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77 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. Online 1 (2020-2021)

handle is hein.journals/waleelro77 and id is 1 raw text is: The Right to a Public Trial in the
Time of COVID-19
By Stephen E. Smith*
Maintaining social distance in the time of COVID-19 is a
public health priority. A crowded courtroom is an environment
at odds with public health needs. Accordingly, until science
determines otherwise, it will be necessary for judges to manage
courtroom attendance and exclude the public from trials, wholly
or in part. Courtrooms may be closed to the public, despite the
Sixth Amendment's right to a public trial, when the closure is
justified by a strong government interest and is narrowly
tailored to further that interest. Typically, this heightened
scrutiny is applied on a case-by-case basis and turns on a case's
specific circumstances. This Article proposes that in this period
of pandemic, with indisputably strong government interests in
public health and with few means available beyond closure to
satisfy those interests, courtroom closures may be ordered by trial
courts, and approved by appellate courts, almost categorically. It
further suggests that there are alternative protections available
that may be employed by courts to further the Sixth Amendment's
good government purposes in this time of emergency.


* Associate Clinical Professor, Santa Clara University School of Law.

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