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2 Center House Bull. 1 (1972)

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W. Clement  -
  Honorary Chairman
Arthur T Roth
  Chairman of the Board
R. Gordon Hoxie
Andrew O. Miller
Elaine J. Aikenhead


    Center  for the Study   f the Presidency
    17 East 80th Street, New York, New York 10021

                 ,(212) 249-1200F

VOL. II, No. 1                                                                   /9 7 5             MARCH,  1972


I                   -


Sam J. Ervin, Jr.; James C. Hagerty; Clark MacGregor; and Henry H. Wilson.

  The  weekend  of March 17-19, 1972
was the occasion of one of the Center's
major  programs-the  second  annual
National Student Symposium   on the
Presidency, convened at Gurney's Inn,
Montauk,   Long  Island, New  York.
Originally having set a quota of 125
student participants, the Center, in
order to accommodate as many as pos-
sible of the manifold institutions from
throughout the United States desiring
to send a representative, accepted the
nominations  of 175 college and uni-
versity students to participate in the
conference. These  students in turn
enjoyed the opportunity of freely ex-
changing  views with  high  ranking
members  of the present and  former
administrations, members of the Con-
gress, and eminent  political author-
ities. Approximately 50 distinguished
guest observers were also in attend-
ance. The program  pivoted about the
all-encompassing theme  of  Execu-
tive-Congressional Relationships.
  This motif was selected by the eight
Student Co-Chairmen, whose  faith in
the value of the Symposium as a learn-
ing experience inspired them to volun-
ter their aid in its planning. Fve of
these Co-Chairmen-Keith   A.  Klop-
fenstein, Jr., Notre Dame University,
1971; Walter J. Konrady, C.W.  Post
College, 1970; John  F. Lillard, III,
Washington  &  Lee University, Law,
1971; Jamienne Studley, Barnard Col-
lege, 1972; and Marion Walker, Sweet

Briar College, 1972-were participants
in the first National Student Sympos-
ium in December, 1970 and could offer
valuable constructive criticism. In ad-
dition, Hildon James,  Dillard Uni-
versity, 1972; Alan Jolis, Brown Uni-
versity, 1973; and Michael Nizolek,
Fordham  University, 1972 and Center
Fellow  for 1971-72, served on  this
steering committee. Through   corre-
sponding and through a series of meet-
ings with their advisor, Miss Bernadette
Casey, Center Librarian, and Dr. R.
Gordon  Hoxie, Center President, the
Co-Chairmen  were  able to pinpoint
their goals and objectives and coordi-
nate the Symposium  program.

  The   participating students were
also an exemplary group, having been
selected by the 175 participating col-
leges and universitie on the basis of
outstanding campus   leadership and
high academic  status. They came to
the conference well informed and pre-
pared with definitive and sophisticated
questions. In advance of the confer-
ence, the Centre sent each student an
extensive annotated reading list (see
page 3) prepared by the Center's Sen-
ior Research Associate, Dr. Kenneth
Wallace Colegrove, and a background
paper, The Presidency as a Domestic
Policy Executive, by Dr. Thomas E.
Cronin, Research  Political Scientist,
The  Bookings Institution, who served
as a Symposium  panelist.

  Most of the students gathered at the
Center on  Friday afternoon, March
17th, for luncheon  and  transporta-
tion  to Gurney's. At  the Inn  the
opening  reception and  dinner pro-
vided  the convivial atmosphere for
the conferees to  become  better ac-
quainted. That  evening after greet-
ings by  Dr. Hoxie  and  Arthur  T.
Roth, Center Board Chairman, spirits
remained  undaunted   by the  disap-
pointing news that Congressman Wil-
bur D. Mills, grounded by inclement
weather conditions, could not keynote
the opening session (see pages 2 and
5 for excerpts from his planned ad-
dress): and Henry H. Wilson, former
Administrative Assistant to Presidents
Kennedy  and Johnson, President, The
Chicago Board of Trade, accepted the
challenge to serve as the Symposium
keynoter. Superbly he stressed the con-
ference theme and opened the way for
  The  Symposium  format was a varie-
gated one, encompassing addresses, a
lecture, round tables and discussion
groups. On Saturday morning, March
18th, Dr. Louis  W.  Koenig, Profes-
sor of Politics, New York University
and Member   of the Center's Board of
Educators, delivered a lecture on Ex-
ecutive-Congressional Relationships
as a further preparation for the round
table sessions. The first of these, fo-
cusing on Constitutionality and Presi-
         Continued on page 6

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