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13 Third Branch 1 (1981)

handle is hein.journals/thirdbran13 and id is 1 raw text is: .  Ik l  i, ;  1+  .+  i'i  .€  I .   _:.,  -  =~i =.-  .... [A ,.   {i .... i  £1
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Race to the courthouse reforms (Noteworthy): No, I1, p. 3
Rg'ulatory reform impact on federal courts (Brookings): No. 4, p. 6
A-0.~ reten~tion~ of exclusive authority to contract for bankruptcy
courtt reporters: No. 8, p. I
Civil and crimlnbil caseloadI stistics for year ending June 30,
Oefibift Kirk appo~inted Cief of Management Review (Noteworthy):
No. 9, p, 3
Eiht-city satellite videoteleconfererioa experiment by FJC and
Federal judges FY 19S1 salary ietroases  No. 1. p. 4
Federal judicial workload 19SI0 satistics availability: No. 5, p. 8
Fiaca 4lais0Ure Statemei nts by judges and specified judicial
emiployees, duet date: No. 4, p. 2
Judgeas and other senior personnel salary rases: No, 3. p. 3
MictAet R~emington~ appointed to Legislative Afairs Office (Note-
worthy): No. 11, p. 8
~B  se (if DL~leqafes defEarral of fesoluti n on I w school
fJhiefCuati 180 yeru-end report, trial advocatpes'training: No.
Confinuinq legal education programs on trial advocacy and
feeal precTica: No. 12, p. 5
Federal courrt practie. and procediure comimittees: No. 2, 1p, 4
N~ew drafts of ASAModel Rles of Professional Conduct: No. 9, p.
Arbitration experimnent, 1F4C evaluaetion: No. 7. p. 3
Bcr-,lings Semiaragendae inculusion of feder~al courts legislation:
N o, 4, 11.0
Dispute Rfesolution Act and D~ispute Resolution Resaource. Cnnter
establishm'ent (Chief juGsice's report): No. 1, p. 1; status
(Brookings): No. 4, p. 6
P~ost-filing prisoner mediatioin projects; No. 2, p. 4
rhir4 Brertp 4iterviw with National Institute of Corrections
Director: No. 10, p  8
Voluniteer Ntpaters program in S.D.NY., report: No. 4, rp. 5
AB~A disconrtinuace of agp quidelina,,s for judges (Notewothy)4:
No. 1, p. 3
ABA Task Force on Crime es tablishmnent: No. 5, p. 9
Corrinittee ssarch for speieches on role of the courts (Note-
worthy): No. 4, p.
iHfoudce of Delegates a3ction on federal Cout iss.uns: No. 3, p.I
Law-rolated educastion p ojecls: No. 7, p, I
New drafts a#)A6A Wiodedl Rules ofrofessional Condujct: No.9, p.
8tol rla iing to the~ federal judliciary: No. 9, p. 1
Ceter antlitrus~t Caerria inog~raph nin Rule of Relason and
audiocassetteG availability: No. 'tO. p. 9
RIC antitrust serninar field: No. 9, p. 2
Sminar oni antititist plans:No. 1, po. 1

Allowance of feasin S$I appevls and ciil tax actions: ; No. 12, . 13'
Attorney-Cfient Fee Arrangemenis,: Paeudipo and Reiew, FJC
report: No. 6. p. 7
Central Violations Bureau (CV13) processing expansion: No. 4, p. 4
Circuit Court decisions dicta on procedur es for district cour~ts: No.
4, p. 2
Computer refresher exrcise for judges: No. 5, p, 9
Consolidated data entry procedures for expansien of
Index and CVB Systemns: No. 10&, p. 4
Court reporters computer-aided transcriptions, eveljC fdl. N,
p. 5
Eight-city satellite vidaotcleconference eruimelnt by, FJC;A
A.0 : No. 11, p. 2
Ninth Circuit utilization of comnputers Cnd telcofarapoas8 (flrownr-
log): No. 5, p. 5
Teleconferences for motionl heariiigs and status conferences in
N.D. CA (Noteworthy): No. 11, p. 2
Teleconferenres to present trial and appefllate argumnents: No. 4,
p. 2
Video playback~ equipment diatrfibution Ter #ffe~rat ('ooIrts No. , ..
Attorney G~eneral Smith's viewG  No, 6, p, 5
Congressional proposals for bil refop~i, sttsNo, 10, p.
Legislation to restrict bail practices: No. 4, p. 7  No. 12, p.. 4
Senator Thurmond's views: No, 1 1, p. it
Task Forcet on Violent Cr~imea finael report No., 9, p. 'I
Amendments to iSankrouptcy Aefotin Act fail ii Stenate (96tht
Congress Adjourns) No. 1, p. 2
A.0. retention of exclusive aulhbrity to contract f or bekrtupicy
court reporters: No. 8, p. I
Bank~ruptcy courts caeloa for yesr ending June 30, 1 -81.
statistics; No. 10. p. b
Dismissal in cases of debtor's future ability to rcpay rlebis,
legislation: No, 12, 'p. 4
Salary increases for bankf UtCy juidges at reOSCLutiOn of Fnloy v.
Reagen : No. 12. p. I
Seinair for now bankruptcy judg)es (photo): No. 6, p. 3
third Stanch interview with Judge Lloydt 0. George! Noi 2, p. I
Unconstitutonel delegation of trial authority to banklruptcy courts,
district court holding (Ncteworthy): No. 6, p. 3; case on eppmkt
No. 10, p. 3
Videocassettes of FJC semninars on 8,ankruptcy Reformu Act,
availability: No. 11, . 7
rJC monograph on legal issues arising fromn the '0leck ung Act,
availability: No. 11, p. $
Third Branch interview: No. 10, p. 1
Third Branchi interview  'do. 5. p. 1

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