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95 Temp. L. Rev. i (2022-2023)

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     Temple Law  Review (ISSN  0899-8086), formerly Temple Law  Quarterly, is
published quarterly by the Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law,
1719 North Broad  Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Member, National Conference
of Law Reviews.

     Except as otherwise provided, the author of each article in this issue has
granted permission for copies of that article to be made  for classroom use,
provided that (1) copies are distributed at or below cost, (2) the author and journal
are identified, (3) proper notice of copyright is affixed to each copy, and
(4) Temple Law Review  is notified of the use. Send notifications to Temple Law
Review,   1719   North  Broad    Street, Philadelphia, PA    19122,  or   to

     Change ofAddress  and New Subscriptions: Send to Managing Editor, Temple
Law  Review, 1719 North Broad  Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122 at least 60 days
before the date of the issue with which it is to take effect. Duplicate copies will not
be sent without charge. Absent timely notice of termination, subscriptions are not
automatically renewed upon expiration.

     Subscribers Please Note: The subscription rate for Temple Law Review is
$30.00 per year; foreign, $35.00 per year. Please address any inquiries to the
Managing  Editor.

     Orders for issues of volumes 56 to date should be addressed to Temple Law
Review. Other back issues are held by Wm. W.  Gaunt &  Sons, Inc., 3011 Gulf
Drive, Holmes Beach, Florida 33510. Individual issues may be purchased at a cost
of $10.00 per copy.

     POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Law Review, 1719 North
Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122.

     Periodicals postage paid at Philadelphia, PA and additional mailing offices.

     Unsolicited manuscripts will be considered for publication; they may be sent
via hardcopy to Temple Law  Review, 1719 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA
19122, or via electronic submission at tlawrev@temple.edu. We regret that such
manuscripts cannot be returned unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed

Copyright ©  2022 Temple  University of the Commonwealth   System of Higher


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