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49 Technium Soc. Sci. J. 1 (2023)

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         Technium   Social Sciences  Journal
Vol. 49 (Special  issue), 1-8, October, 2023
                           ISSN:  2668-7798

  Teacher Skills in Leading Small Group Discussions to

           Class III Students of SD Inpres 10/73 Pandu

   Romi   Mesral*, Erianjoni Erianjoni2, Paulus Robert Tuerah3, Hamsa Hamsa4, Rio

               Ardika   Telaumbanua , Karnius Lase6, Melvin Hariyanti Gea7

14567 Sociology Education Study Program, Manado State University, Indonesia
2 Sociology Education Study Program, Padang State University, Indonesia
3 Social Science Study Program, Manado State University, Indonesia
*Corresponding author. Email: rornimesra@ unima.ac.id

The purpose of this research is to investigate the abilities of conducting effective small group conversations in the
setting of class III students, specifically at SD Inpres 10/73 Pandu. Small group discussions are a collaborative
learning technique that can improve student active engagement while also developing critical thinking abilities. This
study's research methodology is a qualitative approach using case study research. Interviews and classroom
observations with students and instructors were used to obtain data. The study's findings indicate that there are various
extremely successful strategies of conducting a small group conversation to students/I class III SD Inpres 10/73
Pandu, including providing discussion goals. As discussion guides, we must decide what we want to accomplish in the
conversation. Prepare conversation themes and material, prepare discussion topics or material to be discussed, and
gather appropriate material or resources. Provide chances for all kids and guarantee that all students may engage in the
conversation. Pay close attention to the comments of numerous pupils who wish to present their points or ask
questions. The last one employs tactics for leading the appropriate groups and assisting pupils in broadening their

Keywords:  Skills, Leading Discussions, Small Groups, Elementary  Students


   Individuals participate in the learning process to
modify their overall behavior [1] as a consequence of
encounters with their environment. Learning  or the
learning process  is commonly   confused  with  the
teaching  and   learning process,  which   involves
interaction between peers  and teachers to  achieve
certain goals, most notably changing students' attitudes
and behavior [2]. Teachers [3] must be able to lead and
support pupils in order for them to understand their own
talents and abilities. They must also be able to inspire
pupils to work hard in order to succeed according to
their ability [4].

   Motivation  shapes   [5], changes,  and  propels
behavior.  Whether  or  not  students are  strongly
motivated to participate will have an impact on their
learning activities. Students that are highly motivated
[6] will actively participate in their education, as

opposed  to those  who  are less enthusiastic about
studying. High learning motivation will drive students
to actively participate in the learning process, fostering
active and interactive learning [7].

   Learning   [8] also  seeks  to influence  pupils'
personalities. If a community's individual character is
strong, so  will its national character [9]. As   a
fundamental aspect in determining the strength of the
state, state character must be established or nourished in
the younger generation. The nation's transition is owned
and directed by the younger generation [10]. They did
not, like past rulers, go through the process of shaping
the nation's character [11] from the start. Because there
has been no action to absorb and internalize the ideals of
the nation's character, the younger generation is seen to
lack a basis for creating the nation [12]. As a result,
character education is critical for them. Character
education is not a novel idea. It has been done for
generations [13].


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