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53 Technium Soc. Sci. J. 1 (2024)

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                                                           Technium  Social Sciences Journal
                                                                 Vol. 53, 1-11, January, 2024
          SOCIAL    SCIENCE      JOURNAL.                                  ISSN:  2668-7798

Public Service Management at The Command Center of The

Minahasa Regency Communication and Information Service

               Lona O. K. Wattie1, Evi Elvira Masengi2, Thelma Wawointana3
               Public Administration Magister Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law,
               Universitas Negeri Manado

               lonawattie_gmai1.comn, evie2viramasengi(gmai.com2,

               Abstract. The aim of this research is to find out how Public Service Management is at the
               Minahasa Regency Communication and Information Service Command Center and to find out
               the obstacles faced by The Communication and Information Service in Public Service
               Management. The research method used is a qualitative method, namely answering a problem in
               depth in the context of the time and situation concerned, in accordance with objective conditions
               in the field and the type of research used is descriptive qualitative, namely describing the current
               state of the object qualitatively. The data sources used are primary data sources and secondary
               data sources with a total of 5 informants. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews
               and documentation methods. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data
               presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that: 1) Direct Evidence,
               namely providing outreach to the community and village/Regency government about the
               Command  Center program; 2) Reliability, reliability applied in public services at the
               Communication and Information Service, one of which is Resources; 3) Responsiveness, which
               is possessed by Public Service Implementers so that it requires a process of collecting Public
               information in this case; 4) Guarantee, the complaint process is expected to be processed properly
               in accordance with the main duties and functions according to the bureaucratic structure of the
               Minahasa Regency Communication and Information Service (e) Empathy, The aim of the
               command center public service itself is to manage public complaints simply, quickly, precisely
               and well coordinated as a form of empathy for the community.

               Keywords. Management, Public Services, Command Center, Communications and Information

         A. Introduction
         In today's digital era, it is important for the government to establish communication
with the public. This is done  to fulfill the public interest and improve community  welfare
(Adiwinarni  et al., 2020) [1]. In accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 9 of 2015
concerning  Public Communication Management, this communication aims to disseminate
information to the public more quickly, as well as accommodate  responses and input from the
public regarding government  policies (Riswandi, 2020) [2].


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