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19 Woman's J. 1 (1888)

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No. 1.

  The Woman's Journal.
  A Weekly Newsppr    abtdever    atardaY
t.  etIndustrial, legal. md political
Equality, and ospedlaily to he ret of Wosa-
   H. B. BLACK  ELL           Editor.
   JuA WARP  flown.
   MANY A. LIvmnaona,
   Mrs. H. M. T. CUTLER.
   LousAs M. ALCOTT.
   ELIZAET  STUART PaoPrs,    Occasional
   FRANCES E. WILLARD,       Contributors.
             SUSAN 0. VOGL,
 Business Manager of the Advertising Department.
 TanMs-*2.80a year, $1.25 for six months, 6oeents
for three months, 7. advance, 6 cents for single copy.
  CLUB RATE-   copies one year, $10.
  BosTON Orriaoa-No. 8 Park Street, where copies
are for sale and subscriptions received.
  The Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association at
Philadelphia, 700 Arch Street, have copies of the
WOMAN  a JOURNAL for sale.
  Alt remittances should be by money or P. 0. order
and addressed always to box 308, or to WoMAN'S
  The paper will continue to be sent until a request
  Is reoeived to stop it, and until all arrearages are
  Specimen copies sent on receipt of two-cent stamp.
  1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from
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  (Entered at the P. 0., Boston, Mass., as second
class matter.]

         For the Woman's Journal.
             BY EMILY ATERS.
       Tints that dazile, hues that glow,
         Shine In sunlit flowers;
       Flakes of flame consuming slow,
         Gold in drift., in showers,
         Sheen whose gemlike powers
         Dim e'en golden dowers.
       But when night's dark shadows fall
         A bloom by daylight alighted-
       One white flower-outgleams them allI
         Ah I blossom inly lighted,
         Might we bear such unblighted,
         Undoubted bloom, benighted I

  I again earnestly recommend, as an act
of simple justice, the enactment of a law
securing municipal  suffrage to women.
These brief, emphatic words of Gov. 011-
ver Ames, in his inaugural message to the
Massachusetts  Legislature, on  Jan. 5,
place the  question where it belongs, on
the solid bed-rock of political justice.

  Gov. Ames' endorsement  of woman  sut-
frage  elicited considerable applause, as
did also his reference to the public schools,
and  his proposal to limit the number of
liquor licenses.

  Next week  the WOMAN'S  JoURNAL   will
issue a supplement containing a valuable
statement of the legal condition of women,
by Win. I. Bowditch.

  So many  petitions for woman  suffrage
are pouring in upon the iashington  Ter-
ritory Legislature that the clerk's desk Is
piled up with them, and It has been voted
to refer them to a committee without read-
Ing.  To read them all would take a con-
siddrable part of every day.  It will be
remembered  that after women  had  voted
there for three years and a half, the euf-
frage bill was unexpectedly declared un-
constitutional last winter by the Supreme
Court, because of a flaw in its form. The
best people of the Territory are eager for
its re-enactment, and three bills to that
elect have already been Introduced. The
gamblers  and liquor-dealers, however, are
making  a desperate fight against it. It
was  on an appeal  raised by a gambler,
who   had beei convicted by a jury partly
composed   of women,  that the Supreme
Court, by a majority of one vote, declared
the law unconstitutional.

  The  first skirmish occurred over  the
question to what  committee  the woman
suffrage petitions should be referred. The
friends of the measure  wanted  them re-
ferred to  the committee   on  elections,
which  is in favor; the opponents wanted
them  referred to the judiciary committee,
a majority of whose members are opposed.
After  a discussion which lasted all the
forenoon,  the  opponents  carried their
point  by a majority of two  votes. The
chairman  of the judiolary committee repre-
seants a lquor district, and was chosen at a
special election held  since the women


were deprived of the right to vote. He is
a conspicuous  opponent of woman  suf-
frage. The fight Is so close that the re-
sult will be watched with great Interest.
The  gamblers  and  liquor-dealers found
the practical workings of woman suffrage
very uncomfortable, and they will strain
every nerve, and spend money like water,
to prevent Its re-enactment. The  chief
argument  which has weight with the de-
cent people is the fear that the Territory
will not so easily be admitted by Congress
as a State, if woman suffrage Islestablished
there, or that Cleveland might veto its ad-
mission on that ground.

  In the Washington   Territory Legisla-
ture, on the 13th ult., Representative Eck-
ler, of Dayton [Republican], ntroduced a
bill restoring suffrage to women, with a
provision to exempt them  from compul-
sory jury duty. Representative Clark, of
Yakima,  offered a bill referring the ques-
tion to a vote of the male people. All the
suffrage bills have been ordered printed.
The  suffragists refuse to entertain any
proposition which  does not restore suf-
frage to women.  Some  Republicans who
are not In favor of woman   suffrage on
principle, say that they are bound by their
platform, which indorses it.

  The Tacoma  Ledger is in error when it
says that Congress passed a bill to admit
Washington  Territory  as a  State, with
woman  suffrage, and Cleveland refused to
sign it. Nothing of the sort ever hap-
pened.  What  Congress did was to pass a
bill annexing North Idaho to Washington
Territory, and President Cleveland refused
to sign the bill because the governor of
Idaho objected to it. It Is falsely asiserted
by the opponents of woman  suffrage that
the enfranchisement of women by the Ter-
ritorial Leglelature will endanger Wash-
ington's admisslon as a State. As admis-
elon is above  all things  desired, this
groundless objection will be worked for
all it Is worth, as was recently done in Da-
kota.  There is no reason to think that the
question of suffrage will affect admission
either one way or the other.  President
Cleveland signed several woman suffrage
bills while he was governor of New York,
had Is understood to be personally in favor
of the measure.

  Senator Dolph's bill to provide for the
formation  and admission into the Union
of the State of Washington, Introduced
Dec. 12, and referred to the committee on
Territories, proposes to add the counties
of Northern Idaho to the new State. The
Oregonian, which  opposes  the re-enact-
mont  of woman  suffrage on the  ground
that it will endanger the  admission of
Washington   Territory as a State, refutes
its own objection by adding:
  The  bill may pass the Senate, but it is
not  likely It will pass the House In this
form.   Washington,  in all  probability,
will not be admitted till two or three other
Territories come in with it.

  Nothing  would so greatly promote the
  material Interests of Washington Territory
as the re-enactment  of woman  suffrage.
No  act of legislation would attract so much
attention, or receive such favorable com-
ment  throughout the country. Thousands
of families would be drawn, as they have
been drawn  during the past year to Kan-
ase, which has never had so large an im-
migration as since the passage of the mu-
nicipal woman  suffrage bill last March.

  Mrs.  Margaret  W.   Campbell, in the
  Iowa Woman's 8tandard, gives an excel-
  lent report of the Suffrage Bazaar lately
  held in Des Moines. The   results were
  most encouraging, both in the receipts and
  In bringing about a larger acquaintance
  and co-operation between suffragists in
  many parts of the State.

  Mrs.  Fannie Holden  Fowler, of Manls-
  tee, Mich., urges the women of her State
  to offer their votes and claim the right of
  suffrage under the fourteenth amendment
  of the U. S. Constitution. A test-ease to
  try this claim was made some years ago by
  Miss Anthony, and was carried to the U.S.
  Supreme Court, which decided it against
  the women. Thisdecision,whetherrightor
  wrong, settles the matter In law until It is
  reversed; and there is no reason to hope
  that the present Supreme Court Is more
  liberal. All efforts of women to vote,
  however, help to agitate the question, and
  so far do good.       -

Digitized from  Best Copy   Available

  Queen  Victoria derives her title to the
throne  of. Great Britain as the nearest
protestant descendant of the Princess Elil-
abeth, daughter of James  I. and wife of
the Prince  Palatine.  Women   get their
right to vote from Adam  and  Eve, who
received their title from God  when  he
made  man  in his own image,  male and
female, and gave them dominion.

  Rev. A. A. Miner said last Sunday:
  Men  come here from foreign lands, ig-
norant  and depraved, with bludgeons in
their hands and  pistols in their pockets,
and  threaten to overturn everything that
does not please them, and they are given
the privilege of the ballot; but our Intelli-
gent women,  who would  not suffer in com-
parison with our most intelligent men, are
told politics are not their sphere. Women
are learning the difference, and it is time
we  were learning it.

  Rev. Dr. Ell Fay, of Los Angeles. Cal.,
has made  a conditional offer of 600,000 to
the  Unitarian Conference of  Massachu-
setts, to establish a college for women at
Worcester, Mass. Jonas G. Clark, not long
ago, gave an enormous sum to found a uni-
versity for men in the same place. What
a pity they cannot agree to put the money
into one amply-endowed  coeducational in-
stitution! The system of the separate edu-
cation of the sexes belongs to the dark
ages, and is steadily going out of fashion.
The  number  of colleges already exceeds
the  wants of  the rising generation. It
would  be wiser for charitable millionaires
to strengthen the beat of the coeducational
colleges that already exist, than to start
new  separate Institutions in a community
already overstocked with them.

   The N. E. Women's   Press Association
met  In  the WOMAN'S   JOURNAL   parlors
January  3, the President, Mrs. Sallio Joy
White, in the chair. The following officers
were  elected for the coming year: Presi-
dent, Mrs.  Sallie Joy White; Vice-preal-
dents,  Mrs.  Barrows,  Mrs.  Whitaker;
Secretary. Mrs.  Estelle 3. H.  Merrill;
Treasurer, Miss Helen Winslow;  Auditor,
Mrs. Susie C.Vogl; Executive Committee,
Miss  Alice Stone Blackwe,   Miss  Mary
Twombly,   Miss  Minna  C.  Smith. Mrs.
White   acknowledged  her re-election in a
very  graceful little speech. Some minor
changes  in the constitution were made.
The  Association voted to have a table at
the fair to be held in March for the benefit
of the Home  for Intemperate Women. The
Association will hold a press reception at
the Parker House  on the Slat Inst.

  Bddtors Women's Journal.
  A   line in your correspondence  from
New   York of last week recalls a visit on
the  eve of the late election to a polling
placeIn that city, with Mr. and Mrs. Dem-
orest.  The location was in a coffin ware-
house-not   unfittingly, since they were
prepared and interested, Inaa business way,
to bring women's hopes there.
  At  the dinner-table of Mr. and Mine.
Demorest,   an Interesting account  was
given  of an afternoon call on the ward
officers, at which Mine. D. advised them
that she should come In the evening to ask
registration, promised to give bonds  to
hold  them  harmless, and supplied them
with  valuable printed matter bearing on
womnpo   suffrage. During the call, some
expression  f Individual  opinion on the
matter  in hand by  Mr. and Mrs.  D. oc-
curred, at  which the amased  official ex-
claimed  with a sneer:
   Why,  you  don't agree on this your-
   No,  said  Mr.  Demorest.  I   we
 thought just alike I might possibly repre-
 sent my wife, but as she has opinions of
 her own, you see L can't. That's why we
 are here.
   The evening call at which I was pres-
 ent, was painfully Impressive and instrao-
 tive. The registration was, of course, re-
 famed, and 'the assistant official, who tried
 to be courteous, was roughly asked by his
 superior offier, 'Why do  you talk with
 the womap tr
   Be, meantime, in  sharp contrast, was,
 metaphorically speaking, patting on the
 back the voters who had been brought in
 at the eleventh hour.  With locose and
 flattering remarks he proceeded to qualify
 them, giving to each a filthy volume to
 kiss, the contents of which they did not
 stopto examine.,
   I did, however, with cautiou touch, ad

found It to be really the Bible. The copy
had  been brought from  a police-station,
and coarse expressions were Scribbled on
the fly-leaves beneath the gilded cross on
the cover.
  It was heartickening  to feel that the
accumulated  returns from polling-places
thus managed would  be published and be-
come operative as the will of the sover-
eign people. MAnRy F. EASTMAN.

Bditors Wrosan's Jourmala:
  It may be Interesting to your readers to
learn that during my stay  in California
lest winter, I saw the possible solution of
a problem which has occupied maniy of the
most thoughtful hours of my life, viz., the
way to benefit the women of my owncoun-
try by helping the overtaxed housewives
of the Pacific coast. There are thousands
of sensible, educated women in Great Brit-
ain who are skilled to housework, but who
earn a very scanty pittance. They would
be an untold blessing in the homes of Cali-
fornia. I have already sent out two par-
ties, and am organising athird. The later-
state law prevents their getting any redu-
tion on fares, and they have to strain every
nerve to raise enough to carry them nearly
seven thousand  miles from home.   I be-
speak for them the kindness of the Boston
ladise, In making their stay there as inex-
pensive as possible. The excursions leave
Boston  at stated times, and the steamers
sometimes  land them a day or two earlier.
These ladies are all members of the British
Women's   Temperance   Association, and
committees  of the W. C. T. U. are to re-
ceive them at their destination in Califor-
nia.  For those who go to New York  and
join the excursion at  Albany,  Mrs. M.
Louse   Thomas,   President of  Sorols,
with a  committee of ladies, promised to
meet all at the steamer on landing. To-
night I hear from her that she gave them
a dozen oans of tongue and ham, and boxes
of choice biscuits, a. quantity of fruit, and
other comforts for their six days' railroad
journey.  She says:
  I have  just seen our English friends
  on board the train for their long journey.
  They were all In the best of spirits. They
could not have beei more carefully guard-
ed if their own fathers had been with them.
There  was no homerickness among  them,
but  all were full of hope and happy an-
ticipations of the lovely homes that await
them.   They tok  supper with me.  I am
much   pleased with the quality of these
women. More and      oore I realise, dear
friend, that this is a great work. We are
doing  a good work  for women, and with
God's  blessing I Intend to devote myself
to it here, as you are doing in Britain.
   I may say that the class of women I de.
 sire to help are above the servant class-
 the Industrious, poor, middle-class, edu-
 cated women, who  find it so hard to earn
 money here.  When  Lather's little daugh-
 ter died, and his wife was weeping over
 the remains, he tried to comfort her by
 saying: Don'trtake on so, Kate. This is
 a hard world for women.   And  so, if I
 can make   a brighter pathway   for the
 weary  feet of qofy:et arf-wpppa   who
 sorely need it, I paltdel' ba i h'ave not
 lived In vain. May  I hope to Mhar that
 Boston responds lb*hppupajf,    ,
 my neV.,   pte   pAli*.  -ti    elste to
 New  I        iV will join .iie topiern
 Pacific exca pg ro   Besto IAr4.
 Since  writin thy 1wI til; vOb*e I  was
 feeling the burden oftais h*4t work upon
 me, there came a letter from a working-
 man in  California with a obeck, sayog
 he wished it to be used to help poor women
 whocould not pay all their passage money,
 and what touched me most was that he de-
 sired they might not know the source of
 this help. I felt a reverence for my un-
 known  friend that I cannot describe. It
 was the very first help that had come to
 me.  My  printing and writing had cost ume
 much.  I could not also pay passages, and
 this note of obeer has strengthened me
 Yours   for the sacred cause of woman,
              afnARPA   T E. PAKER.
       PeksWurr  gtons, Botend.

   Miss- Lti   WsaZtoes,   a  quiet Ver-
 mont girl whocame  to Boston some years
 ago, has acquired a national reputation
 among   kindergarten teachers. She- has
 studied the kindergarten system both In
 this country and in Europe. She i prin-
 elpal of the  kindergarten l   Chaouncy
 Hall  Scboel, Boston, abeiies   having
 charge  of the  primary  department It
 Berkeley Street Church, and  giving In-
 strution to primary teachers every star-
 day afternoon in the Melonson.


  Ms.   LIVERMORa  has been chosen pres-
  Ident of the New England Conservatory
  of Music.
  MR.   ExxA   MONt  MORAR,  of Purdue
  University, has been elected president of
  the Indiana State Teachers' Assoolation.
  Miss LELIA  J. RINsOx,   the author of
  Law Made Easy, will contribute to the
  WOMAN'S JOURNAL  a series of articles on
  the laws relating to women. 3is Robin-
.Son has returned to Boston after an ab-
sence  of four years in the West, and will
reainue the practice of law in this city.
   Miss Gica   Soce,  a graduate of Cor
 nell, has just published in Harper's Basr
 a highly interesting collection of statistics
 relating to the present occupations of
 the women  graduates of twelve American
 colleges. It Is a work of much research,
 and brings many vague theories to the test
 of facts-a  test, in the main, strongly
 favorable to the collegiate education of
   MRS. LAURA  0. HOLLOWAY,   of Brook-
 lyn, has received within the past three
 monthe  more  than two  hundred  letters
 from  women,  strangers to her, who want
 to earn a living by literary work. It may
 be partly because of the lucreasing lter-
 ary activity of Southern women, and part-
 ly because  Mrs. Holloway  is herself a
 Southerner, but most of these letters come
 from the South.
   MME.   FLOQUET,  wife of  the French
 statesman, is an active promoter of techni-
 cal ashools for girls, which she aids both
 with money  and social Influence. She is
 also interested in homes for servants, and
 offices and homes where Alsatian girls cat
 obtain shelter and places. It was she who
 thought of celebrating the opening of the
 new Hotel de Vile by a lunch to the chil,
 dren of the communal   schools of Parid5
 which  delighted the children and  their'
 parents, and  added greatly to her hus-
 band's popularity.
   CLARA  BARTON,  President of the Amer-
 ican Red Cross Society, recently had an
 audience with the Emperor  of Germany.
 He stood erect and affable during the In-
 terview, and it was hard for her to realise
 that he was ninety years  old. His step
 was  frm, and he looked unusually well,
 but when  they parted he shook her hand
 kindly and said. This Is probably thelas
 time we  shall meet. The  conversation
 was  carried on In French, but when she
 left the room he said Good-by in Eag
   Miss  J. STIOKFORD,  a LouslanM lad,
 Alls the varied odices of ticket-agent, tale
 graph-operator, shipping-clerk, epre-
 agent and train disptober at Prodhmine
 station on the 'tas iPa18 Ralroad,A
 little above Alexandria. TheNew Orleas
 25me.sDemocratsys   thath  dretIg,ts
 handling of cotton anid other freight,  
 dering the loadingaend uicoadhg  f a
 etc., whiah sometimes strains thelli 06o
 of the most amiable sen, Miss Bt'
 maintains Ivariable  digob ity aid
 temper, and all goes soothly   tade
 wise and careful supervito.
   MR.  fBt  K  iiI3   tInksllteatr
 poor  proflaon   in Ame        a
 cause It Is overcrowded ad prty  fil
 the lack of international opyi^t h
 discourage  yotaig wones  from  ta
 it, unless they have .rptioal  t
 She  is reported as  sayingi,A  gdw
 woman   in  whoin I was   inis ted
 about an equal amontof   tletf     u0-
 log and for drawing. She i10
 pen, but I dissuaded he Atr.,
 took to the pencil. She ear
 lars a week as an Illtiio
 two  holidays in the    tk i-
 graving  and Illustrating  it
 crowded,  and ofe no  a better a
 women  than literatune.',
   Tas PNCs&HRISnht awls
 by her inghters  Louise addVi  i-
 veiled.& aasaue of the Quaeend
 at  the  Boyal  Holloway
 Women,   at Egham  Eng.;   a
 Christia made to  address. It
 tell whlck.would  have seemed     n
 shocking to conservatives, fifty
 -that there should be a colifiv o
 or that a womanA should makea!'i'
 speech.  Asfthe royalfabys62i1.
 the most conservatve faly
 dom, whean of Qaten
 ters mpy   an address    r
 womes,  I easy be takei     c
 the higher edeolldit    p
 ing of weoe   haire boh1Vi

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