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6 Pub. Cont. Newsl. 1 (1970-1971)

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Vol. 6, No. 1, October 1970


Paul Shnitzer, Editor, 1803 Cody Drive, Silver Spring, Md. 20902
              Moody R. Tidwell, III, Assistant Editor

by Carl F. Paul of the N.Y. and D.C. Bar

The Public Contract Law Section had three separate
programs on August 10 and 11, 1970, at the Holiday Inn,
Downtown, during the Annual Meeting in St. Louis,
Missouri. The Annual Luncheon Meeting on the 11 th was
piesided over by Marshall Doke, Jr., Chairman of the
Section. The Speaker was the Honorable James W.
Symington, Congressman of the 2nd District of Missouri,
whose address on Problems in Procurement was both
provocative and amusing. His selection was appropriate
both as a Missourian as a member of the Committee on
Science and Astronautics and as one who worked directly
in procurement while in his later service in the U.S. Marine
  The program that was superbly timed was the Symposium
on Cost Accounting Standards for Negotiated Contracts.
A Blessing or a Curse? Robert F. Keller, U.S. Assistant
Comptroller General was the Moderator, and before the end
of the session on the 11 th he was able to report agreement
on a bill by the Conference Committee, which was adopted
by the Senate. This Conference Bill was subsequently
passed by both houses, and has been signed by the
  William A. Newman, Special Assistant to the Comptroller
General, presented a thorough analysis of The Comptroller
General's Report of Feasibility. The report points up the
differences in the treatment of costs which can be very high
in amount. The Contractor selects tile Cost Methods to his
benefit and then changes them when it is advantageous to
him to do so. The Government selects Cost Methods most
advantageous to it. Cost Accounting Standards will resolve
this problem-with the objective of obtaining the most
equitable result.
  Mr. Charles I. Derr, Senior Vice President, Machinery &
Products Institute, discussed the genesis and development
of the proposal for Cost Accounting Standards. Industry is
concerned with the costs to it of adopting the Standards
that are promulgated and the dollar savings affectuated
must substantially exceed the cost of putting the Standards
into effect. Industry is concerned that tile legislation has
been adopted too  hurriedly-and that the President's
Commission on Procurement's recommendations should
perhaps have been obtained first.
  Alan E. Peterson, a partner of Andersen & Co., made a
  thought-provoking presentation entitled An Accountant's

Reaction - Feasibility and Desirability of Cost Accounting
Standards. He pointed out that with today's massive cost
overruns, large numbers of contract changes, and increasing
terminations and cutbacks, the need is great for Cost
Accounting Standards, which at present, he maintained, do
not exist for Government contracts. This is particularly true
since ASPR Section XV is a body of pricing rules that was
developed years ago-and is in considerable part, obsolete.
In the field of constructive changes for example, lawyers
have established firm legal principles. The proper principles
on accounting for changed work are yet to be expressed by
accountants. The Cost Accounting Standards adopted must
be of high quality and clear. Adequate time is required to
develop them, and all parties should be heard, with some
provision for a right of appeal. Fairness and reasonableness
are essential, with fairness preferred over consistency.
  Robert Beach, Vice President, United Aircraft, concluded
with a presentation coverning the need for savings under
Uniform Cost Standards, over the costs of placing them in
effect, and tile need for flexibility, as opposed to rigidity.
  Burton K. Philips, of St. Louis, was moderator of the
Symposium on Contract Terminations, A Revisit by the
Public Contracts Bar. A well documented presentation of
the effects of terminations for the convenience of the
Government in the St. Louis area was made by Richard D.
Fitzgibbon. The termination of the Manned Orbiting
Laboratory was a principal subject.
  Dr. Max Diamant, Chairman of the Board and Treasurer
of Missouri Research Labs, Inc., with effective visual aids,
presented tile plight of a small business with a contract
terminated amounting to 1/3 of its sales, where the loss
incurred exceeded the terminated portion of sales. He
observed that wherever possible no single contract should
exceed 10% of total sales, to avoid such a possibility.
  E. K. Gubin presented a workshop for use by industry,
with specific reference to forms. His documented discussion
of techniques in a prime's settlement with subcontractors
was masterful. He concluded with details of the record
needed by any lawyer to support the allowance of a proper
  The new Chairman of the Section, F. Trowbridge vom
Baur, was moderator for the Symposium: An All Disputes
Provision for Government  Contracts-Should Remedies
Remain Fragmented? For the clause,effective presentations
were made by Geoffry Creyke, Jr., and Robert Sheriffs
Moss. While Mr. Creyke favors an overall code covering all
aspects of public contract disputes procedures, until and
unless such a complete code is adopted, he favors an all
                                   (continued on page 2)

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