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28 Stellenbosch L. Rev. [i] (2017)

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                      LAW REVIEW



                            2017 1


Guidelines for Contributors    ........................... ...... 1
Outeursinligting                       ...............2..... .....................2

Prof AJ (Andr6) van der Walt (1956 - 2016) ........................      3
Preface / Voorwoord by Zsa-Zsa Boggenpoel.........      ...................  6
Property Law in the Constitutional Democracy by AJ van der Walt .............  8
The Notion of Constitutional Property in South Africa: An Analysis of the
   Constitutional Court's Approach in Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v AfEC
   for Economic Development, Eastern Cape 2015 6 SA 125 (CC)
   by PJBadenhorst and C Young..................................        26
Why  the Security Right in Section 118(3) of the Local Government:
  Municipal Systems Act 32 of 2000 is not Enforceable Against Successors
  in Title -A Follow-up Occasioned by the SCA'S Mitchell Judgment
  by Reghard Brits............................................         47
A Uniform Procedure for all Expropriations? Customary Property Rights
   and the 2015 Expropriation Bill by Nina Linda Braude ......... .......  68
NEC3ECC   Clause 10.1: An Enforceable Contractual Duty of Trust and
  Co-operation in the Construction Industry? by Terry Boxall, Andrew
  Hutchison and Michelle Wright.....................        ............  97
Social Justice in a Time of Neo-apartheid Constitutionalism: Critiquing
  the Anti-Black Economy of Recognition, Incorporation and Distribution
  by Tshepo Madlingozi.   ........................................  123
Fiduciary Duty and Duty of Care Under Companies Act 2008: Does South
  African Law Insist on the Two Duties Being Kept Separate?
  by Brighton MMupangavanhu                 ................................. 148
Copyright Infringement and Game Theory: The Law and its Limits
  by S Karjiker..     ...................................................  164
Taxing the President: The Income Tax Implications of the Security
  Improvements made to the Private Residence of President Jacob Zuma
  by Charles De Matos Ala     .............................. ....... 187
Can a Song be Copied with Impunity? - A Legal Perspective on Copyright
  Infringement Cases in Respect of Musical Works by Adrian Rogowski...  213
Book Reviews / Boekresensies       .........      ....................... 236

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