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55 Taxes 1 (1977)

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JANUARY      1977                                 VOL. 55     No. 1
Tax-W ise  N ew s  . ..................................................  2
Influence of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 on the Minimum Tax.., by James E. Smith 4
Impact of the 1976 Tax Reform Act on Individual Sick-Pay Plans .............
................  ............................ by  James R. Lyons  16
IRC Secs. 6013(e) and 6653(b)-The Innocent Spouse Provisions .............
............................. by Mary Jane Boyd  and  James H. Boyd  19
Drawing the Line Between Dividends and Investment Adjustments: A Proposal for
More  Consistency  ............................... by W alter J. Blum  30
Asset Revaluation-Tax Planning Opportunities in Italy ..... by Emil Joseph Venuti 49
Donor Restricted  Charitable  Gifts ................... by Samuel R. Young, Jr. 54
State  Tax  News .. ..............................................  65, 75
Motion Picture Tax Shelters-A New Approach ............. by Irving A. Satty 66
From  the Thoughtful Tax Advisor- Jack Hofert ........................... 76
Tax  M eetings  ....................................................  7 8
W ashington  Tax  Talk . ..............................................  80
TAXES-Tihe Tax Magazine Is published monthly by Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 4025 West
Peterson Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60646. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois.
Subscription price: $30, 1 year; $3.00, single copy, February, 1977. Volume 55, Number 1. Change
of 'address should be received at least 30 days before the date of the Issue with which it Is to
take effect.
S1976, Commerce Clearing House, Inc, Chicago. linoils 60546. All rights reserved. Printed in
the United States of America.

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