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13 Syllabus 1 (1982)

handle is hein.journals/syllabus13 and id is 1 raw text is: American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar
Volume XIII, Number_1                                                                                       March_1982 i

Who's Minding,
the Office?

Status for Clinical

E              s t -                 I  By  M ark  1. Schickman                        V ies
j!JO-a statement by                       ES-a statement by                                                       ,ou,,
Paul 0. Carrington                  Dean Hill Rivkin               At some point between the         limitations. In some substantive areas
ceremony marking college            such as plaintiffs' personal injury
graduation and that marking         practice, such administrative errors
admission to the bar, an individual  account for 65 percent of all
  must accomplish a substantial    malpractice claims, according to one
ears Problems              rvey of the Legal Malpractice
Phange o                                           r s obem  change       eow
from the academic to the practical.   On reason that law firm
Responsibility shifts from a duty    On
owed to a professo                  administration requires formal
owedto  prfesor to one owed to  tann     sbcuei sa
a client and the courts. Solutions  training is because it is as
are nlonger platonic in nature but  interesting to most new
atred by fonge              atos of  atim e d t  practitioners as cite checking. Just
0D,,o , im   tempered by factors of time and      as law schools recognize the need
intellectual evarie- has to be     to force-feed cite checking skills to
Editor's Note: The Association of American Lawr SchoolsA rican Bir Association      etr                      their students, they must make the
E o s ideies fsocinicalLrgaduation a   funde n b r he ociatmio  reconciled with the functioning of a  effort to initiate prospective lawyers
Committee on Guidelines for Clinical Legal Education, funded by the Council on  legal business.
Legal Education for Professional Responsibility, Inc., has formulated a report,  The three-year law school   calendar control, cost analysis, and
published in January, 1980. Guideline XVI, Status of Individuals Teaching the  experience which separates college  the other administrative
Clinical Legal Studies Curriculum, is the subject of the following comments.  from the practice of law would  considerations that differentiate the
semt  ethe appropriate         coea  n ieraionmsothat dffrenta the
The Guidelines for Clinical         The tension between stability and I seem to be ta           arena in   legal problem solver from the
Education disclaim any coercive,    change in clinical legal education   which to train legal practitioners  absent-minded professor.
regulatnry pirpnse. But it is       continues to mount, and it is felt   Unfortunately, law schools by and     The trend toward clinical
difficult to imagine their use by   most strongly in the ripening        large do not attempt to provide the  education and the increased
anyone other than an accreditation  dispute concerning status for        nuts-and-bolts training essential to  resources devoted to moot court
committee bent on imposing its      clinical law teachers,              the business of legal practice       training signal a valuable shift in
educational values and prejudices     The issue is complex and divisive,   Law schools perform some          modern legal education. The
on accredited institutions.         implicating as it does fundamental   necessary functions brilliantly.    increased efforts of placement
Like the handiwork of the late    assumptions concerning tenure and    Knowledge of legal method, the      offices and greater use of practicing
Department of Health, Education,    job security, academic freedom and   ability to distinguish and synthesize  alumni counselors are also giving
and Welfare, which gave currency    diversity, the nature of research and  case law, the training to write and  law students better and earlier
to the euphemistic use of the word  scholarship, institutional autonomy,  think with precision-these are     understanding of the practice of
guidelines, this document reads   and, more broadly, the mission and   essential tools that legal education  I law.
like a statute. It makes            structure of legal education,        provides. But that training is onlya  In a similar vein, law students
recommendations but speaks of       Clinical legal education has made  continuation of the ivory tower     might be required to compile,
variations which would not          substantial progress during a short  academia which has been the         mightibe and control files on a
'satisfy its recommendations,     decade of growth and development.    lifelong experience of most law     hypothetical case. They can be
Although mostly platitudinous, it    The groundwork has been laid for a  students.                           critiqued on the method in which
includes mandates that are          new subject matter, often called       That training does not help the   they index and maintain those files.
sparingly reasoned, implying an     lawyering, and there has emerged a   new lawyer to interview clients, as  They can be required to keep time
expectation of obedience based on   variety of pedagogical approaches     lawyer must, to gain information   sheets on their work, in order to
authority,                          designed to assist students-on       and provide the client with a sense  underscore the importance of those
To some extent, the regulatory    ethical, intellectual, and human     that a professional is on the job. It w   sheets and refl
effect of the guidelines will be    levels-in synthesizing the theory    doe    tte     the  la  set        time (and hypothetical client
blunted by their overbreadth and    and practice of lawyering.          eto evaluate the cost of legal   ime (an      y     a particular case.
circularity. Thus, clinical education  The number of teachers engaged    a key factor to the client seeking    The law is a business as well as a
is defined to include all simulation  in this enterprise exceeds seven   advice. It does not teach that    ' profession. Many practitioners fail
in which students are asked to      hundred, a seven-fold rise since     student how to set up the office    to recognize this until they face
perform lawyers' roles, including   1970. Although most of this group    files and calendaring systems which    cize tisn         the face
And   icaed o lw tachng s ~          are vital to the competent practice  disciplinary action or a financial
even empirical research. And the    is dedicated to law teaching as a     a                                  crisis. The lesson can be better
purpose of clinical education is    full-time career, at last count only  of                                 taught-at less cost to the lawyer
prescribed as the furtherance of the  17 percent were eligible for tenure.  The importance of that brand of  and the clientat the law school
unstated goals of the law school,     The commitment of clinical         administrative training cannot be   level.
but n     p       s     .     ioveremphasized. A recent newsletter
but not to provide service. (Service,  teachers to legal education is    of the State Bar of California Board of
it seems to be implied, is not a    demonstrated in their functions.     Legal Specialization reports that 31  Mark L Schickmt is a former president of the
proper purpose of a law school.)    Clinicians teach law students in     percent of all malpractice claims do  Barristers' Club of San Francisco, secretary of the
In its more specific provisions,  large and small groups and           not involve substantive mistakes, but  California Young Layrs Assoitio, .n th
this quasi-statute does mandate     one-on-one situations. They grade    rather administrative errors such as  Americas Sot AsoiaionYoag Lauers
Division Executive Council delegate for the state
solutions to a variety of problems  and otherwise evaluate student       lost documents or missed statutes of  at California,
Continued on page 9                  Continued as gage 9

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