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12 Prof. Law. [i] (2000-2001)

handle is hein.journals/proflw12 and id is 1 raw text is: PROFESSIONAL LAWYER

CO CIHAIR:    Angfl,i M. lemnell
Kiansa City. Misoi
CO-CIIAIR:    Micalyn S. !larris
Ridgewooi, New Jersey
MIFE.IIS:    Mark A. Armitage
Dctoit. Michigan
John T. IHeny
I .1iioiig, MLhrigUan
Robert P Cummins
Chicago. Illinois
R.alph1 0. 1,1hol
I haifrvd. colti litul
Michael J Ilaherty
Chicago. Ihlinois
Alan GrUctr
Miami, I'londa
Richard G. Johnson
Cleveland, Ohio
Allan J. Joseph
San Francisco, Califorma
Henty A. Kelly
Albuquernq . New Mesicu
Gary Muncnke
White Plain.s, New York
Iotnald D. Rulanda
Champaign. Ilihnms
John Said
Akron, Ohio
Susan Wolfson
New Ielavn, Connecticut


)e,fine .' Gray
Arthur rarm in
Carole I. Moscow

COORI)INAIOR,       laurie Crime
Subscrsptons arm $30.(0 per year for ABA nicrens and
$35.1) per year for nonnmcmher. Subscnption mnquincs
should he directod to the ABA Service Center at I-81g1-2i.S-
2221. Reprint pennission requests shouhl he directed to
Rick Vittentn, ABA Puhlishing, 75{) N. Iake Shore Drive,
Chicago, IL (i601. 77w Pnfe,sirtal lany c,, (ISSN
10112:5675; ARA Product Code 462-0001 I 1h) a qtartcly
titgaritte civerinig inifesiiOltmit and ethical i ses and
etfftls of tar a.sri'iations, law rhlsl and lic judiciary to
increase ltiofmsmoalism witin ira legal profe-usion, is pil.
lished quarterly by the AiA Center for Professional
Responsibility  wmd  die  Standing   Cosorlsilee  ol
ufcrsiotahttsn. Suggestions for nu'dles wid LeltSn Io She
Editor should be .ent to ie I'mfei. inal itner Aincncan
Bar Associauan, 541 N. Firbanks Coul. Chicago, IL
60611.3314, or call (312) 988.5294 or PAX (312) 983.
5280. ie l'rnfearlonal Idnaier reserves die right to select.
edit and excerpt letters for publication. Visit the Center's
World Wide Wcb she at ltp://www.abanct.org/cpr.

F E A T U 1R E S
A Few Modest Proposals to Reform the Law
Governing Federa: Judicial Salaries
BY  RONALD   D. ROTUNDA     ...................................................................
Rule 11 Sanctions and a Lawyer's Failure to
Conduct Competent Legal Research
BY  M ARGUERITE   L. B UTLER  ......................................................................
Justice and Lawyers: Revising the Model Rules of Professional Conduct
BY  SUSAN  R . M ARTYN  ...............................................................................
Holistic Lawyers Hope to Transform Conflict Resolution
B Y  C AROI.E  L,. M OSTOW  ............................................................................

FA         Recent Decisions .....................................................................                                          18


Ask      ElhicSearch            .......................................................................                 25

Tie siews e.xpressed herein havre nt been appnrved by the Ilouse of Delegate or the Ioard of
G,irnlr u-,f the Anriia Btar r    irsairllt, arrcorhngl ; rould no t he ro d irrl cr tr.
sensog pli-e of ihe Americn tar Ausoriation
210 1 b) the American Bar A socatin  l The Priueisional Lito. er i printed on rmycled paper

Fall 2000
Voluate 12
Number I


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