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45 Rev. Catalana Dret Pub. 1 (2012)

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Laure  Levi


La funci6 publica europea esta formada  per funcionaris europeus sotmesos a un Estatut i per agents contractuals de
dret public. L'Estatut, principal fonament de  la funci6 publica europea,  to la finalitat de regular les relacions
juridiques entre les institucions i els seus funcionaris, establint entre aquests drets i obligacions reciproques.
Funcionaris i agents s6n, per tant, titulars de drets previstos a l'Estatut i al dret primari (com els drets de defensa, el
dret a la motivaci6, la llibertat d'expressi6, la llibertat sindical, el respecte de la vida privada i familiar). Pero tamb6
s6n titulars de deures i obligacions la violaci6 dels quals pot donar lloc a mesures disciplinaries i a la ruptura de la
relaci6 laboral. Les institucions europees esperen que el seu personal respecti les altes normes professionals i etiques.
L'Estatut estableix i organitza els drets i obligacions dels funcionaris. Tamb6 organitza el regim disciplinari, es a dir,
el regim que s'aplica quan un funcionari - o antic funcionari - ignora les seves obligacions professionals, ja s'hagi
comes  la falta de manera voluntaria o per negligencia.



The  European  civil service is made up, on the one hand, of European civil servants who are governed by a statute,
and  agents working  under  public law  employment  contract. The  statute, which is the main foundation  for the
European   civil service, is aimed at regulating the legal relations between the institutions and their employees by
establishing a set of reciprocal rights and obligations between the two. The civil servants and agents thus have rights
that are provided for under the statute and primary law (such at the right to defense, the right to have the grounds for
a decision stated, freedom of expression, freedom of association, and the respect for their private and family lives.)
However,  they also have certain duties and obligations the violation of which can lead to disciplinary sanctions and
termination of employment.  European  institutions expect their staff to abide by a high standard of professional and
ethical norms. The statute formulates and organizes civil servants' rights and obligations. In addition, it organizes
disciplinary procedures, i.e., the procedures applied when a civil servant, or former civil servant, disregards his
professional obligations, regardless of whether this misconduct is voluntary or through negligence.

Nota:  aquesta versi6 ds una traducci6 de l'article original en frances.
  Laure Levi, professora i col-laboradora cientifica a l'Institut d'estudis europeus de la Universitat Lliure de Brussel-les,
Advocada al Col-legi d'Advocats de Brussel-les.
Article rebut el 29.04.2012. Avaluaci6 cega: 25.05.2012. Data d'acceptaci6 de la versi6 final: 1.10.2012.
Citaci6 recomanada: LEVI, Laure. «La funcid publica europea». Revista catalana de dret public. Num. 45, 2012, p. 1-20.

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    de Gatalunya

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