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15 W. J. Legal Stud. 1 (2024)

handle is hein.journals/wesjalals15 and id is 1 raw text is: A NEW DAWN FOR CANADIAN PLATFORM
Fife Ogunde*
Platform work is defined as a form of employment that uses an
online platform to enable organisations or individuals to access other
organisations or individuals to solve problems or to provide services in
exchange for payment. Platform work has the following characteristics,
among others: paid work being organized through an online platform,
tripartite relationship (online platform, client, and worker), outsourced
labour, and provision of services on demand.2 Digital labour platforms can
be divided into two broad types: location-based platforms that require
work to be performed in a particular location, and online work platforms
through which work can theoretically be performed from anywhere via the
internet.3 Notable online crowdsourcing platforms include Upwork,
Amazon Mechanical Turk, Innocentive, and Openideo, while location-
based platforms include Doordash, Uber, and Lyft. As of January 2021,
there are at least 777 active digital labour platforms globally.4
* Fife Ogunde is a research specialist and consultant with research interests in human
rights law, criminal law, and constitutional law. He has a Master's degree in Human Rights
Law and a PhD in Law from the University of Nottingham. He is also a barrister and
solicitor of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The author wishes to thank the reviewers of
previous drafts of this Article for their helpful comments.
1 See Eurofund, Employment and working conditions of selected types of platform work
(September 2018) (Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg) at 9.
2 Ibid.
3 See Location-based Platform  Work Principles (2022), online: Fairwork
work/#: -:text=In%20the%20first%E2%80%94%E2%80%99geographically-
tethered%E2%80%99 %20or%20%E2%80%98location-
based%E2%80%99%20platforms %E2%80%94the%20work%20is,person%20from%20
4 See World Employment and Social Outlook 2021: The role of digital labour platforms
in transforming the world of work (23 February 2021) at 46, online (pdf): International
Labour Organization <www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/---

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