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3 Roman Legal Trad. 1 (2006)

handle is hein.journals/rltrad3 and id is 1 raw text is: Justinian's Digest: The Distribution of Authors
and Works to the Three Committees
Tony Honor6*
In trod uction  ..............................................................................  1
I.    The  Principles of Allocation  ..................................................  3
II.   The  Authors' Basic M asses ....................................................  8
a. Authors whose basic mass is the Sabinian ...................... 8
b. Authors whose basic mass is the Papinian .................... 13
c. Authors whose basic mass is the edictal ........................ 16
d.  Authors of uncertain  mass .............................................  20
e.  P au l .................................................................................  2 1
III.  Identity and Character of the Groups .................................. 25
a.  Groups in  the Sabinian  mass ........................................  28
b.  Groups in  the Papinian  mass ........................................ 30
c.  Groups in  the edictal m ass ............................................  31
d.  Leading  w orks  .................................................................  33
e.  U nattached  w orks ...........................................................  34
IV .  C onclusion  .............................................................................  37
Bluhme-Krueger Ordo Librorum
luris Veteris in Compilandis Digestis
Observatus (updated in the light of
m odern  scholarship) ............................................................  37
This essay addresses a set of related problems about the compila-
tion of Justinian's Digest. Suppose that, as scholars have long
believed, Bluhme was right in detecting the existence of three
separate masses of works to be read and excerpted by the Digest
commissioners and of three separate committees (the Sabinian,
the Papinian and the edictal) to read them.1 How, then, was it
decided which works to allot to each mass, and which works
should be read together?2 The allocation was crucial, because
Regius Professor of Civil Law, University of Oxford, 1971 1988.
The author wishes to thank Detlef Liebs and Ernest Metzger for their
helpful suggestions.
F. Bluhme, Die Ordnung der Fragmente in den Pandectentiteln,
ZGR, 4 (1820), 257 420 [= Labeo, 6 (1960), 50 96, 235 77, 368 404].
2 T. Honore, How Tribonian Organised the Compilation of Justi-
nian's Digest, ZSS (RA), 121 (2004), 18 25, touches on this topic.

Roman Legal Tradition, 3 (2006), 1-47. ISSN 1551-1375.
Copyright C 2006 by Tony Honor6. All rights reserved.

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