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16 Bull. Sec. Corp. Banking & Bus. L. 1 (1978-1979)

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Vol. 16                                       September,  1978                                         No. 1

   Of  Current  Interest  . . .
   Did you think The Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act of 1977 only affected
multinational corporations? Al Som-
mers feels that it affects all publicly
held companies.   See  page  14 of
this issue.

  If your client is interested in doing
or now does business with a Middle
Eastern  country, George  Coombe
and Tim Atkeson  suggest you better
know something about boycott legis-
lation. See pages 2  and 8  of this

  The  SEC  seeks public comment
on  proposals that would greatly ex-
pand the scope of information public
corporations must  disclose  about
their boards of directors and com-
mittees in their proxy materials. Un-
der the proposed rules, all directors
would  have to be classified as either
a management   director, an affiliated
nonmanagement   director, or an in-
dependent  director, and additional
information about the activities and
attendance of the directors would be
required. See  SEC   Release   No.
34-14970.  Additionally, the  SEC
seeks public comment  on proposals
that would substantially revise exist-
ing management   remuneration dis-
closure requirements. See SEC  Re-
leases Nos. 33-5949  and  33-5950.
These are just a couple of the results
of the SEC's  expanded  interest in
corporate governance. See  page 19
of this issue.

  Limited partnership practitioners
-  beware. Texas  Attorney General
Opinion  H-1229 (August  16, 1978)
has  substantially unsettled limited
partnership law on voting rights of
limited partners. Section 26 of the
Texas  Uniform  Limited Partnership
Act  (R.C.S. Article 6132a) requires
that all limited partners sign  an
amendment   to the partnership cer-
tificate (or its cancellation). H-1229
reads Section 26 as requiring that all
limited partners approve an amend-
ment  (or an act, such as dissolution,

leading to cancellation). If correct,
the Opinion would invalidate the pro-
visions (which are very common  in
publicly held limited partnerships,
and usually required by the State Se-
curities Commissioners) for amend-
ment        p      by majority vote
of t esNhited pr   rs. A unanimity
re   ement  would Wd  te substantial
    inistrafW1and     rating prob-
I  s  fy 8   W  rshi   with  many
   mberg.t adover, E  would raise
   stio  utb e va   id ty of amend-
   ts a    ant'tilati  made  in the
pa ty   magrity b t  on-unanimous
vote.     esti r    ceed cautiously
until th     .sed   by this Opinion
are further clarified. See page 24 of
this issue.

  Have  you invested in a pension
plan lately? In spite of the extensive
new  regulation of retirement plans
under the Employee  Retirement In-
come  Security Act, the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has
concluded  that the antifraud provi-
sions of the federal securities laws
also apply  to involuntary, noncon-
tributory defined benefit plans. The
court  left open  the question  of
whether the  reporting requirements
of the federal securities laws apply.
The  decision is now on appeal  to
the  U.S. Supreme  Court, and  the
Justice Department and  the Secur-
ities and   Exchange  Commission
have  filed conflicting amicus briefs
(the ABA's motion to file an amicus
brief was denied). Counsel  repre-
senting corporations with pension
plans should follow this case. See
Daniel v. Teamsters, 561 F.2d 1223
(7th Cir. 1977).

  Revised  annual report proposals
of the SEC's Advisory Committee on
Corporate Disclosure for Form 10-K
(the  annual report used  by most
public companies)   are  open  for
comment   until December 15, 1978.
The  current  proposals deal  with
Part I of Form 10-K to encourage dis-
closure of management estimates of
future performance, eliminate boil-

erplate type disclosures and to pro-
vide for greater management   dis-
cretion in determining what factors
may  be of such material significance
to warrant discussion. See SEC Re-
lease No. 34-15068.

  Section Membership: If   you are
aware of any attorneys who have not
become  and  should be members  of
our Section or who may  have failed
to renew  their membership  in the
Section, for your  convenience,  a
Membership  Application is included
on the  last page of the Bulletin. It
would  be of great assistance to the
Section if members would encourage
their associates who practice in the
areas of the Section's interest to be-
come  members.

  Editor's Note:  If any member of
the Section would like to contribute
an article for publication in the Bul-
letin, or has information concerning
an area of current importance to our
Section members   which should  be
highlighted on the cover of the next
issue of the Bulletin, please contact
any member  of the Information Com-
mittee, officer of the Section or mem-
ber of  the Council. We  hope  our
members   will find helpful the new
cover page format of the Bulletin.

In This Issue

The International Boycott: A
  New  Dimension  in
  Federalism  . .         page   2
All You Always  Wanted  to
  Know  About Boycott Reg-
  ulation - And Then Some
                          page   8
The  Foreign Corrupt Prac-
  tices Act of 1977 ...... page 14
Recent  Securities and Ex-
  change  Commission   Ac-
  tivities Concerning Corpo-
  rate Governance     page 19
Corporate General
  Partners . .            page 24

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