~'Wj'i~ 1l1 .glfw  .o Into a court-room filled with men, that
 allow ing ia  w om a n  t d -~ g er O 1. ,  1i  i -ll .1l -  w  o m e,, n ha ve o f ah w y er  w h'o  w ill ac  ....
 school, sould the law refuutse liclleiPliny them into court, and reassure them,
 na she has fairly earned? To-day wN -seeb because she is sot only a lawyer, but a
 women iti business, it cotnmerce, every-  woman.
 where. Why should atly one ie forbhilen
 to confide tle defence of his Interests to  ME. ALICE LE PLONGEON, wife of the
 aun itelligent and educated wontan?       famous Yucatan explorer Augustus Le
   31. Franik also spoke In favor of Mle.  Plongeon, has few If any equals in archo-
 Popelin. lie asked to be shown tiny text  logical knowledge In her own field. h4I
 ill tie law which says that only men shall still a young woman, having been a &I Iln
 be lawyers. ''here is no longer, Ils our  her teens when she made a romantic mar-
 day, any such thing its a vir'ile office. i riage.M.LePlongeon, duringavisittoLon-
 The legal profession is open to all. Arti- don, found a slight, dark girl poring over
 cle 14 of the decree of 1810 specifies who Mexican antiquities inthe British Museum.
 may not be lawyers, ant women are not They compared opinions on the coliec-
 mentioned among those exeluded. Wom-      tions from Uxmal, fell in love, and sailed
 en have beon Professors it the University .away to the El Dorado of ruins, where
 of Bolognt. Woliet practice law in Amer- they stayed fourteen years. Mine. Le
 lea. In Russia, a decree elating from 1870 Plongeon  has had yellow-fever three
 excludes women from the prictiece of law. times, and nursed and vaccinated two or
 Is there any such decree i Belgium?   three native Maya hamlets through small-
   3M. Guillery closed with atn eloquent plea  pox. She speaks Spanish and the Central
 in behalf of the womne.                   American Indian dialects, and is said to be
   Ihe court couhl not dec4de at once. exceedingly modest, with ,ll her learning.
 After deliberatinug for a week, they refused The Le Piongeons are at present living In
 Mile. Popeltn's application.   A.S. B.    Brooklyn.

; Aoal lb.-  I

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