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38 Prison J. 7 (1958)

handle is hein.journals/prsjrnl38 and id is 1 raw text is: 


    JOHN A. RosE, M.D., Director, Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic

T   HERE   may be many  interpretations possible from the data secured
    by the  National Probation  & Parole  Association group in the
study of the probation picture in Pennsylvania. This commentary  is
Offered from a clinical as well as a social point of view.
    Currently, the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and
Blindness is undertaking, through 13 cooperating medical schools and
related institutions, a massive investigation of the origin of cerebral
Palsy. The significance of this study is not to be comprehended from
Its title alone. Advances in medical care have resulted in the survival
of many  children with severe congenital and neonatal  damage.  In
Yesterday's era they would have died and thus would have constituted
no problem to medical science or society. Today they may survive but
at great cost to society. The inability of the severely crippled or handi-
calped child to lead a useful and satisfying life results many times in
his becoming  a burden  to himself, his family and his community.
This phenomenon   has recently been designated human  wastage.
    The  project of the cooperating medical institutions has been de-
scribed as an attempt to prevent or to salvage this wastage. This is
a simple aim. We  should be able to change the picture of the child
who  is wastage to one of a potential contributor to mankind. This
study will involve only 500 mothers and their infants a year in each
center- Yet the problemn is so formidable that it will involve 20 or 30
Medical and other scientists in each institution.
    It is an enormous investment  of money  and time. It is also an
ldex to the temper of our time  that we can afford, as a society, to
tackle the age-old problem of wastage.
    The  survey data gives us the means to tackle a similar problem
With respect to juvenile offenders. The current  practices and per-
otinnel problems indicated in the survey can only result in wastage.
It is a different type of wastage but fulfills the definition of burden
to self, family and community.
.   To  arrive at this conclusion, one need only to link the current
Picture of probation services to the nature of the problem involved.
    The  survey tells us that-(1) Practices and competency vary so
greatly in the state as to make it impossible to get a comprehensive
Picture of the total human  wastage involved; (2) The volume  of


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