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1 Wis. Legal News [1] (1878-1879)

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Wisconsin. Daily Legal News.

Devoted to the Legal and Business Interests of the Whole People.

            THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1878.

No.   I.

                  T H   E

             PUBLISHED  BY THE

 102 WiscoNsIN  ST.,  -  MILWAUKEE,   WIs.
One copy, per annum, quarterly in advance, $12.00

          Days Doings in the Courts.
  Neither of the United States Courts was in ses-
sion yesterday, and it is understood that Judge Dyer
will not be in town until Monday.
. The Circuit Court was not in session and will not
be until the commencement of the October term.
  In the County Court the case of 0. 1). Bjorquist
vs. J. Rotmann et al.,xvas concluded. At 12:45 p. m.
the jury brought a verdict of $818. 10 in favor of the
plaintiff as against the defendant, John Rotmann,
but finding in favor of the defendant, Adam Sander.
  The next case taken up was Asa M. Allen vs. Ro-
sina Seyfiied, administratri :, etc. which is now on
trial, before a jnry.
  In the County Court, Seymour  H. Kingsbury
  yesterday fied a complaint asking for a divorce from
  Catherine Kingsbury, his wife. Ground, desertion
  since August 20, 1876.
  New   cases were connenced, as follows: The
  complaint was filed yesterday in the Circuit Court
  in the case of John Schwaninger vs. Aina Maria
  Dietrich, et. al., to foreclose a mortgage on part of
  lot 6 in block 58, in the Seventh Ward, City of Mil-
  waukee. The amount of the mortgage is $900.

           SEPTEMBER 26, 1878.
 CIRCUIT   COU RT-Adjourned  sine die.
     Allen vs Seyfried on trial.
     io-Hamilton vs Nolan.
     14-Bergenthal vs Fiebrantz.
     15-Hirsh vs Froelich.
     18-Unger vs German American Ins. Co.
     The U. S. Courts not in session.
   NOTCE   is hereby given to attorneys and all par-
 ties having cases on the calendar for the Sep:ember
 Term of the County.Court for Milwaukee county
 that Rule No. 2 as printed in the calendar will be
 strictly enforced and adhered to in the future, and
 parties must govern themselves aeordingly.
   By order of Hon. John E. Mann, Judge of the
 County Court.
                      Julius Wechselburg,

               Probate Court.
               SEPTEMBER 25th.
  NOTICE   to Attorneys, Administrators, etc.
  The Court will hereafter approve no inventory
until the Probate fees, fixed by the new law, are
paid into the County Treasury and a receipt there-
for filed.
In matter of Guardianship of John P. Crass, in-
  sane. Order issued vacating proceedings. Pe-
  tition filed for leave to mortgage real estate. Or-
  der issued fixing day of hearing Nov. 8, '78.
                September 23.
In matter of last Will of Sally Bell, dec. Proof of
  publ. Petition made for final settlement. Order
  issued fixing day of hearing Oct. 16, '78.
In matter of Est of Edward Doyle, dec. Letters
  of adm issued to Bridget Doyle and her bond for
  $5oo approval.

             Court Commissioners.
  September 24.-Aude  vs. Bussey: Injunctional
order granted to plaintiff, restraining defendant from
using, etc., certain real estate in complaint descri-
  John C. Smith, et. al. vs. John Nauth. Exami-
  nation of defendant ou supplementary proceedings.
  Septemper  25.-Dederick vs. Benjamin.  Pro-
  ceedings to take the deposition of H. M. Benjanin,
  but defendant, under advice of counsel, refused to
  answer, on the ground that no wr tten interrogato-
  ries had been filed or settled by the Court.
  September 26.-Andrews vs. I). G. Powers. Ex-
  amination of defenddint on supplementary proceed-
  ings at 1o A. M.
  Order to show cause why Liginger and Phillips
  shoull not be punished as for a contempt, returna-
  ble at 2 P. M.

             Real Estate Transfers.
           RECORDED  SEPTEMBER  25.
 16S42-Joln  Joys (single) Chas. D. Kendrick and
   wife and H. M. Northrop and wife to T. H1. Ma-
   guire, lot 24 blk II Joy's subd of lot 3 in parti-
   tion of n w 14 sec 17 toth ward.........$150.oo
 16843-Thos. H. Maguire and  wife to Chas. D.
   Rogers, same premises................. $125.00

             Real Estate Mortgages.
 16839-Joseph Raab and wife to Josef Steger lot II
   blk 107 9th ward.....................$tooo.oo
 1684o-Wm.   Cleary and wife to Sesse Scholl s 20
   ft of lot 3 blk 43 3d ward..............$500.oo

  Milwaukee, August 26, 1878.                   4     sP    aaz
             Milwukee  Auust 6, 178.Manegold, lot 38 hlk 2 Carlton's subd 12th wd,

                Circuit Court.0
             NEW SUITS-EQUITY.                             Chattel Mortgages.
Sept. 25-John Schwaninger vs Anna Maria Diet- Franz Wimler  to Fritz Schoeller, saloon furni-
  rich et a, forecl, $.oo.                     ture, etc..............................$250 00
           Miscellaneous orders, etc.        Paul Schuengel to Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Bil-

liard table and all stock in trade and fixtures at
Quentin's  park......................$26oo oo
              Real Estate Sales.
  'The following sales, (judicial and under powers)
have been advertised for the days mentioned.
  (Sales take place in the hall of the Court House,
near the south door fronting on the Park, unless
otherwise stated.)
           Saturday, September 28th.
N 3-7 of s 15 a of lot 17 n e Y sec 16 town 6 range
  22. Foreclosure 2 P. M.
The part of the w 3 153-1000 a of the n 12 a of the
  sw Y4 of sec 5 town 6 range 22 e in the tIthward
  of the city of Milwaukee, bounded bya line com-
  mencing at a point in the n line of said Y4 sec
  155 44-100 ft e of the n w corner of said Y see,
  and running thence e along said n line 162 56-too
  ft to a point, thence s 49 50-100 ft to a point,
  thence w parallel with said n line 162 56-too ft to
  a point, thence n 49 So-ioo ft to the place of be-
  ginning. Forecl 2 P. M.
That piece or parcel of land known and described
  as the n 3-7 part of the s 1S a of lot 14 town 6 n
  and range 22 e, in the n e Y4 of see 16, said tract
  containing 6 3-7 a of land more or less. Sale at
  2 P. M.
          The 'Whiskey jud.gments.

   A proposition has  been  submitted to the
authorities at  Washington   looking  to theu
compromise   of a number  of the  judgments
against  members   of the  old whiskey  ring.
The  Wirths, Shanfields and Kiewerts are the
parties offering to compromise; they offer
about  33 cents  on the  dollar of the judg-
ments  against them, amounting  to  $50,ooo.
The   District Attorney  and  Marshal   have
recommended the acceptance of this offer,
and  it is probable that the Government  will
conclude  that a third of a loaf is better than
no  bread, and take what  it can get.

                Supreme Court.

   'The Supreme  Court  has adjourned to Oc-
 tober 8, 1878, when the  following cases will
 be called for argument:  Nos. 36, 37, 38, 39,
 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 5t, 52, 53,
 54, 55, 56 and 57.
   A  man  sentenced to be hung  was  visited
 by his wife who said: My   dar, would  you
 like the  children to  see  you  executed?
 No,  replied he.  That's  just like you,'
 said she; you never wanted  the children to
 have any  enjoyment.
   When   a pickpocket  pulls at your watch,
 tell htm  plainly that you  have  no time to

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