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2022 Pro Futuro 9 (2022)

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DOI 10.26521/profuturo/2022/1/11113

                               SZABADFALVI   J6ZSEF*

                   Jog Ilam - cselekvo aIlam:

                             Magyary Zoltan

          jogaIlam-felfog s nak rekonstrukcioja

                            Rule  of Law  - Active State:
Reconstructing   the  Conception   of the Rule of Law  in Zoltan  Magyary's   Theory

    Magyary Zoltan a modern kozigazgatas-tudomsny es allamelmelet nemzetkozileg is ismert gon-
    dolkod6ja alapvetdnek tekintette a jogallamisag ertekeit, de fellepett a jogi formalizmus okozta
    anomaliakkal szemben. Fontosnak tartotta vedeni az alapvetd jogokat, igy a kozigazgatssi ha-
    tarozatok teljes kora bir6sagi felulvizsgalatst szorgalmazta. Ugyanakkor prioritas volt szamara a
    kozigazgatas, vegs6 soron a vegrehajt6 hatalom hatekony es eredmenyes makodese. Ajogallami-
    sag kriteriumait es a hatekony eredmenyes makodes erintkezesi pontjait maveiben nem tisztszta
    teljeskoraen, igy az ut6kor szamara kaldnbdz6 interpretaci6s lehetdsegek ad6dnak szemleletm6d-
    ja feltarasa soron.

    Kulcsszavak: Magyary Zoltan, jogallam, cselekv6 sllam, jogszeruseg, eredmenyes mukodes, koz-
    igazgatas, vegrehajt6 hatalom
    Zoltan Magyary was an internationally recognised Hungarian professor of law who carried out  N
    research in modern theories of administration and state theories. Defending the values of the rule
    of law and taking action against the anomalies of legal formalism were among his major scientific
    goals. According to him, one of the most important functions of a legal system is the protection
    of human rights, therefore he accepted the view that courts must have the authority to review
    administrative decisions. At the same time, he stated that the effective and productive functioning

* Dr. Szabadfalvi J6zsef, egyetemi taner, Debreceni Egyetem Allam- es Jogtudomenyi Kar, Jogblcseleti es
Jogszociol6giai Tanszek, e-mail: szabadfalvi.jozsef@law.unideb.hu.


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